Thank you so much Shimmie for your kind words. I have to remind myself to not sweat the little nitpicky things and think of how much he gives to me and our kids each and every day.
You are such a sweet spirit and I love reading your posts. So in case I haven't told you because I don't post very often, you are an inspiration and what I'm trying to get to in my Christian walk.
You are such a sweet spirit and I love reading your posts. So in case I haven't told you because I don't post very often, you are an inspiration and what I'm trying to get to in my Christian walk.
Ths made me cry It's so warm; so loving; so beautiful. I would write a book about him entitled, "He delivers His Love on Sunday Morning."
Ms_Jennifer, I wish you and your husband, "Sunday's" everyday of your life. And that you will always continue to grow, prosper in love with each other, for always. Give your husband a great big hug for me. And tell him I said 'thank you' for loving you so much. He's really pretty special indeed.
God bless you both...eternally.