My SO does not know how to save $$. Am I wrong for what i did?

I can't be mad at ya for what you are living your life and if he cares to participates with you, he needs to do his part. And since you are in a long distance relationship, there's nothing more you can do IMO
wrong for cancelling his b-day trip--no
wrong for planning a trip with your girls on his b-day--yes

BUT then again, i'd have called my girls to participate in the caribbean trip had he not had his money though so. . . .hmph! I am so not into getting played for my money. I HATE when folk assume that y ou got it so you got them. . .unless its my kids or my husband(which I don't have yet) I ain't got nobody.

im jus sayin
When people show you who they are, believe them. His actions are speaking volumes about character, financial responsibility, and maturity.
I don't think you should go on a trip with the girls on his b-day, but if he's had enough time to save for a trip and he didn't, I wouldn't pay his way either. Especially since he still owes for the previous trip and has the nerve to plan a second. No thank you.