White Men

leaving my dominican salon I always get honked at and hollered at in spanish, that's when I know my stylist put her FOOT in it and did the *** thang.... LOL
ladies, do any guys actually approach you?

I get stares, but then when I look at them, they quickly snap their heads up to the ceiling.....to the floor.... it's as if they did not want me to notice them staring.

why don't they approach?
I just mentioned this the other day to my girlfriend. I went to Pittsburgh for a game and as I walked through the stadium (with my shades on of course - I didn't want people to know I could see them staring lol) I saw white men of all ages gawking and staring. This little white boy was like 8 and stared me up and down and all over lol.

This older white guy literally stopped traffic so I could walk by. it was a mess....and my hair isn't even considered long lol....
I dunno, i dont think white men really care that much about our hair.... it's just possible that we are sexy and men are taking notice of it, regardless of their race.
Hmmmm I'm half white, but I have not to this day gotten any attention, in regards to hair from a white man lol. At least none that I know of. Looking back the majority of men that approach me are black or Spanish. Maybe it's because I don't get out enough, or I'm just not aware of it. lol idk.
Men love long hair and they prefer for women to wear it down. Hair is a very sexual 'part' of our body, and I think we don't really see it as such because we don't cover it up (like we do our breasts and butts). It doesn't matter if it's straight, wavy, curly or kinky--if it looks long, healthy, and bouncy--it drives the men crazy.
You know what i've definitely noticed a difference. And can say that when the hair drops all eyes on me... LOL I had to throw a little Tupac in there, been listening to him all mornin hahaha!
These guys at my job noticed when I wore my hair out one day. All one guy kept saying is your hair got long!:shocked: I think they believe the lie that AA women can't grow long hair. My nape is past my shoulder while the rest of my hair is neck length. Since I've been hiding my hair, people really take notice when you let them see it.:lachen: This is the reason why I've decided to not transition. I want to see how long I can get my hair to grow.:yep:
Now why is there an Afroromance.com banner above this thread. :lachen:

Ha ha. I met my SO, a WHITE MAN, on Afroromance.com. In Drake's words, he's the "best I've ever had." :lachen: And, I have dated the rainbow, I tell ya. Anywho, I have noticed that Caucasian men do tend to notice when we have long/natural hair and seem to really like it. At least the ones I have encountered do.
I noticed white men look at me more, now that I'm a natural.

But a man can't tell the difference between a weave or a wig if it's done correctly.
How many of us LHCF ladies have noticed White Men taking obvious notice with our hair being long (ANY TEXTURE). I found one who had tried numerous times to get next to me. This isn't a white guy who gives off the air that he normally likes black women. This is a guy that I would NEVER in a million years picture with a black woman on his arm. His celebrity twin would be Jared from the Subway commercials:lachen:. I don't know why, but I feel like I am one of the first black women he has taken notice of and all of us can clearly tell when a man is seriously interested. Even with all that said, I love my golden brown hubby at home.


This sounds like an American thing. In Europe, Caucasian men are falling all over us, hair or not...groomed or not. They just see us as beautiful.

I will say that I've noticed that French men assume that I have a weave (they even ask me, which I find a bit offensive, actually, but whatever). In Germany, they just want to touch my hair and want to know what I'm doing to it.

My last bf (white) was like, consistently surprised when i'd point out ppls braid extensions and weaves. Even kinda bad ones. Some white guys dont even know what weaves are. I've had to explain t to more than one.

Did your boyfriend ask you if it was real or did you volunteer it? Are men really curious about women's hair being real or fake? I know they do want it to be real but do they automatically assume it's fake?

You know I notice this among women especially Black women. Not you in particular but in general. A woman is trying to be as feminine and alluring as she can and another woman is standing back pointing out to men that it's fake. :blush: UGH! :nono: I don't talk to men about what's going on with a woman's head like I wouldn't talk about their breast or cooter. Let us keep our feminine mystic. Men don't need to know everything about women.
I've noticed that both black and white males like my natural hair when it is in a fro. First time I had my twists walking to lunch a white man smiling broadly said.."Well, just look at you!" Later in the day an ex date said.."You look beautiful." I was very surprised; my relaxed hair did not elicit the same stares and positive looks:look: I have to admit I do carry myself differently since going natural so that could be the factor also.
Long hair is a very powerful symbol of femininity. I sincerely don't understand the surprise women claim to have when men(of all races) notice it and are attracted to it. Long, flowing, beautiful, healthy hair is gorgeous. Isn't that why most of us are here? Why wouldn't men notice that?
Long, flowing, beautiful, healthy hair is gorgeous. Isn't that why most of us are here? Why wouldn't men notice that?

Honestly, I can't say I'm here for that part. My hair does not flow and never will, but that doesn't make it any less beautiful.
I went to Pittsburgh ... I saw white men of all ages gawking and staring. This little white boy was like 8 and stared me up and down and all over lol.

it was a mess....and my hair isn't even considered long lol....

^^^This. So, my man and I were in Boston for the 4th, staying at a veeery nice hotel. As we're getting of the elevator (on our way to the bar where we got twisted, good times :) ), there's a little area with some seating. There's a (white) father and 2 sons. The older boy, who was maybe 8, stopped what he was doing, stared at me, and without moving his eyes, hit the other kid (about 6), and then he started staring. Then the father started. It was really quite ridiculous (to the point that my man commented on it, to me, not them, lol).

My hair is only slightly past my shoulders (in need of a trim), and I wasn't really "dressed", but they made me feel like Beyonce up in that piece. I really appreciate the love they showed me, lol. Sometimes a sista just needs some spontanteous love, and little boys are the harshest critics.
Ha ha. I met my SO, a WHITE MAN, on Afroromance.com. In Drake's words, he's the "best I've ever had." :lachen: And, I have dated the rainbow, I tell ya. Anywho, I have noticed that Caucasian men do tend to notice when we have long/natural hair and seem to really like it. At least the ones I have encountered do.

:lachen: Congratulations on finding romance. I do notice that most of the men there tend to really be attracted to the ladies with long hair. Interesting.........
Oh no! Not the afroromance.com banner! :lachen::lachen::lachen: : lachen:

White men have always taken an interest in me. Once upon a time I used to date them, but now I'm married to my brown Puerto Rican :grin:

I don't know about other states, but here in Boston I will get approached by a white man if I'm a certain weight. Any time I gained a little here and there they would go bye bye LOL Hair can be short, long, natural, relaxed... didn't matter but the weight did.

Girl you got yourself a Butter Pecan Rican! I was celebrating my birthday on the beach once and was telling everyone I was 16 :look: why I don't know. Blame it on the al al al al co hol. And this really cute Puerto Rican guy came over and we chatted and the next thing you know he's telling me that he loves my hair and it's not like most Black girls that have that nappy broken off sh*t in a tiny little ponytail on top of their head. I was like ummm :spinning: you got issues. I had to leave him there sitting in the water.