You know what though, I read recently that most Africans Americans in this country that are descendents of slaves DO NOT have any Native American ancestry. That the whole "I'm part Native American" is really just something that generations have passed down through their families. Actually, the number of African Americans that have some Native ancestry is quite low, plus, even if there was a relative, it would be like 1 person.
They also did a study on some Native American groups here in the United States to see how many had some African American ancestry, or a slave relative. And the numbers were like less than 1%
So actually, it has been showed that we have more white ancestry than we do Native American. And most African Americas don't even have a Native American ancestor or relative.
As how this relates to hair. Lots of times, we assume various differences in our grades of texture is because we are "part" something else. But we never take into consideration that there are numerous groups of African people, that are not "mixed" that have various textures of hair. And maybe instead of taking after some other race, maybe our various textures are a result of the different African groups that we are related to in our native continent. We just assume that the "looser" textures have to be because we are mixed. And this thinking just reinforces the stereotype that black people from Africa has "nappy" hair.
I mean after all, they put different people of different groups from Africa together when they were making their first group of slaves. So therefore, there would be some differences in the makeup of the offspring based on just that alone.
I don't know. Just throwing it out there