When did your hair first feel long to you?


Well-Known Member
It's a familiar tale of woe - when I was stuck at SL for years, I stared longingly at women at APL wishing I could reach it. Now that I'm there, it still feels so short! Now I'm eyeing MBL and WL hair swearing to myself that I'll feel like Rapunzel if I make it that far! :lol:

So I'm curious about others' experience of growing their hair - when did you think you'd feel like your hair was long? And when did it actually feel long?
When I hit APL for the first time I felt like it was long. But then I got to BSL, and whoa baby! That was long! :kiss3:
I was thrilled to make Apl since it was the longest my hair had ever been, but my hair didn't feel long until Bsl/Mbl.
I'm WL and still feel bald headed. Hair anorexia is real, y'all. :nono:

I see other ladies who are APL and their hair looks so long and beautiful. Mine just... doesn't. :perplexed

This is me. Bone straight, my hair is mid-back length but I still feel like its barely APL. In its natural shrunken state, I don't even reach shoulder length which bothers me as well. I don't know what its going to take for my hair to feel long. Every milestone just ends up feeling like the same. I do know that when I wear my hair straight it annoys me tho because its always getting caught in ish and blowing in the wind obstructing my vision! lol.

So to answer your question, I'm MBL and my hair still doesn't feel long in either its natural or straight state.

EDIT: I think I know what would make me feel like I have long hair. I've noticed that while my hair looks long from the back, when I pull it forward, that's when it feels short. If I were to pull all of my hair to the front of my body and ALL of my hair complete covered and hung below my boobs, I think I would definitely feel like I have long hair. And would enjoy it a whole lot more.
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Some of my hair has officially hit WL, but for me it's not enough to feel like I can claim WL. (It's uneven so it's only one section that's actually there) And it still feel bald even though the majority of my hair is MBL. I guess I'll feel like my hair is long when I hit HL or TBL.
Something about thinning ends just undermines my accomplishment. I'm MBL but won't offically claim it because my ends are weak. I'm growing my hair out to WL and then will cut back to MBL to get rid of the thin ends. At thick (root to tip) MBL, my hair will finally feel "long". My goal is still WL, though.
I don't have a lot of thickness/density so I'll always feel like my hair is NOT "luxuriously" long.
But when I stretch my hair above my head, it's longer than my outstretched arm.
My hair first long recently when I realized my curly ponytail now rests on my shoulder. My hair hasn't felt long to me since I big chopped!

Also...when I tried to do two french braids the other nite and freaked out bc I realized my hair was so long and thick....I had no patience to braid it lol :lol:

I won't be done with actively growing my hair until I reach hip length...I have about 2-3 inches to go.
My hair first long recently when I realized my curly ponytail now rests on my shoulder. My hair hasn't felt long to me since I big chopped!

Also...when I tried to do two french braids the other nite and freaked out bc I realized my hair was so long and thick....I had no patience to braid it lol :lol:

I won't be done with actively growing my hair until I reach hip length...I have about 2-3 inches to go.

Now. Lol!

When I outgrew my hair extensions...my phony pony is now shorter than my real hair and I slam my hair in the car door sometimes when it's straight. That seems long to me. When I look at my hair it doesn't seem long but I try to appreciate what I have.
I love these types of threads.
One day I straightened my hair and it felt so long.
The back reached waist length and everywhere else reached midback.
I'm surprised there isn't a full blown hair anorexia support thread! For what it's worth, I'm very jealous of all your long hair! I WILL be happy when I reach BSL...or DEFINITELY by MBL...probably :lol:
Something about thinning ends just undermines my accomplishment. I'm MBL but won't offically claim it because my ends are weak. I'm growing my hair out to WL and then will cut back to MBL to get rid of the thin ends.

Easy cure to thinning ends. Cut them and grease them.
When I hit BSL and slapped myself in the eye with ponytail for the first time. I truly realized I had a lot of hair when my front bangs that I've been unable to grow out for 15 years starting covering my eye and getting in my mouth. I also remember how much hair it is when I'm laying down relaxing somewhere and my SO or kids lay on it. :drunk:
I'm MBL and my hair only feels long-ish because I could fit an old shrunken twist out into a nice sized pony. My goal length is bellybutton length (just past waist length).
Now! lol My longest layers are touching my hips. These last few wash days, my hair has felt extremely long and I noticed when I roller set that I'm turning the roller like 50 billion times to make it up from my ends to my scalp. (Hope that make sense) I have to go easy on the leave in's if i want my hair to dry in an hour under the dryer too. I'm still gonna let it grow as much as it can though. Ain't nothing like swinging your ponytail and it touches places you never thought it could. Onward to TBL & beyond! woot woot
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I think I felt like my hair was long when my bantu knots didn't bounce the same. They were great when I was bsl but it's just not the same at wl. Even though I notice this I still don't think my hair is that long. I think it's because I'm not very tall. Anyway, I won't be satisfied till I've got hair like Pokahontas. And then at that point knowing myself I'll probably cut it all off or do something drastic.:lol:
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I mostly stayed at SL-CBL so I thought my hair would feel long at APL. It did for about 2 weeks, and then I felt bald. I finally feel like my hair is at the first stages of long now that the very tip of my V-shaped hemline is scraping WL. I think once the rest of my hair catches up, I will feel like Rapunzel lol
I'm hanging out around BSL/MBL and it still does not feel long. Probably because I never straighten and shrinkage is a *****. The only time I really see my length is on wash day when the water stretches it and when I comb it. Otherwise, my hair is just past SL with shrinkage. :(

My goal is WL with shrinkage. I guess I'll have to be Classic Length for that to happen. :(
Pre HHJ my hair was permanently SL, so when I hit BSL I felt like I arrived. Now 23 inches later, I'm just trying to get to APL curly. I'm almost there.
Even though I was happy to pass certain hair milestones, my hair finally felt long at WL. MBL feels medium and anything above that feels short.
Two things made me realize my hair is long:
My hair would get stuck in tags, buttons, hooks & zippers on clothing. Trying on clothes that I have to pull over my head was a nightmare until I found a solution.
My twists would end up in my beverage whenever I tried to drink from an open cup or mug.

My hair is almost hip length stretched but shrinks to shoulders. It's usually in twists so I never noticed its length.