Why black men love white women?

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For the most part, most black men still love black women.

Anyway, more men and women, of all races, are thinking out of the box and dating any one of the opposite sex they find attractive. And attractiveness is not just physical. There are other factors.

Hair is not everything, although we all know men love nice hair. It seemed that for the longest time, "nice hair" was women from other races and women with type 3 hair. If Hair were not such an issue we would not even have sites like this one up.

Times have changed. I think if more women concentrated on making themselves beautiful (inside and out) according to their own standards, ALL kinds of men would be attracted, including those black men that normally seem to only be attacted to white women.

It is not all about hair.
I am sorry but men aren't that dense. Yes, some are or maybe alot are, but no ALL. A woman's hair may attract them, but I highly doubt any intelligent man would evn ask for a number on sole account of hair. So you saying even if she has no teeth, pancake tits, 300lbs (no offense), then if she got nice hair, he'll holla? Come on!:perplexed

It's more than someone's hair that would make a man ask for a number. Period. Unless, they have a fetish or something.

We'll of course it's more than hair, i'm just trying to make a point that hair is a major point, like someone else said, black women date other men so their baby can have nice hair and so do men, I know it's other features that men like about women.. I'm just saying that hair plays a big part and in the african women community a lot are lacking this.......
>>>Reads thread..<<<

Damn ppl already trippin..oh well. I'm bout to throw the duece and bouncve on out of here.

While I'm not about to take back anything I said--don't take it THAT seriously ya'll.
It's just opinions, that's all. You won't agree with every single one...

I don't want yo uto think I'm picking or beefing but, some of these comments are very rude.

My mother is not white, but my sister is biracial and has long hair, it would hurt me to hear someone say these things about her such as "he only wants her cuz she light skinned or he has issues or her long hair" It's rude and ignorant.

I also know many black men with white women gladly married, so this is an insult and slap in the face to them.

No one would like for these things to be said to them so they shouldn't be said about anyone else, opinion or not, rude is rude.:yep:
We'll of course it's more than hair, i'm just trying to make a point that hair is a major point, like someone else said, black women date other men so their baby can have nice hair and so do men, I know it's other features that men like about women.. I'm just saying that hair plays a big part and in the african women community a lot are lacking this.......

I am not trying to argue with you or aynthing, but hair is just as important as breast, butt,legs, and face. It is an added bonus or something that catches the eye, not something you fall in love with.

Also, what men are you talking to? My husband did not fall in love with me (I am not white) for my hair, but he could care less about white women's hair, he just wants mine healthy. All men are different.
I don't want yo uto think I'm picking or beefing but, some of these comments are very rude.

My mother is not white, but my sister is biracial and has long hair, it would hurt me to hear someone say these things about her such as "he only wants her cuz she light skinned or he has issues or her long hair" It's rude and ignorant.

I also know many black men with white women gladly married, so this is an insult and slap in the face to them.

No one would like for these things to be said to them so they shouldn't be said about anyone else, opinion or not, rude is rude.:yep:

Honey, life is not all peaches and cream. We have an open forum here (within reason) and people talk about how they feel. Expect to hear some stuff you don't agree with.

I think you are getting too worked up about this. If you get this worked up about a topic like this one, you will have a heart attack from stress around here. Not all topics are like this one, be there are plenty of topics that may be controversial.

This topic is not rude, in my opinion. There has been no name calling or direct remarks towards anyone. Just discussion of a topic.

I thought you said you were going to close the thread because you were getting a headache. You might want to go ahead a step back and take a few breaths. It is not that serious.
We'll of course it's more than hair, i'm just trying to make a point that hair is a major point, like someone else said, black women date other men so their baby can have nice hair and so do men, I know it's other features that men like about women.. I'm just saying that hair plays a big part and in the african women community a lot are lacking this.......

First, your hair IS cute!:grin:
Not to come direct, but it is clearly unfair to put the blame of black men going to white women because of women who have no hair. Again, I say, there are a hella amount of women bald - headed and all, who attract a load of men. It's how you carry yourself. If you look good, than you do! I once dated men who's previous women were non black. No one told me, "Oh, I like you cause you got long hair." In fact, one of them prefered my hair short.
I understand what you are saying, and it seems that way from the outside. But, people are attracted to who they like. Nothing deeper than that. And even if it were, it's not anything we can prove.
I live in Chicago and I see about one interracial couple a year, and it might be black man and a non black woman or vice versa.

I always thought this whole black men loving white women phenomenon was exaggerated. What are the stats? I heard that about 94% of black men, marry black women.

I think a few black men might be turned on by the hair thing, but like some others have said, I believe it is deeper.
I am not trying to argue with you or aynthing, but hair is just as important as breast, butt,legs, and face. It is an added bonus or something that catches the eye, not something you fall in love with.

Also, what men are you talking to? My husband did not fall in love with me (I am not white) for my hair, but he could care less about white women's hair, he just wants mine healthy. All men are different.

ok, i'm talking about physical apperances, hair, breast, teeth, feet, whatever, it's all added bonuses..... i'm saying that hair plays a big part on your physical feature and men love it, if your hair wasn't so important and your crown and glory, why are you on this board?

So all white women are the same?

Let me get out of this thread. Some of ya'll sound ignorant as hell, really. No offense, but maybe some of you should talk to a black man who is dating a white woman and ask them why they married that white woman or are dating them, I doubt (if he is intelligent and truly in love) he would say "Cuz her hair and she jumps when I say so!"How rude and insulting.

What ever occured to liking someone's personality? Damn, this thread got me with a headache, I can't believe grown people are saying some of these things.....SMDH

No, and I don't know about the other sista you were referring to you, but I never said, nor implied this.
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It's not rude, but it is ignorant. I don't mean this in a belligerent way, but this post is just an excuse to say "I am getting more male attention now because my hair is ~*curly and exotic*~ and isn't that funny?" To even entertain the idea that just hair is enough to make a black man date a white woman is wildly immature and speaks to a stark lack of sophistication about social relations in general... That's all I'm gonna say cuz if I read these posts my brain will turn to mush in pure indignation...
IDK......To say that the big secret in black men marrying white women is hair is like them buying the whole store for a bag of green beans. The hair might be part of the intial attraction but I don't think its the deal maker in the long list of things that "most" people think about when deciding to marry.
I live in Chicago and I see about one interracial couple a year, and it might be black man and a non black woman or vice versa.

I always thought this whole black men loving white women phenomenon was exaggerated. What are the stats? I heard that about 94% of black men, marry black women.

I think a few black men might be turned on by the hair thing, but like some others have said, I believe it is deeper.

Girl where do you live in Chicago, I been living here for almost 3 years now and I'm orginally from Lousisiana, before I moved here I never really thought about interracial dating, because you see a lot of black men with black women, but when I moved to Chicago that's all I see, maybe it's the places I go, but that's all I see. I heard it was a midwest thing, but I maybe mistaken...
Honey, life is not all peaches and cream. We have an open forum here (within reason) and people talk about how they feel. Expect to hear some stuff you don't agree with.

I think you are getting too worked up about this. If you get this worked up about a topic like this one, you will have a heart attack from stress around here. Not all topics are like this one, be there are plenty of topics that may be controversial.

This topic is not rude, in my opinion. There has been no name calling or direct remarks towards anyone. Just discussion of a topic.

I thought you said you were going to close the thread because you were getting a headache. You might want to go ahead a step back and take a few breaths. It is not that serious.

No, I am not worked up, but some of the comments were rude to me. Me saying I had a headache was a joke, it's not that deep. But, did some of comments make me scratch my head, yes they did.

No, I am not going to agree with everything, but to me some of these comments are insulting. To say someone wants another race because of their hair, that is rude. Like they have nothing to offer a man, whether black or white anything but hair.

I guess I am just amazed someone would say a whole race of people have nothing to offer a man but their hair. That is rude.

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A lot of successful black men are marrying "others!":look:


But, don't the stats show that more of US (black women) are sucessful and affluent than black men?

Meanwhile, so many of us are still waiting for the chocolate prince charming who just so happens to be on the same economic and social status. I say more successful black women need to open up to more options. The more the merrier is what I always say.

I think more black men would take notice when they see black women not really caring so much who the heck they have on their arms. Men always want what they can't have, or don't have anymore.

Wait, now this thread is turning into an Off Topic one. :yawn:

So all white women are the same?

Let me get out of this thread. Some of ya'll sound ignorant as hell, really. No offense, but maybe some of you should talk to a black man who is dating a white woman and ask them why they married that white woman or are dating them, I doubt (if he is intelligent and truly in love) he would say "Cuz her hair and she jumps when I say so!" How rude and insulting.

What ever occured to liking someone's personality?
Damn, this thread got me with a headache, I can't believe grown people are saying some of these things.....SMDH

I'm not sure if you really read my post or not, but that is exactly what I did. I have lots of friends who have dated lots of white women and the general consensus is that they date them and some prefer them simply because they have a different type of personality, as you so stated yourself. Its a different culture, period. White women act different from black women, who act different from Asian women, who act different from Indian women. I am speaking generally, GENERALLY. I was oversimplifying things with my original statement and if you couldn't see that, then I don't know what to tell you.

Mind you however, there is a way to respectfully disagree with someone's opinion without catching feelings or being insulting. I simply stated what I have learned from talking to many people in this situation and from what I have seen with my own eyes. It is a stereotype I admit, but what do we know about stereotypes? They are based on some shred of truth.
The original post was so convoluted I can't begin to make a sensible response: It starts out pondering why BM are solely being attracted to WM because of their hair then goes into how the OP is getting added attention because of her curly, natural, nice hair and then ends by noting BM's thoughts on the BW's attitudes and weaves.

If y'all can make sense of it more power to ya :spinning:

But, don't the stats show that more of US (black women) are sucessful and affluent than black men?

Meanwhile, so many of us are still waiting for the chocolate prince charming who just so happens to be on the same economic and social status. I say more successful black women need to open up to more options. The more the merrier is what I always say.

I think more black men would take notice when they see black women not really caring so much who the heck they have on their arms. Men always want what they can't have, or don't have anymore.

Wait, now this thread is turning into an Off Topic one. :yawn:

Right, I think some black women worry too much about black men and what they prefer. I don't browse black male forums but I'm almost sure that its not about what black women prefer! Real talk!!
It's not rude, but it is ignorant. I don't mean this in a belligerent way, but this post is just an excuse to say "I am getting more male attention now because my hair is ~*curly and exotic*~ and isn't that funny?" To even entertain the idea that just hair is enough to make a black man date a white woman is wildly immature and speaks to a stark lack of sophistication about social relations in general... That's all I'm gonna say cuz if I read these posts my brain will turn to mush in pure indignation...

ok sweetie, my hair is not all exotic, I have 4a, 4b, - 4 z hair, trust me it aint like that, I just noticed the different reactions since it's not relaxed anymore........
I'm not sure if you really read my post or not, but that is exactly what I did. I have lots of friends who have dated lots of white women and the general consensus is that they date them and some prefer them simply because they have a different type of personality, as you so stated yourself. Its a different culture, period. White women act different from black women, who act different from Asian women, who act different from Indian women. I am speaking generally, GENERALLY. I was oversimplifying things with my original statement and if you couldn't see that, then I don't know what to tell you.

Mind you however, there is a way to respectfully disagree with someone's opinion without catching feelings or being insulting. I simply stated what I have learned from talking to many people in this situation and from what I have seen with my own eyes. It is a stereotype I admit, but what do we know about stereotypes? They are based on some shred of truth.

I'm sorry but did I qoute you? I don't even remember reading a post by you.

So, no I was not talking to you when I responded with either of my posts.

Not trying to be rude, but I was not talking specifically to you, I was just posting in the thread. I'll go back and read your posts, b/c you coming at me like I quoted you or something.


ETA: Okay first page about the "jump" thing. Yes, to me I don't agree with that. But, I stated my point about that and moved on, the rest of my posts and except that one line in particular in that post I wrote, have nothing to do with yours and weren't referring to you.
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I'm sorry but did I qoute you? I don't even remember reading a post by you.

So, no I was not talking to you when I responded with either of my posts.

Not trying to be rude, but I was not talking specifically to you, I was just posting in the thread. I'll go back and read your posts, b/c you coming at me like I quoted you or something.


You didn't use the "quote" button so-to-speak, but you threw in the bit about me saying "jump, how high", etc. Its np, I just wanted to clear things up. I like to consider myself to be pretty worldly and in no way, shape or form want anyone thinking I am that ignorant or rude :/
please, now less be real, men are physical in nature, the personality comes afterwards, they first have to see you and men do love hair and most black women do have jacked up hair, just look in the streets, I wasn't tryting to be rude, and i didn't say that they were dumb blondes, I have a lot of white friends and most of them have long hair and men like long hair that's all I was saying........
Careful now...
I'm sorry but did I qoute you? I don't even remember reading a post by you.

So, no I was not talking to you when I responded with either of my posts.

Not trying to be rude, but I was not talking specifically to you, I was just posting in the thread. I'll go back and read your posts, b/c you coming at me like I quoted you or something.


ETA: Okay first page about the "jump" thing. Yes, to me I don't agree with that. But, I stated my point about that and moved on, the rest of my posts and except that one line in particular in that post I wrote, have nothing to do with yours and weren't referring to you.

Liyah, girl, we are just having a discussion! This is not a one on one chat session. We all participate in the conversations. If I am not mistaken, in one your posts you said "some of you" and said that you cannot believe some of the comments. That is going to open up a response from multiple people.

Also, I think you have missed most of the comments here. Most ps us do not think hair is the reason most black men in interracial relationship do it. did you see all of them other comments. I think you are extracting what you don't like, making a big deal of it, and missing the smart, intelligent discussion, as a whole.

Even the OP, posed a question asking our opinions on the matter. She told us what her thoughts were but she did not really force anything or make too much of a closed minded opinion.

Actually I prefer people asking opinions. Sometimes hearing what others have to say can help you decide what you really want to take from it in the end.
You didn't use the "quote" button so-to-speak, but you threw in the bit about me saying "jump, how high", etc. Its np, I just wanted to clear things up. I like to consider myself to be pretty worldly and in no way, shape or form want anyone thinking I am that ignorant or rude :/

I edited my post. i found your post, and yes I disagreed with that comment. But, to be honest that wasn't what I considered rude or ignorant. Did you comment make me scratch my head? Yes, but that's about it.

Buts its your opinion and you can state it, please take no offense to my post. Your comment was so small I forgot I read it.

Sorry if I offended you.
Liyah, girl, we are just having a discussion! This is not a one on one chat session. We all participate in the conversations. If I am not mistaken, in one your posts you said "some of you" and said that you cannot believe some of the comments. That is going to open up a response from multiple people.

Also, I think you have missed most of the comments here. Most ps us do not think hair is the reason most black men in interracial relationship do it. did you see all of them other comments. I think you are extracting what you don't like, making a big deal of it, and missing the smart, intelligent discussion, as a whole.

Even the OP, posed a question asking our opinions on the matter. She told us what her thoughts were but she did not really force anything or make too much of a closed minded opinion.

Actually I prefer people asking opinions. Sometimes hearing what others have to say can help you decide what you really want to take from it in the end.

Maybe you are right, I may be missing some of the points. But, I just can't wrap my brain around her first post nor around why people care who other people date. This hits close to home for me due to my family being all "mixed up". I did read others say hair is not the only things, but also many others seemed to be "downing" white women or something. No they didn't say it out and blunt and bold, but they "said" it.

I am not new to forums but I am new to these kinds of topics, I have never heard people say these things. But, please believe I am not upset or mad about the opinions stated.
I was just sitting in class today looking at all the white girls, and most of them have bsl hair or apl hair. I figured it out, a lot of black men love white women and other races because of their hair nothing else that's it. We have beautiful facial features and age beatuiful, and we also have nice bodies that they would die for, so the only thing that black women are lacking is the length and health of their hair. I get a lot of men tryin to date me now because i'm natural and they think i'm mix with something because my hair was curly, my question is why can't black women have nice hair, why do i have to be mix, iam 100% black and nothing else and proud of it.... Men are fascinated with hair and that's why they love them nothing else, point blank, but with more black women joining lhcf they will be back on our jock like they were in the past.........:grin: So why do you think they love these other races and puting them on the map, but putting us down, saying we have attitudes and we're alwasys wearing weaves?
OT, but I was looking at your fotki, how long did it take for you to go from BC to the legnth you have now?
Maybe you are right, I may be missing some of the points. But, I just can't wrap my brain around her first post nor around why people care who other people date. This hits close to home for me due to my family being all "mixed up". I did read others say hair is not the only things, but also many others seemed to be "downing" white women or something. No they didn't say it out and blunt and bold, but they "said" it.

I am not new to forums but I am new to these kinds of topics, I have never heard people say these things. But, please believe I am not upset or mad about the opinions stated.

Girl, there are so many ladies on this board with families just like yours. There are also many women here who are married and date inter-racially. As a matter of fact, I think the percentage of women here that do is much larger than the general population of black women. Also, many of us have multi-racial children (like my son).

This board is tame about racial issues compared to the stuff that is lurking out here on the web. But, we do pretty much agree to disagree around here. And we rarely hold against a lady for the one thing (or two or three :lol:) she believes that we disagree on. This thread will be old news soon and we will all move on, but then there will be another that crops up.

I say, enjoy it for the openness. Enjoy it for the realness. You don't always get there in real life.
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