Don't be, babe. Guys do this sometimes, for all different types of reasons. I know you want to understand what went wrong, but it's a losing battle to try and figure it out. Just charge it to the game, and be glad that you dodged this bullet.
You did the right thing by standing back and waiting for him to make the first move. And he had plenty of time to do so, if he was truly interested. The fact that he never kissed you, claimed you as his girlfriend, or made any moves, shows that he was just using you for companionship and an ego stroke.
The only thing I would advise going forward is to be more open with your feelings. Don't be afraid to say things like, "it feels so good spending time with you," or "I feel so excited to talk to you every morning," or "I love how safe and secure I feel when you walk me to my door after dinner." Every moment is an opportunity to tell him how you feel in that moment, and men fall in love from their heart centers when you allow them to see your heart. Nothing more than that is's just a really authentic way of connecting with a man by being yourself.
You're handling this really well! Hugs to you...