Why black men love white women?

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To say that black man are marrying nonblack women due to their hair is a grossly oversimplified opinion. By making such a comment, in some ways the OP is insulting black women, with a subconscious backhanded comment, supported by the same "white-girl-hair glory" that OP is accusing "black men" of.

Also, black women, do we really beleive that white women are doormats and we are not, 'cause we keep it real with our neck-turning realism? We have deluded ourselves to believe that's why Tyrone creeps around with the Beckster. Let me keep it 100 for some of ya'll....plenty sistas can learn a thing or two from "Becky" and vice versa.

If most of us converse with the man in the mirror, sadly we'll realize that we're responsible for what is going on in our personal dating lives. Then most of the questions posed by the OP will be answered. Black women are beautiful...with or without the weaves. But lets not fool ourselves into thinking that its as simple as hair. Take inventory of your own house and ask yourself how you REALLY view your own hair, race, feminity, etc.?

A lot of black women are in their own way, wasting valuable brain cells pondering over Becky. She ain't even thinking about us. But yet we have becomed so mesmerized by her supposed "power" over black men. C'mon.

ITA! I think we can learn a thing or two from her... like how to stand up for ourself without saying a word. Just walk right out of that door. She's stronger than we would like to admit.
Well...when my aunt was ready to divorce her husband, they got into this huge argument where he exclaimed "I only married you a$$ because you had long hair". She grabbed some scissors then proceed to cut off all 30+ inches and handed it to him in a paper bag........her justification: " now your a$$ no longer has a reason to stay" :lachen::lachen:

WOW LMFAO! :lachen::lachen:
Comments like these are just as depricating, if not more, than the black men you accuse to love "white hair" so much. Clearly you have unresolved issues with our hair.

I know many of us sistas are uninformed about hair care, but c'mon...take a step back and read your own comments. :nono:

I am mad at your siggie pic. :lol:

I know right!! I have that book at home (as I collected them when I was younger and refused to give them away) and I had to do a double take on her siggy! I was like what?!!!:spinning: That isn't the title on my innocent book at home:lachen:
I'm going to get stoned but I believe that hair is a part of it.

I'm a darker skinned black women and for YEARS I wore my hair very short (like Halle/Toni). While I never had a problem meeting men, once i started growing my hair out, I noticed a DEFINITE difference in the amount of attention I received from not only black men, but other races as well.

I've talked to several male friends and while they ALL can appreciate a pretty short do-ed, natural sista there is something about long, straight hair that is EXTREMELY appealing (feminine and sexy) to them.

My husband is a horny-toad when my hair is straight and I wear it down.

For years I fought this idea and dismissed it as a silly notion but my life experience has shown me that a LOT of men (black, white, whateva) ARE attracted to women with longer hair.
I'm going to get stoned but I believe that hair is a part of it.

I'm a darker skinned black women and for YEARS I wore my hair very short (like Halle/Toni). While I never had a problem meeting men, once i started growing my hair out, I noticed a DEFINITE difference in the amount of attention I received from not only black men, but other races as well.

I've talked to several male friends and while they ALL can appreciate a pretty short do-ed, natural sista there is something about long, straight hair that is EXTREMELY appealing (feminine and sexy) to them.

My husband is a horny-toad when my hair is straight and I wear it down.

For years I fought this idea and dismissed it as a silly notion but my life experience has shown me that a LOT of men (black, white, whateva) ARE attracted to women with longer hair.

Maybe longer hair makes you look more attractive though. I think long hair does make some women look prettier, sexier, etc. But then there are some that look better with it short.

But, I agree I do think men prefer longer hair for the most part.

There are women that don't get attention unless they slap in a weave. I think that is why so many women can't leave weaves alone.

But, I still think with BM/WM it is more than hair. Still, the number of black men that actually ONLY date white women is still very low, yall. But, what difference does it make? I don't have a problem when I see interracial relationships. I gets my rainbow love on, myself. It is not a big deal. For everyman that would not be attracted to me because of my skin or hair (or whatever) there are many others that think I am the 'ish. So who cares.
I was just sitting in class today looking at all the white girls, and most of them have bsl hair or apl hair. I figured it out, a lot of black men love white women and other races because of their hair nothing else that's it. We have beautiful facial features and age beatuiful, and we also have nice bodies that they would die for, so the only thing that black women are lacking is the length and health of their hair. I get a lot of men tryin to date me now because i'm natural and they think i'm mix with something because my hair was curly, my question is why can't black women have nice hair, why do i have to be mix, iam 100% black and nothing else and proud of it.... Men are fascinated with hair and that's why they love them nothing else, point blank, but with more black women joining lhcf they will be back on our jock like they were in the past.........:grin: So why do you think they love these other races and puting them on the map, but putting us down, saying we have attitudes and we're alwasys wearing weaves?

Sigh. I get just as many compliments and stares from BLACK men now as I did when I had MBL relaxed hair. And my hair is nappy, not curly.:grin:
I live in Chicago and I see about one interracial couple a year, and it might be black man and a non black woman or vice versa.

I always thought this whole black men loving white women phenomenon was exaggerated. What are the stats? I heard that about 94% of black men, marry black women.

I think a few black men might be turned on by the hair thing, but like some others have said, I believe it is deeper.

Some people really want to believe it, but yeah, it's very much exagerrated. :yep:
I'm going to get stoned but I believe that hair is a part of it.

I'm a darker skinned black women and for YEARS I wore my hair very short (like Halle/Toni). While I never had a problem meeting men, once i started growing my hair out, I noticed a DEFINITE difference in the amount of attention I received from not only black men, but other races as well.

I've talked to several male friends and while they ALL can appreciate a pretty short do-ed, natural sista there is something about long, straight hair that is EXTREMELY appealing (feminine and sexy) to them.

My husband is a horny-toad when my hair is straight and I wear it down.

For years I fought this idea and dismissed it as a silly notion but my life experience has shown me that a LOT of men (black, white, whateva) ARE attracted to women with longer hair.

attractiveness i can understand. my issue is with the OP using the word LOVE. my SO didn't LOVE me any less when i BC'd to 2 inches of hair, although he will openly admit he finds me more attractive with longer/bigger hair.
I know right!! I have that book at home (as I collected them when I was younger and refused to give them away) and I had to do a double take on her siggy! I was like what?!!!:spinning: That isn't the title on my innocent book at home:lachen:

:lachen:I know, I fell out when I really read it myself!
Maybe longer hair makes you look more attractive though. I think long hair does make some women look prettier, sexier, etc. But then there are some that look better with it short.

But, I agree I do think men prefer longer hair for the most part.

There are women that don't get attention unless they slap in a weave. I think that is why so many women can't leave weaves alone.

But, I still think with BM/WM it is more than hair. Still, the number of black men that actually ONLY date white women is still very low, yall. But, what difference does it make? I don't have a problem when I see interracial relationships. I gets my rainbow love on, myself. It is not a big deal. For everyman that would not be attracted to me because of my skin or hair (or whatever) there are many others that think I am the 'ish. So who cares.

I agree but why is that? My face, weight and wardrobe hadn't changed, just the length of my hair.

I have a very close male cousin who I battled with for years on the whole short/long hair thing. He said then and still maintains today that "black men like long hair." According to him they won't admit it b/c they'll get stoned since most BW don't have long, flowy hair but it's what they say when they're alone. *shrugs*

Personally I don't care why BM date WM. To each his own.
attractiveness i can understand. my issue is with the OP using the word LOVE. my SO didn't LOVE me any less when i BC'd to 2 inches of hair, although he will openly admit he finds me more attractive with longer/bigger hair.

On a side note... your hair is lovely. :)
attractiveness i can understand. my issue is with the OP using the word LOVE. my SO didn't LOVE me any less when i BC'd to 2 inches of hair, although he will openly admit he finds me more attractive with longer/bigger hair.

This was my point.

I was only speaking to what might be part of the 'white woman' appeal.

I think that BW who don't think that (rightly or wrongly) hair matters to BM are somewhat delusional. It does matter.
I agree but why is that? My face, weight and wardrobe hadn't changed, just the length of my hair.

I have a very close male cousin who I battled with for years on the whole short/long hair thing. He said then and still maintains today that "black men like long hair." According to him they won't admit it b/c they'll get stoned since most BW don't have long, flowy hair but it's what they say when they're alone. *shrugs*

Personally I don't care why BM date WM. To each his own.

I agree with that. Most men do. Not to say they would not be attracted to a women with short hair, but I think most men like it long.

I saw a poll online on a men's site about it. Most agreed that they like longer hair on women.
This was my point.

I was only speaking to what might be part of the 'white woman' appeal.

I think that BW who don't think that (rightly or wrongly) hair matters to BM are somewhat delusional. It does matter.

well i'll shut up then since we're on the same page :lachen:
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