Growing Long Hair with weekly salon visit


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I know a lot of ladies do there hair themselves and never go to salons, or only go for touch ups and special occasions because they feel stylist hinder there progress. But I'm curious to see who is going to a stylist weekly and achieving their healthy, long hair goals.

I guess my question is can you go to stylist weekly and still reach goals of HEALTHY APL, BSL, MBL & WL? What are your stylist regimen & results?

If you can find a stylist who is gentle, and does not overlap your relaxer, washes it out porperly, does not overprocess, you should be fine. And also one that doesnt pressure you to relax every 6 weeks:ohwell:
Bring your own products (one's that work for you). Get rollersets and avoid the blow-outs. One of my friends goes every single week she never ever misses a week and her hair is beautiful BSL.
I went to stylists weekly for a long time and my hair was very healthy and would grow well. When I found hair forums, I started doing my own hair for convenience and to save money on a weekly basis. My hair is still healthy with visits to the salon only for touch ups and trims. The key is finding a good stylist.
My stylist is great. I used to relax every 6 weeks and she's the one that told me to at least relax no earlier than 8 weeks. This impressed me, as this was told to me way before I found the boards. She only relaxes me newgroth, but never bone straight, just how I like it cause I have fine hair and I like a little texture. She only trims when necessary, which I get a trim 2x per year (every 6 months) to keep my ends looking nice :yep:. She hipped me to DRC 28 and to fermodyl. So, she really knows her stuff. I was going every week, then I started to do my own hair after I found the boards, but I'm no way as good as she is, so, I'm gonna start to go back to her every week again, or almost every week. She got my hair back on the right track. She is definitely not a SHS and she keeps her own hair long, almost MBL (no tracks, I checked, lol). I really do adore her and she lets me bring in whatever products I want to use on my hair such as leave-ins, shampoos and DC :yep:. So, not ALL stylists are bad, you just have to find the right one. I'm about 1/2" away from BSL and I know I can get there and beyond by our methods. Yay, for my stylist, I love her.
I go to 2 stylist every now and then. One being my sister the other her best friend. lol I am the only person that washes and conditions my hair. I am tender headed and I know my pain thresh hold. As for my ends being dusted and such, that is something I cannot do so my sister does them. She also does most of my sew ins and pony tails. Her bestfriend flat irons my hair and also does some of my sew ins. Sorry I just don't really trust anyone else with my hair. My hair is very healty and I know I am doing a good job. If it aint broke don't fix it! :lachen:
I was going every other week for awhile before I found the boards. In the winter my hair was hard and felt like sandpaper at times. I used to keep a dustbuster in my bathroom for all the breakage I had (and I hate to see hair on the floor as well). She really didn't do too much to address the breakage except to tell me my hair was dry (no sh!t sherlock). But she did give me good perms.

Since I joined and have been co-washing, this was the first winter in years that I can say I did not have hair all over the place and has not felt hard or dry. I DC after every wash/co-wash, check my protein balance and have an adopted child named P.ercy I.nez B.laine B.lack S.mith.- PIBBS for short. My hair is doing so much better. Someone commented on they think their HD is keeping them at shoulder length and it dawned on me I think mine is doing the same thing. I should be closer to APL now but I am not. I had crazy NG from my MN + 12 wk stretch but you would never know. So I told mine I would see her in May for my 12-14 wk relaxer and then I may go texlaxed just to see. With my Pibbs I can dry my rollersets better than before and she doesn't really do rollersets.

And I can think of something else to do with my $40 bi-weekly (like buy more flexirods and rollers lol)
You can definitely go to the salon and grow long, healthy hair. The key is to find a good stylist who also cares about the health of your hair and isn't scissor happy (someone who will listen to your input to help reach yor hair goals).

I had a couple of great stylists in the past; as a matter of fact, there's a great salon in Delaware I would go to if it wasn't so far. I see ladies coming in there with both natural and relaxed bra-strap/mid-back/waistlength hair. They're not as common as they should be, but good salons/stylists are out there.
Before I moved from MS, I had a stylist that I went to on a weekly basis and she took extremely good care of my hair. I went to her once a week and she would shampoo, deep condition and wrap my hair for only $25. She would trim when necessary and whenever I would want a relaxer at 8 weeks, if it really wasn't necessary, she would make me wait until 10 and sometimes 12 weeks.

She was truly about total health. Most of the ladies in her salon, no matter what length their hair was, it was healthy. I very seldom saw her even use heat appliances on her client's hair. Even when I wanted her to cut my hair to chin length (from mid-back) in 1999, she was like:blush:. I told her I just wanted a change and I wasn't too worried b/c I knew coming to her every week, it would grow right back. (and it did)

The only thing she wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole was putting color in my hair:sad: She was chicken. I had to wait until i moved to Atlanta and then my brother did it for me......

There are definitely some good ones out there though. And I couldn't put my brother on the list b/c although he is all about total hair health and does a darn good job, the very first year I got here, my hair stayed the same length b/c he was so happy to CUT, not trim, my ends every time I went to get a relaxer. I will let him do my hair every now and then, but I don't let him go near my hair with his scissors (except now that I am transitioning, I welcome his scissors to get rid of my relaxed ends......slowly but surely)

I go to the salon weekly and have been since 1999. I think for me I tell my stylist what I want, what my goals are and what I expect from them as a service professional.

I am always skeptical of people who are so adamant about not using stylists especially when they have no frame of reference.

Anytime my hair has broken off, shed or received damage it directly correlated to how I was caring for my own hair. I'm in my stylist's chair ONCE A WEEK. I deal with my hair DAILY. I know it in and out, I don't expect my stylist to always know if it's breaking or flaking or whatever. It's part of my DUTY AS A CUSTOMER to tell him what's going on and what's wrong. That's like going to the doctor and not telling him you have a headache and then you get mad because he gives you medicine for diarrhea. Don't make your stylist guess!!!!!!

I don't put all the haircare in the hands of my stylist. I rely on his expertise as a stylist, but ultimately make the FINAL decision regarding what happens to my hair.

As for how my hair grows, when I am a participant in my haircare, it grows fine (as it is now, check the siggy). I told my stylist that I want to begin stretching my relaxers. He was cool with that. I bring my own products at times and he uses them (but I like Design Essentials and Essations for the most part). The only time he looked at me a bit strangely was when I asked him not to use the flat iron on my hair. But he shrugged and moved on and did what I asked.

I recognize that this is not everyone's experience. But can I also say this, you get what you pay for. You can't expect a $60 service for $20.

Off my soapbox now...LOL
Hey Ladies,

I know a lot of ladies do there hair themselves and never go to salons, or only go for touch ups and special occasions because they feel stylist hinder there progress. But I'm curious to see who is going to a stylist weekly and achieving their healthy, long hair goals.

I guess my question is can you go to stylist weekly and still reach goals of HEALTHY APL, BSL, MBL & WL? What are your stylist regimen & results?


Hey Cholet112 i do but not weekly, byweekly. My own domenican hairdresser recommended that i go byweekly instead of weekly (my last wash was this saturday march 15)

i no longer do my hair at home. At home i wrap lightly at night and wear a clip or out during the day for the two weeks, no washing in the meantime and go faithfully every 2 weeks to wash my hair deep cond set and blowdry. at home just use a serum they recommended me. and every 2 months touch up with Mizani.

i'm in loooooove cause with such low manipulation my hair has been thriving, between hair salons visits i just pop my pills:grin::lachen: my hair grew i m elated. i m recovering from a short forced haircut in Paris dec 28 , that nipped all my progress in the bud ( i could have been brastrap by now grrr:wallbash: see fotki. can you tell i m still traumatized :lachen::grin::look::rolleyes:) lollllll but since then i decided low maintenance.

when i came home from africa after one month there, even though it thrives in the hot sun, as soon as i got in the harsh nyc cold, with all the daily flatiron i did back home, my hair kept seriously shedding so much that i became alarmed. I put away my ceramic,flat irons; i dont use none and took a drastic measure: i decided to devote a day for me with every paycheck every 2 weeks, i put aside my domenican wash set and blowdry; it s like my little treat. I DO NOT TOUCH MY HAIR ANYMORE except to apply the serum real quick, no manipulation except to go to sleep wrap tightly but most of the time i just put a clip all over.

my greatest satisfaction it seems every time i come back from the domenican salon i notice the great difference, the growth so much it makes me happy hihi:grin:
i go once a week
my stylist is dominican, and i bring alot of my own products. i avoid direct heat. started my hair journey in november i was apl.. and now im about bsl