Why black men love white women?

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I agree but why is that? My face, weight and wardrobe hadn't changed, just the length of my hair.

I have a very close male cousin who I battled with for years on the whole short/long hair thing. He said then and still maintains today that "black men like long hair." According to him they won't admit it b/c they'll get stoned since most BW don't have long, flowy hair but it's what they say when they're alone. *shrugs*

Personally I don't care why BM date WM. To each his own.

I think this may be right! I NEVER had a problem with getting attention with my short hair, in fact my SO really loved it and many others. However I will always say, if they like me short, they will probably LOVE me long!:lachen::lachen: I'm not disagreeing with the facts, but I really didn't have a problem. ANd I tell you what, if I did walk up to a man and asked him out, I highly doubt he will tell me, "No, because you ain't got long hair." And lastly, I don't care what most men think, if I like it, and SO still thinks I'm sexy, then I don't give a jack. Now...where's my BT!?:lachen::lachen:
I don't agree that black men LOVE white women, it's over hyped. How many of us have found black men looking and checkin us out with their white women next to them!

I think when we start loving ourselves and our hair we atrract everybody(black, white, hispanic, etc) I know men are attracted to confidence and when a women shows confidence, is flirty, knows herself and can make a man feel confident about his self, she can pull whether she is black, white, hispanic, short hair, long hair, whatever.

OOps thats the secret!

I think because women of other cultures aren't told they have to look like another culture of people and scolded about their hair like we have been they grow up with a little more advantage frome the start because society has set up a healthier enviorment for them to grow up in and they tend to have more confidence in certain area's, while we are learning to overcome insecurities and frustrations that some of our own families haven't made through yet.

But it is a new day and the truth is out! The world doesn't know what is coming! We have been told a lie and it is time for the true beauties to stand up and show our glory and what GOD has mad us to be. If other cultures can't handle it to bad! PERIOD! We will be what he created us to be in confidence.

I believe when we really learn who we are and see as a people, black men and black women, who we really are. See our gifts and talents, we will never compare ourselves to another people and this issue will not exist.

I get the same amount of attention natural as I did when I had a relaxer. GOD showed me to just be me and I started learning to when I became natural. Who I am attracts the opposite sex, no matter what culture he is, and I know that! That is the key!

NO I don't fit the world standard as the model women, but that what I like, I am me and still attract by just being me! That's the beauty the world doesn't understand! Men are just attracted to it!
THis is long but worth reading. Here is another black man's opinion. . Sorry I had to copy and paste

>Subject: white Woman's Opinion of Black Women
>White Woman's Opinion of Black Women
>White women's opinion of black women & a brother's response
>Please take a moment and read this. Pretty Deep! Thumbs up
>to this black man. It seems that an article was written to
>Sister 2 Sister magazine by a
>Caucasian woman who requested a response from black men. I'm
>so glad she got
>What she asked for (and more)!!!
>Dear Jamie:
>I'm sorry but I would like to challenge some of your Black
>male readers.
>I am a White female who is engaged to a Black
>male-good-looking, educated
>and loving. I just don't understand a lot of Black female's
>attitudes about
>our relationship.
>My man decided he wanted me because the pickings amongst
>Black women were
>slim to none. As he said they were either too fat, too loud,
>too mean, too
>argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too
>much excess baggage.
>Before I became engaged, whenever I went out I was
>constantly approached by
>Black men, willing to wine and dine me and give me the
>world. If Black women
>are so up in arms about us being with their men, why don't
>they look at themselves and make some changes.
>I am tired of the dirty looks I get and snide remarks when
>we're out in public. I would like to hear from some Black
>men about why we are so appealing and coveted by them.
>Bryant Gumbel just left his wife of 26 years for one of us
>Charles Barkley,
>Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams,
>Quincy Jones,
>James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, Kofi Anan
>, Cuba Gooding
>Jr., Don Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry
>Fishbu rne, Wesley Snipes...
>I could go on and on. But, right now, I'm a little angry and
>that is why I
>wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with us White women
>because so many of
>your men want us. Get your acts together and learn from us
>and we may lead
>you to treat your men better. If I'm wrong, Black men, let
>me know. Disgusted White Girl, Somewhere in VA
>Dear Jamie:
>I would like to respond to the letter written by A Disgusted
>White Girl.
>Let me start by saying that I am a 28-year old black man. I
>graduated from
>one of the most prestigious universities in Atlanta, Georgia
>with a Bachelor
>of Arts Degree in Business Management. I have a good job at
>a major corporation and have recently purchased a house. So,
>I consider myself to be
>among the ranks of successful black men.
>I will not use my precious time to slander white people. I
>just want to set
>the record straight of why black men date white women. Back
>in the day, one
>of the biggest reasons why black men dated white women was
>because they were
>considered easy.
>The black girls in my neighborhood were raised in the
>church. They were very
>strict about when they lost their virginity and who they
>lost it to. Because
>of our impatience to wait, brothers would look for someone
>who would give it
>up easy without too much hassle. So, they turned to the
>white girls. Nowadays, in my opinion, a lot of brothers
>date white women because they are
>docile and easy to control. A lot of black men, because of
>insecurities, fears, and overall weaknesses, have become
>intimidated by the strength of
>our black women. We are afraid that our woman will be more
>successful than
>us, make more money than us, drive nicer cars and own bigger
>houses. Because
>of this fear, many black men look for a more docile woman.
>Someone we can
>I have talked to numerous black men and they continuously
>comment on how easy it is to control and walk over their
>white women. I just want to set
>the record straight. I want A Disgusted White Girl to know
>that not all successful black men date white women.
>Brothers like Ahmad Rashad, Denzel Washington, Michael
>Jordan, Morris Chestnut, Will Smith, Blair Underwood,
>Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Samuel L.
>Jackson, and Chris Rock all married strong black women And,
>to flip the script, there are numerous white men, in and out
>of the spot light, who openly or secretly desire black women
>over white women. Ted Danson, Robert
>DeNiro, and David Bowie to name a few.
>I just don't want a disgusted white girl to be misinformed
>Stop thinki ng that because you are white that you are some
>type of goddess. Remember, when
>black Egyptian Queens like Hatsepshut and Nitorcris were
>ruling Dynasties
>and armies of men in Egypt, you were over in the caves of
>Europe eating raw
>meat and beating each other over the head with clubs. Read
>your history!
>It was the black woman that taught you how to cook and
>season your food. It
>was the black woman that taught you how to raise your
>children. It was black
>women who were breast feeding and raising your babies during
>slavery. It is the black woman that had to endure
>watching their fathers, husbands,
>and children beaten, killed, and thrown in jail. Black women
>were born with
>two strikes against them: being black and being a woman. And
>, through all
>this, Still They Rise!
>It is because of the black women's strength, elegance, power
>, love and beauty that I could> never> date anyone except my
>black Queen. It is not just the outer beauty that captivates
>and draws me to them. It is not the
>fact that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades
>that I love them.
>Their inner beauty is what I find most appealing about black
>women. Their
>strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls, their integrity,
>their ability to
>overcome great obstacles, their willingness to stand for
>what they believe
>in, and their determination to succeed and reach their
>highest potential while enduring great pain and suffering is
>why I have fallen in love with
>black women.
>I honestly believe that your anger is geared more toward
>jealousy and envy
>more so than snotty looks. If this were not so, then why do
>you continuously
>go to tanning salons to darken your skin? If you are so
>proud to be white,
>then why don't you just be happy with your pale skin? Why do
>you continue to
>inject your lips, hips, and breasts with unnatural and
>dangerous substances
>so you can look fuller and more voluptuous?
>I think that your anger is really a result of you wanting to
>have what the
>black woman has.
>BOTTOM LINE: If I were looking for a docile woman, someone I
>can walk over
>and control, I would give you a call. But, unfortunately, I
>am looking for a
>Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a good wife and mother
>to my children.
>Someone who can be my best friend and understands my
>struggles. I am looking
>for a soul mate. I am looking for a sister and;
>unfortunately, you do not
>and CANNOT fit the bill.
>No offense taken, none given.
>Signed, Black Royalty

Simple we have been conditioned that black is bad and white is right. Folks that cannot see through or work through this conditioning fall into the trap. However, there are a growing number of us who love who we are and have open hearts to accept everyone. So you have those who go white because they think its better and you have those who appreciate who they are and will date any person from any race because they have a strong sense of self love and love for others.
You'll can think what ever you'll want to think, love, like, whatever, there are many black men who like white girls and hair is one of them, but not all, there are of course other issuses, I was just focusing on that point, because its a hair board, I see some of the women on here have self-esteem issues, to get all mad at this posting for no reason. Some of you are acting like long hair is bad, if that was the case, why are you on this board to get long hair........ saying men like white women because they have long hair, men love long hair all of them do, If you watch Tyra where they had all men in the audience, they all raised their hand saying they prefer long hair over short hair and we all know that a lot of black women have a problem growing their hair because we were misinformed about hair care, that's why we are all on here to grow............but whatever, think what you want...
What? That has to be the rudest thing to say about someone, that someone is dating them b/c of their hair. How about intelligence, conversation, kindness, great companionship and those things. I mean white women are not dumb blondes and it is rude to assume or insinuate so.

They like white women for the same reason they like black women or any other women for that matter.

Would you like it if someone said "That white man with you for your hair!" Like you have nothing else to offer any body. SMDH!:nono:

Liyah- You have to admit there are some men like that. I was watching Tyra yesterday and the guy had 4 attractive ladies to use from. To me he picked the least attractive women because he was attracted to her hair.

So all white women are the same?

Let me get out of this thread. Some of ya'll sound ignorant as hell, really. No offense, but maybe some of you should talk to a black man who is dating a white woman and ask them why they married that white woman or are dating them, I doubt (if he is intelligent and truly in love) he would say "Cuz her hair and she jumps when I say so!" How rude and insulting.

What ever occured to liking someone's personality? Damn, this thread got me with a headache, I can't believe grown people are saying some of these things.....SMDH

Liayh- I have asked and most say that white women are easy to get with. They spend their money on their man. They are more freakier in the bed. Not my opinion but the opinion of brothers I have spoken to.
For the most part, most black men still love black women.

Anyway, more men and women, of all races, are thinking out of the box and dating any one of the opposite sex they find attractive. And attractiveness is not just physical. There are other factors.

Hair is not everything, although we all know men love nice hair. It seemed that for the longest time, "nice hair" was women from other races and women with type 3 hair. If Hair were not such an issue we would not even have sites like this one up.

Times have changed. I think if more women concentrated on making themselves beautiful (inside and out) according to their own standards, ALL kinds of men would be attracted, including those black men that normally seem to only be attacted to white women.

It is not all about hair.

Valid point. We need to work on making us the best female we can be. We need to work on being approachable and joy to be around.
Ok well i'm glad everyone is happy and in agreement but i'm a little said and frustrated that the OP barely showed her face in this thread... i'm sure she read it.... and i hope she learned a lot...

anywho naemone, i knew i shouldn't have read it!... that man certainly didn't make us sound any better... he just sound like a straightup... negro-supremacist!... talkin bout egyptian queens and cave men, and white women being doormats, and about white women tanning to look black... we all no why those statements are ig'nant so i wont even go into it... i'm just said cuz i know there is sum young impressionable mind out there flippin through sister 2 sister going "mmmmhhmmm that's is SO true... they all just wanna be black aaaaanyway... that's rite i'm black royalty....":lachen:
We all do have different cultures, I agree with that. But, those IMO are based on where we live, where we came fom, and our family background (which is all different). I seriously don't agree that black people have a specific culture or races have specific cultures, b/c not all white or black people come from the same place. I know we all originally did, but you know what I mean. Not all black people are in touch with "Africa".:lachen:

Such as :All white people like "POP" music, well so do a lot of black people.

All black people like rap, well so do a lot of white people.

Everyone is different, every family is different. So to assume anything about anyone before personally knowing them, no matter what it is, isn't right and you will more than likely end up being surprised. Not all black women are saucey and sassy. Lots of black women get taken advantage of and end up dealing with domestic violence and are afraid to speak up. A lot of black women take "stuff" from men and don't speak up about it, lots.

So, boldness, is not something all black women have, we are all different and that may just be how I view things, not rying to make you agree or anything. But, like Isaid before no 2 people are exactly alike just b/c of their color.

I don't like rap music:grin: just thought I would share that:drunk:
Ok well i'm glad everyone is happy and in agreement but i'm a little said and frustrated that the OP barely showed her face in this thread... i'm sure she read it.... and i hope she learned a lot...

anywho naemone, i knew i shouldn't have read it!... that man certainly didn't make us sound any better... he just sound like a straightup... negro-supremacist!... talkin bout egyptian queens and cave men, and white women being doormats, and about white women tanning to look black... we all no why those statements are ig'nant so i wont even go into it... i'm just said cuz i know there is sum young impressionable mind out there flippin through sister 2 sister going "mmmmhhmmm that's is SO true... they all just wanna be black aaaaanyway... that's rite i'm black royalty....":lachen:

If you click on my link in my fotki you can see my face, i'm not hiding at all. and some of the repsones, I agreed with, I was just talking about physical apperances. I said that black women have beatuiful features, and the one thing that is lacking is hair care..... please read carefully, and don't assume that I think men want women because of their hair. I guess race is a touchy subject, but we all have opinions about it...
Liayh- I have asked and most say that white women are easy to get with. They spend their money on their man. They are more freakier in the bed. Not my opinion but the opinion of brothers I have spoken to.

please EXCUSES. i know plenty of black chicks that do the same mess. :lachen:
You'll can think what ever you'll want to think, love, like, whatever, there are many black men who like white girls and hair is one of them, but not all, there are of course other issuses, I was just focusing on that point, because its a hair board, I see some of the women on here have self-esteem issues, to get all mad at this posting for no reason. Some of you are acting like long hair is bad, if that was the case, why are you on this board to get long hair........ saying men like white women because they have long hair, men love long hair all of them do, If you watch Tyra where they had all men in the audience, they all raised their hand saying they prefer long hair over short hair and we all know that a lot of black women have a problem growing their hair because we were misinformed about hair care, that's why we are all on here to grow............but whatever, think what you want...

:lachen::lachen::lachen: At this entire post, especially where you're using Tyra banks as your data source.

+5 cool points for entertaining me
If you click on my link in my fotki you can see my face, i'm not hiding at all. and some of the repsones, I agreed with, I was just talking about physical apperances. I said that black women have beatuiful features, and the one thing that is lacking is hair care..... please read carefully, and don't assume that I think men want women because of their hair. I guess race is a touchy subject, but we all have opinions about it...

aaaaah there you are OP.

i think when she said "showed your face" she meant posting in the thread, not saying you were hiding. :yep:

of course race is a touchy subject! :drunk: personally i say if you love someone that's what matters. why say black men LOVE white women because of their hair? attracted to them because of it, maybe. but LOVE them for it? that's rather insulting, not to me but to white women in true loving relationships with black men.
please EXCUSES. i know plenty of black chicks that do the same mess. :lachen:

Yep, but that is the excuse they say all the time. It is irritating because you should be with someone because you love them. We know in this culture of "me" we want people to always cater to us.
...some of the repsones, I agreed with, I was just talking about physical apperances. I said that black women have beatuiful features, and the one thing that is lacking is hair care..... please read carefully, and don't assume that I think men want women because of their hair. I guess race is a touchy subject, but we all have opinions about it...

Didn't you say in your first post that a lot of black men love white women and other races because of their hair and nothing else?

You're confusing me.
Yep, but that is the excuse they say all the time. It is irritating because you should be with someone because you love them. We know in this culture of "me" we want people to always cater to us.

yep i usually tune out people like that ho are full of horse manure. :lachen:
I didn't read through the entire thread and I wouldn't dare b/c there is only so much bashing of another person I can take and looking at the title of the thread I'm sure she caught some havoc.

I do believe that black men love long hair...esp. the ones in my family and my SO, he told me that the first day we met...my hair wasn't long then and it's not long now but he's still with me. (hey but I'm working on it) I think black men prefer other black women w/longer hair not WW just b/c of hair. I'll give black men enough of credit to say that those that choose to date WW do it for a mass of reasons outside of hair.
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ya'll leave that nappy headed hoe alone.:grin:


But for real though...like OP said, there are more serious issues going on in society to be caught up on what make my hair "prettier" than yours.

I could care less what women think black men prefer. I got a good one and he ain't going nowhere.:grin:
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