Why black men love white women?

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Okay I said I was not going to post, but this is ridiculous. I am going to say this , We as Black women are the reason why black men shun away from us. We are so concerned with hair and superficial things that we neglect what is real and true. That is love. Love of God and what he has created, Love of ourselves, and Love for our men.

I have found that the manner in which black men treat black women is a direct reflection on the relationship he has or does not have with his mother. We as black women have neglected our men and families. We need to begin loving and raising our male children with morals and values. Despite the relationship with thier father good or bad, we have to rise above the nonsense and treat our boys and girls with love and respect. If the relationship is bad, do not take your negative feelings out on your chidren.

Men will only do what you allow. So if you are on your game, you will not have a problem. Whether you are with your baby's father or not, hold him accountable and allow him to help raise your child. Once we as black women reclaim the black family, the attitudes of our men will change. Stop this nonsense about some dag on hair. We need to recongnize our internal locus of control and stop looking for scapegoats.


How about this question? Why are black women so obsessed with what Black men are doing all the time? Don't we have better things to do? Cant we find some other... more productive topics? Seriously yall? Can we?
How about this question? Why are black women so obsessed with what Black men are doing all the time? Don't we have better things to do? Cant we find some other... more productive topics? Seriously yall? Can we?

For real. If I see one more of these posts I'm gonna scream. They have a sports star/rock star groupie feel to them sometimes.
How about this question? Why are black women so obsessed with what Black men are doing all the time? Don't we have better things to do? Cant we find some other... more productive topics? Seriously yall? Can we?

This is probably the answer that makes the most sense.

Sistas!! Can we just give ourselves a nice, big ole, internal hug, jeeewhizzz.....laaaawdhammercy....

"He can cheat but why she gotta be WHITE?" "WHY WHY WHY, she got to be white!" "FATHER don't let her be WHITE!" "No he didn't cheap on her with a WHITE woman, hmm hmm!"


A white woman can have your trifflin' a%%!
>>>Reads thread..<<<

Damn ppl already trippin..oh well. I'm bout to throw the duece and bouncve on out of here.

While I'm not about to take back anything I said--don't take it THAT seriously ya'll.
It's just opinions, that's all. You won't agree with every single one...

I totally agree....

There's no need to get heated over folks stating their opinions
Okay I said I was not going to post, but this is ridiculous. I am going to say this , We as Black women are the reason why black men shun away from us. We are so concerned with hair and superficial things that we neglect what is real and true. That is love. Love of God and what he has created, Love of ourselves, and Love for our men.

I have found that the manner in which black men treat black women is a direct reflection on the relationship he has or does not have with his mother. We as black women have neglected our men and families. We need to begin loving and raising our male children with morals and values. Despite the relationship with thier father good or bad, we have to rise above the nonsense and treat our boys and girls with love and respect. If the relationship is bad, do not take your negative feelings out on your chidren.

Men will only do what you allow. So if you are on your game, you will not have a problem. Whether you are with your baby's father or not, hold him accountable and allow him to help raise your child. Once we as black women reclaim the black family, the attitudes of our men will change. Stop this nonsense about some dag on hair. We need to recongnize our internal locus of control and stop looking for scapegoats.

great post, BB. :yep:

Yall, time for thread to the history, though. :yawn:
BB- I disagree. We need to stop placing the blame all the time on black women. Black men need to make sure they are not teaching their young sons negative things about black women. My son never says negative stuff about black women. His father doesn't do it and his son doesn't. Boys need men to man up and them good things. Stop blaming a woman all the time for your problems. Black women ain't ish, black women do this and so on. Black women need to teach their young girls to not always belittle the man.
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