Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over it?

5 years?! That's one strike too many. Sorry not me! If he had this much disregard for your nuptials then is this side chick the only side chick? You might want to get checked just in case he brought any nastiness into your home. He cheated throughout your whole marriage?! I am sorry but you need to get outta that marriage like yesterday.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Because misogyny and double standards are real. :nono: I'm sorry this happened to you Misshairdiva and (IMO) the family members and "friends" who are discouraging you from doing what you feel is best and encouraging you to disregard your values are doing you a MAJOR disservice.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I think a huge part of it is that it's a man's nature to have to strong sexual desires that drive them to cheat. Typically it is not deemed something that women would do, although times have REALLY changed. A man that doesn't cheat has made a conscious decision not to by staying away from the temptations that would enable such behavior, and also realizes what he would be sacrificing in his wife/partner. I do believe that the 80/20 rule is true. I think that as women we have to try and demonstrate that 20%, in excess of the 80%, as much as possible given that it is reciprocated.
I agree that women aren't expected to cheat in the same way men are, but if a man makes a "conscious decision" to avoid bad situations, doesn't he also make a conscious decisions NOT to avoid them? Sure men have desires (we all do), but they also have the ability to control them. And (if I understand the blue correctly), since the man- not his DW or GF- makes the final decision about his behavior I think the woman who feels she can control it is giving herself a false sense of security.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I'm unsure of the answer to your question, but the first question that came to my mind after reading the first line of your post is: Why did you marry him to begin with if you knew about him cheating with the same chick???

She didn't know that at the time.

OP, it's because historically, men have been allowed to cheat while women were at home saddled with like 10 kids. Rather than leave the husband, the woman usually stayed with him as long as he was supporting her and the kids. She had a low earning potential and several mouths to feed. Women pass this advice to stay with cheating men to each generation.

I remember one of my ex-boyfriend's grandmothers telling me about how her husband cheated on her. She said that her mother told her to stay with the husband and to stop physically fighting him as long as the husband was taking care of her and the kids. I didn't think about it at the time, but she was conveying a message to me to let her grandson play around all he wanted.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I really do believe this "advice" has been passed on for generations. I met an older woman at a party when I was engaged to my dh. She was talking to me about her marriage and giving me advice on how to make it work. Her advice was basically accept all ish from him and everything would be fine :perplexed She told me that if her husband cheated and had another child then it was her child too and her husband knows it :blush: Dh and I discussed before being married that either of us being unfaithful meant divorce for us.

OP its ultimately your choice to make. You know what you can and cannot live with. Forget what your friends and family believe because they are not the one's dealing with it. Good luck, and I am sorry you have to deal with this.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I don't know why people do that. My ex cheated and his grandmother couldn't believe that I would give on my marriage. She advised me to work it out. It was at that point I realized the real reason older couples stayed married so long.

It's a man being a man is the way some people think.

My friend's MIL advised her not to leave her DH if he cheated & told her to expect it at some point. MIL's daughter caught her father (friend's FIL) in the bed in their home with his long-term other woman & 1 of the first things MIL told her son was not to tell my friend (son's wife).

I know a lot of older women who have been with their DHs for decades knowing that they have whole families on the side or their DHs had very public, long term relationships.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I think deep inside they want your lifestyle. From what I understand from your previous posts, you were a SAHW. So they think you should be willing to forgive and work on it, since he afforded you a cushy lifestyle. To me peace of mind is priceless, I don't need a cusy lifestyle to have peace of mind.
She didn't know that at the time.

OP, it's because historically, men have been allowed to cheat while women were at home saddled with like 10 kids. Rather than leave the husband, the woman usually stayed with him as long as he was supporting her and the kids. She had a low earning potential and several mouths to feed. Women pass this advice to stay with cheating men to each generation.

I remember one of my ex-boyfriend's grandmothers telling me about how her husband cheated on her. She said that her mother told her to stay with the husband and to stop physically fighting him as long as the husband was taking care of her and the kids. I didn't think about it at the time, but she was conveying a message to me to let her grandson play around all he wanted.

My ex-fiance's grandmother told me that after we finished having kids, HE should get fixed, not me. Her words were "that way you won't have to worry about embarrassing outside children." I asked her what about diseases...she changed the subject.

Needless to say, she believed that all men would cheat at some point. I didn't marry her grandson.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over


I believe @Zaynab is talking about this post here:

This post had nothing to do with the original post, but you may have been thinking about something else at the time you posted this reply or you may have posted it in the wrong thread... not sure.

I was just answering this IMO: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over it?

However, thank you @
Poohbear for answering my question without being unneccessarily curt .
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Is he STILL with this other woman?
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

yep so you got three options:
1.leave his behind
2. stay with him, forgive and forget
3. get a boyfriend

And the bolded is your answer OP.....there are plenty of women who believe that a man can't be faithful to save his life so pretty much they cope and deal with his unfaithful behavior.

Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

The reason why I asked is because I remember OP saying something like her husband made and blew a million dollars some people are reflecting cause they would stay for the money and the cache of being with a man that made so much money and would turn a blind eye.

you could stay
you could go (Take Everthing thats left)
Or you can forgive and forget and get a side piece also.

But I am so sure that would not go over well with him See how the double standard is Crazy uh?

Your happiness is the most important thing right now cause he already has his cake and he ate it too trifling bastid so maybe its time to find someone who is faithful to you
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I have never heard anyone say to forgive and work it out in person. Most of the times when I read about looking the other way and forgiving it's online somewhere. IRL the ppl I know are ready to bust heads and then they keep it moving. I don't know anyone married for a super long time though..
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I dont know but that bothers me. It's one thing if the wife wants to stay and work it out, its another thing to ell her to think about what she really wants, but I wouldnt advise anyone to stay with a cheater. Esp a 5 year affair having cheater.

I too think its a generational thing that stems from the days when women really had no power and were dependent on men to have a decent life for them and the kids.

Now that's not the case, but we still hold onto these antiquated ideas like 'its in a man's nature to cheat' and worse yet, we teach the men that its ok and the women to just deal with it.

I say its up to the woman if she decides to stay and go on with her marriage. Me personally, I'd clean his arse out and KIM.

slight side note: this is why I need to control the money. He aint gonna be sponsoring no sidehoes on my dime. No siree
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Now that's not the case, but we still hold onto these antiquated ideas like 'its in a man's nature to cheat' and worse yet, we teach the men that its ok and the women to just deal with it.

Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

My ex-fiance's grandmother told me that after we finished having kids, HE should get fixed, not me. Her words were "that way you won't have to worry about embarrassing outside children." I asked her what about diseases...she changed the subject.

Needless to say, she believed that all men would cheat at some point. I didn't marry her grandson.

So similar to a situation I was once in! This dude was always yappin about how he wanted to marry me but was cheating with some flea infested rats. His mother was like " I'm sorry this is happening to you" as if I was really going to allow an ING. I put an ED on that situation real quick, and when dude could only taste the curb I kicked him to, his mother got mad.

Yet another example of a man being raised wrong.

OP I'm really sorry this happenED. :Rose:
I couldn't handle it- the only way I think I could forgive him would be at a distance... That's very hurtful and difficult to imagine that for FIVE years ur spouse has been unfaithful. To me sex is so much more than "getting ur rock off" it's a high level of intimacy that when someone is married they should never "go into or let someone else in their body" I mean u r becoming one with that person!
I would serve him divorce papers immediately especially if I had been faithful while he carried on this affair! This type of thing happens all the time whether it being male or female

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Op, I remember youn saying that you started dating your husband while he was still legally married to his first wife. It's clear to me that this man does not feel like he should honor his vows. If I were you, I would think long and hard before you start listening to people telling you to forgive and forget. Some people feel like men have a carte Blanche when it comes to fidelity
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

He had been seperated legally for four years and she had a boyfriend when we dated. I met the bf so I know that this is true.
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Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Sorry that your going through this Op, but in my experience women who advice to stay with a man who cheats (and not just the once i'am refering to here) who are abusive etc, are those that wish that they can/could get out of their relationships. The fact that a women can leave an unhappy situation and start again happy/ier than before saddens many of these women who feel that they don't have these options which is sad.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Sorry you're going through this girl. I'm assuming yall are divorcing then?
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Sorry that your going through this Op, but in my experience women who advice to stay with a man who cheats (and not just the once i'am refering to here) who are abusive etc, are those that wish that they can/could get out of their relationships. The fact that a women can leave an unhappy situation and start again happy/ier than before saddens many of these women who feel that they don't have these options which is sad.


...besides we all know misery LOVES company!

I don't care if he eats my butt and has all the money in the world, I ain't staying.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Yes we are!

Good for you! Why get married a second time if you know you want multiple women? Just date different woman. Ain't nobody make him get married. I could woop his tail for doing that to you. You deserve more support than you are getting too. Why didn't he just marry the other chick in the first place? Ugh let me get out of this thread, I'm getting angry like I know y'all IRL.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Why didn't he just date me? I asked him this question and his answer was that he didn't want to lose me.. huh? Well, now he will lose me for life! Its called being greedy and selfish.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

Why didn't he just date me? I asked him this question and his answer was that he didn't want to lose me.. huh? Well, now he will lose me for life! Its called being greedy and selfish.
My heart goes out to you. I know someone that is going thru the same issue and her elder family members basically told her she should accept his cheating. :ohwell: They have been unhappily married since the first year of this 9 year sham because she found the phone records, cards etc. She is asking the same question. Why didn't he marry his ex that he obviously can't leave alone? He told her its her weight gain but he never stopped dealing with the ex and she has all the proof. I'm glad you love yourself enough to leave because he is a serial cheat from the looks of it.
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

I think a huge part of it is that it's a man's nature to have to strong sexual desires that drive them to cheat. Typically it is not deemed something that women would do, although times have REALLY changed. A man that doesn't cheat has made a conscious decision not to by staying away from the temptations that would enable such behavior, and also realizes what he would be sacrificing in his wife/partner. I do believe that the 80/20 rule is true. I think that as women we have to try and demonstrate that 20%, in excess of the 80%, as much as possible given that it is reciprocated.

Hmmm, society - not biology - determined that for women. She would have been beaten, ostracized, kicked out of society, even killed. Women have a strong sex drive and they do cheat. It's easier for men cuz society makes it easier. Many women don't do it because, if caught, what would they have to pay above and beyond what a man would have to pay? :yep:
Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

He had been seperated legally for four years and she had a boyfriend when we dated. I met the bf so I know that this is true.

Op, I'm sorry for your situation but separated legally is still married under the law and in many a religious society. You were dating a married man and now you wonder why he cheated on you too? Just saying.... maybe y'all should seek counseling to end this vicious cycle? I know you are hurt.
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Re: Why is it when the man cheats other people tell the woman to forgive and get over

OP I have to tell you there is some flawed logic here. First of all the terminology being used is all wrong.

This man was holding down two relationships with two women you and the other woman that is fact. 5 years with her and 4 years with you.

His reasoning and how he came at you was incorrect. Even if he was separated for 10 years he was still legally married it did not matter what the wife was doing.

You have some very tough decisions to make. I and others can give you advice but ultimately you will have to make the decision and live with it. If you decide to leave please have someone help you with the mental transition and healing. Seek counseling or if you have some very good "ride or die" friends lean on them for support.

When you get through all of this I hope that the trauma and drama do not leave you bitter and turned against all men. Once you are ready for another relationship set your boundaries and know what you will and will not deal with. Figure out what the warning signs are and hold true to your intuition.

As for your question, it is 99% of the time the woman that people expect to be the one to forgive and forget. Historically that is how we have been trained and what society has expected. But that does not mean you have to do that. It is your choice.

Wisdom can be valuable, learn from this. Keeping you in prayer because I know how earth shattering this is. I speak from experience.
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