Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don't?

Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

I equate the process he went thru to get long straight hair with being somewhat effeminate. Other men who have naturally long, bone straight long hair (picturing someone from Dances with Wolveslolz) do not have to go thru any salon styling, relaxing, or flat ironing to have or maintain their look/locks. I cant see Antonio Banderas getting a roller set at the dominican nor pin curling at night...Snoop Dog, on the other hand is in press and curl City.

ah... it's the whole "styling" aspect. I'd have to say, thogh, there's something about "the look" that isn't cool either, regardless of how it got there.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

I equate the process he went thru to get long straight hair with being somewhat effeminate. Other men who have naturally long, bone straight long hair (picturing someone from Dances with Wolveslolz) do not have to go thru any salon styling, relaxing, or flat ironing to have or maintain their look/locks. I cant see Antonio Banderas getting a roller set at the dominican nor pin curling at night...Snoop Dog, on the other hand is in press and curl City.

:yep: I think like that too. But you know a lot of guys do have to do things with their hair. But it looks like they don't have to and my mind can disregard that.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

The worst is that their hair usually looks more healthy and lush than lots of women.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

It's because generally, men who do "extras" to their appearance (hair straightening, hair coloring, manicures, etc) are pegged as effeminate. Society puts more of an emphasis on women's appearance so when a woman alters her appearance (relaxers, flat ironing, coloring, etc), it shows that she cares about how she looks so no one bats an eye. On the other hand, society says men are supposed to be more "masculine" and their attractiveness is supposed to be more effortless (I also feel like hair straightening, hair coloring, etc are considered feminine so that may make it look weird too). So a man who takes time to straighten his hair is perceived as caring a bit too much about his appearance.
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Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

LOL I laughed outloud when I read the title of this thread but its so true. They do look weird. Remember Real and Chance? :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I wouldn't mind having his hair regimen but no I don't want to date a guy with long hair. Especially if its longer than mine.

On another note, black guys don't look bad with long dreds tho. I think the shiny straight look is just...well... feminine and high maintenance.


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Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

The worst is that their hair usually looks more healthy and lush than lots of women.

Yeah, that's annoying, isn't it!!
I guess it's because they probably don't do much with it most of the time?
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

On another note, black guys don't look bad with long dreds tho. I think the shiny straight look is just...well... feminine and high maintenance.

MMM...I find long locs to be the same. I dated a guy with them once (about APL-ish/BSL--LOL) The first time he flipped them back over his head, I was done. Long hair is girly to me. No matter what state it's in.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

I don't think that it looks weird. If the guy has swag it can be sexy. If he is like Antoine Dobson....???? Fail
THe problem is a good chunk of the small percentage of guys I'm seeing are like Antoine Dodson. So that's prob why it's a fail.

To be honest, I thought it looked strange with straight hair on black women too, but I'm used to it now. I never really saw a grown black woman until I was around 9 years old (odd, I know).
Thank you for your insight, Flowerhair. That's an interesting tidbit.

Well I have heard from some men that it looks weird on black women too.

I disagree that black women don't "look weird" with long, straight hair because I absolutely hate the flat-ironed look for myself.

Interesting. I never heard this before. I could understand damaged hair. But do ya'll really think that Beyonce and Kerry Washington and all of these other black celebrities with straight hair looks weird. I think they look normal as do celebs with natural hair.

Cause they look CRAZZYYYY!!! If a black man has long and straight hair 9 times out of 10they look like pimps or women. The only long hair on guys that looks good are braids (sometimes) but most def locs.




His hair is so gorgeous!! If that was in a bun, I wouldn't mind. Prince's hair looks jacked to me.

i just cant take a man with straight or permed hair seriously at all , its too girlish. The only man i ever i thought looked good with it was michael jackson .

I agree about Michael Jackson. But I think that has more to do with him being in his white phase at the time of this pic.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

I think long thick dreads on men are gawjus! But I think it looks ugly on women! I don't know why. It just is what it is!
I think of long hair being a feminine characteristic. Like having wide hips and breasts. I guess its also somewhat of a cultural thing for me too. To see a Indian,Hispanic or Asian man with long hair doesn't seem feminine to me, but on a Black or White man it does.

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Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Long, straight hair looks weird on most men.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

ah... it's the whole "styling" aspect. I'd have to say, thogh, there's something about "the look" that isn't cool either, regardless of how it got there.
Tbh, I'm not a fan of hair on men at all regardless of color...dont much like locs or fros on black guys either. But yeah its the styling that makes the long and straight look particularly strange for a black guy.
....Remember in some of those west coast hood movies where they had dudes riding around in old school cars, gang banging in pink sponge rollers??
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Tbh, I'm not a fan of hair on men at all regardless of color...dont much like locs or fros on black guys either. But yeah its the styling that makes the long and straight look particularly strange for a black guy.
....Remember in some of those west coast hood movies where they had dudes riding around in old school cars, gang banging in pink sponge rollers??

Yes, I remember that. And there was one rapper (big ol' roughneck about 2-fitty at least) back then who had BARRETTES in his hair!! :nono: I'm like WTH is that crap?! I was hoping it wouldn't catch on as another stupid trend for these guys and thank goodness it didn't!
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Lloyd's and O's hair look good in the pics posted. Everyone else can sit down somewhere. Prince's ends are hurt.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

i think it looks weird on a lot of black women too.:duck: i constantly see women that i just know would look so much better with textured hair.

as for straightened hair on black men, i think it should be illegal. it is highly unacceptable and inappropriate.:nono:
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

....Remember in some of those west coast hood movies where they had dudes riding around in old school cars, gang banging in pink sponge rollers??

Yes, I remember that. And there was one rapper (big ol' roughneck about 2-fitty at least) back then who had BARRETTES in his hair!! :nono:

YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

What's crazy is that the pics posted in this thread are of VERY popular celebrities with long, straight hair. So it can't be THAT weird and society can't be that much against it when so many exceptions are made. I honestly think a lot of women actually DO like men with long straight hair.

That's why when people like Omarion and Lloyd cut their hair, there was a lot (both good and bad) to say about it. Snoop wears a doggone rollerset and he's legendary. I forgot about Michael, he was walkin around lookin like Connie Chung about 5 years back!

Idk, maybe the average joe can't get away with rockin the relaxed look but there are too many male celebrities with that silky swang making billions for me to believe that "society" conditions us to dislike it.

Sidenote: I don't care if it's a male or female I like seeing healthy hair. I drool over it! I do however prefer MY men with long locs or curls as opposed to the straight look. I like him just the way he is, not pressed or relaxed, etc. :nono:
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Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

LMAO @ the connie chung comment!!!
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Most black men with long strait hair look gay.:lol: Sorry!:yep: MJ was the exception, but most from the pics get the side eye from me. They look like women with mustaches!:giggle:
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Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Interesting. I never heard this before. I could understand damaged hair. But do ya'll really think that Beyonce and Kerry Washington and all of these other black celebrities with straight hair looks weird. I think they look normal as do celebs with natural hair.

Some ladies (like Beyonce and many LHCFers) look nice with long, straight hair. On others it doesn't "go". If I do shiny swingy it looks like a sleek pelted animal has settled on my head.

As far as males, MJ kind of went back and forth. The Connie Chung period was unfortunate, but the Dangerous tour and the gold pants era...
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Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Some ladies (like Beyonce and many LHCFers) look nice with long, straight hair. On others it doesn't "go". If I do shiny swingy it looks like a sleek pelted animal has settled on my head.

As far as males, MJ kind of went back and forth. The Connie Chung period was unfortunate, but the Dangerous tour and the gold pants era...

Beyonce look alright with straight hair sometimes, depending on how blonde and long it is!, some people can pull it off, but for me , It doesnt do much to compliment my features , it looks kinda rediculous against my wide nose and full lips, like im wearing a wig or something. I prefer more textured or afrocentric styles.
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

Andre doesnt look bad or weird...

I find that bone straight long hair on any man is a bit striking and disconcerting...
Re: Why is it that black men look weird with longer straight hair but black women don

I'm glad this question was posed. Why do we associate femininity with long straight hair? Isn't that kinda sad?

If it looks ridiculous on Black men then what does that say about how we look with pin straight hair against our features?

I don't think straight hair compliments nearly as many women as some would be led to think, people have to take into consideration the shapes of their faces as well as their features, black women tend to think of it as a one size fits all and it aint! lol

I love long hair on a man, but it has to be natural I loooooovvvee long locs or a well maintained fro. We'll be natural together!:grin: