Why do you post in the Hair Care Forum?

Why do you post in this forum?

  • Say word! There are OTHER forums? Stop playing!

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • I am only here to learn about achieving my hair goals.

    Votes: 15 19.5%
  • I know about the other forums but am all about my hair!

    Votes: 54 70.1%

  • Total voters


Dancin' on sunshine!
When I was a newbie I was constantly in this forum. Well, that is until I discovered the Entertainment (ET) and Off Topic (OT) forum. It might have taken me about 4 weeks before I discovered the other forums. My first ET thread was about Monica's son looking like a mini-Spliff star thug.

Do you post here because you don't know about the other forums or because you are just really into getting hair tips?

Personally, I need to be hanging out here more but keep getting lured away. Plus, some of y'all frighten me and I feel safer with the other forums. :look: :lachen::yep:
I don't post in the hair section much. But when I first joined I only posted here. I know what works for my hair now and post here when I see an update of something. I'm post now because it's your thread. I saw your name and thought "why is she over there".
:lachen: I thought the same D~

When I first joined I lived in the Hair Care board. Now that I have my regimen pretty much on lock, I hang out in the Entertainment and OT boards. I'm in lurk mode in the Hair Board with a comment here or there. I like update threads :yep:
Hey sis :wave:

I post over here periodically when I am in the dumps about my hair..hahaha..like now, I just cut my hair so I will probably be over here a little more until I get over it:sad:
Hey sis :wave:

I post over here periodically when I am in the dumps about my hair..hahaha..like now, I just cut my hair so I will probably be over here a little more until I get over it:sad:

Your hair will be even better. It'll grow back thicker and longer.:kiss:
When I initially started my healthy hair care journey I researched, asked questions and absorbed all the information available in order to gain an understanding of hair care, its science and various techniques’. This was followed by a brief stint as a Product Junkie which enabled me to find my staples. Now that I’m finally able to feel a little more comfortable with the knowledge I have learned thus far, I’m actually finding myself viewing the other forums and their great!
I most say you and your hair are beautiful!
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I still post over here all the time because I like talking about hair and I like helping people out.
i primarily post here because hair health/growth are my main concerns right now. I lurk in the off topic, fitness and makeup forums, and occasionally post in the ET forum. i spend 70% of my time here.
I still post over here all the time because I like talking about hair and I like helping people out.

And we love you for it!!

I post here because I'm still working to get my regimen down pat. I lurk in a lot of the other forums too though. My favorite so far was the Entertainment forum's review of BET's tribute to Michael Jackson. COMEDY!! :lachen:
Right now, it's all about hair for me, so I never visit the other forums.I haven't been tempted to either. Maybe when I reach my hair goals and am no longer in learn mode, I will venture elsewhere on this board.
I come over here to answer, not to ask. Nowadays I am in cooking learning to throw down, health and fitness getting my HS body back, makeup and skin care perfecting my smoky eye and clearing my face, and ET/OT to laugh at the shenanigans.
we had a thread like this b4. but i love to talk about hair. in reality, i have no one to talk to when it comes to hair and its many topics. but i too post on other forums. i know threads can sometimes get biased (meaning it depends on whose posting that can get much love or overlooked). but thats jmo.

lilsparkle said:
makeup and skin care perfecting my smoky eye and clearing my face

this is what i NEED to be doing.
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When I initially started my healthy hair care journey I researched, asked questions and absorbed all the information available in order to gain an understanding of hair care, its science and various techniques’. This was followed by a brief stint as a Product Junkie which enabled me to find my staples. Now that I’m finally able to feel a little more comfortable with the knowledge I have learned thus far, I’m actually finding myself viewing the other forums and their great!
I most say you and your hair are beautiful!

Awww.....thank you. :grin: I love the other forums. I still can't really say I have a regimen yet. :look: I do feel that I can answer many questions about haircare. Most of the time I lurk. :yep:
i like posting here because i'm trying to find a regimen that works for my transitioning hair. at first, i joined lchf so i could see the other forums folks were talkin bout. i got caught up in OT and ET sometimes, and a lot of the things said in there are so mean and ridiculous. i found myself absorbing more of the behaviors of the other posters, and becoming a mean girl, and i didn't like it. so now i stay away. i don't want to be that person that always has something negative to say, and thrives on making other people look bad and point out flaws constantly. i don't like negativity and tearing down of other women, and it was just dragging me down. i like it here because the women are nicer and more supportive.
I am an equal opportunity poster :grin:, so I post in I think every form. Some more than others. It just depends on what is being posted and if I want to respond.
oh, and i spend most of my time here and in the health and fitness forums. i also like to visit the makeup forum sometimes to look at makeup i can't wear, and visit the relationship forums because of the stories.
I don't stick to one forum. I just click on "new post" so that I see threads from everywhere. That helps because I spot good threads and can give tips as needed
Awww.....thank you. :grin: I love the other forums. I still can't really say I have a regimen yet. :look: I do feel that I can answer many questions about haircare. Most of the time I lurk. :yep:

Quit lurking :lachen: I’m sure many of us would love to see you post more in the hair care forum, I for one am one of them, your hair is beautiful and inspirational!
i post in whatever piques my interest in the iSpy :sekret:
i don't think i stick to any one particular forum.

i need to browse the Natural Living section more, though. there are some really neat topics over there.
I'm here 99% of the time. I've checked out other forums briefly but still find here the most interesting.

I've seen a couple of WEIRD threads in other forums which have made me run back to the Hair Care forum :lachen:
I post in the hair forum because I didn't want to just get my info and run off with it. I wanted to give back and help others. I'm so grateful for the information I've learned on this site. I'd rather not be one to just take take take and leave but to each her own.
I posted here because I'm trying to find a regimen because I'm transitioning without BC this time. But I am in health and fitness form alot too!
I mainly stick to the hair boards because I'm still on a quest to obtain my ideal hair. It took me 10 months before I really got interested in the other boards.
Because i wouldn't have have paid $6.50 just to talk about makeup or whatever, lol.

I wouldn't be getting my money's worth if i didnt post in the forum that actually makes this site what it is.
I post in the hair forum because I didn't want to just get my info and run off with it. I wanted to give back and help others. I'm so grateful for the information I've learned on this site. I'd rather not be one to just take take take and leave but to each her own.

Exactly. The only reason I post in the Hair Forum now is usually to answer a question - I've got my reggie down, and I've totally kicked the PJ addiction (brokebuttness will do that to a sista), so I just come back to help along.

It's the other forums that provide the LULZ that keep me coming back to LHCF. If it was jsut the hair forum, I might have dropped off, like I have on TLHC. :lol: