When Does It Turn Into You Pursuing Him?

I think women may have to give men the initial signal that it's ok to pursue but then it's on them. Although my friends keep telling me times have changed and I have to move with the times, I firmly believe that men rise to the occasion when they want to. So if you put a little bait out there, and he doesn't take it, it's his loss. There's nothing wrong with giving a guy a compliment or saying hello or giving a smile because it's just being nice. You're just gracing him with your presence. Any man with half a brain who's interested will see your kindness and act on it, even if it's subtle.
I think women may have to give men the initial signal that it's ok to pursue but then it's on them. Although my friends keep telling me times have changed and I have to move with the times, I firmly believe that men rise to the occasion when they want to. So if you put a little bait out there, and he doesn't take it, it's his loss. There's nothing wrong with giving a guy a compliment or saying hello or giving a smile because it's just being nice. You're just gracing him with your presence. Any man with half a brain who's interested will see your kindness and act on it, even if it's subtle.

and i soooo agree
Me too. It's very discouraging. I worked with this guy who I had no interest in. We talked and we are from the same town. I knew his family but not him. This just has to be the one! Right? We went out and he went cold quickly? Can someone explain this? I didn't pursue him he pursed me. Oh yeah, I didn't give up the coochie. I answered my own question.LOL.