What's the REAL reason some women are perpetually single?


Well-Known Member
I would really like to get to the bottom of this because we have women investing hundreds of dollars on self-help in the form of books, audio/video series, personal coaching and retreats (:look:) in search of the answer. There are so many conflicting arguments, and what some of these "gurus" are saying contrast with what I'm seeing in real life.

Is it because she's not feminine enough?
Is it because she's not a perfect 10?
Is it because she doesn't have all of her stuff together?
Does she not spend enough time in the gym, at the makeup counter, or at the hair stylist?
Is she too loud, too bossy, too damaged?
Is it because she isn't educated enough with real estate, a nice vehicle, and advanced degrees?

These gurus would have you think there is something wrong with the perpetually single female, but when I step out into the real world, I'm observing something entirely different...

1. I have a neighbor who can snag a man at the snap of her finger. She's a maneater in the worst way. Right now both her husband AND boyfriend are living with her under the same roof and they are handling all of the bills :nono:. I wish I could make this up but she has it like that. She is average in looks and isn't shaped like a video girl (more like Sherri Shepherd.). For as long as people have known her, she's been a man magnet. She is quite unlikable by most people--she's rude and bossy. Though unlikable by most, people are drawn to her, both male and female. I liken it to her being like the popular girl in high school. Because she has a tendency to be crass and full of drama, it is as if people yearn for her acceptance. She is the opposite of what these gurus are teaching, but she has men lined up--no joke.

2. A friend's sister has a husband who worships her. He goes above and beyond for her even though she bosses him around and does very little to keep herself up. According to my friend, her sister has always been a man magnet. She's never been broken up with--she always did the breaking up, and her exes would pine away for her well after the breakup. She's another one who tends to attract people--both male and female. I've witnessed all types of men try to get at her from the janitor to some well-known single, local surgeon. Once again, average in looks and not shaped like Beyonce.

3. An acquaintance friend of mine has snagged herself an engineer who has the potential to make bank. He worships her and she's quite bossy. Highschool years aside, she has always dated men with potential. She's a great dresser, and has an "uppity" air about her even though she doesn't come from money. She's almost 30, lives at home, and works part-time some of the time. Looks-wise she is attractive but at least 70-80 pounds overweight. Lack of trophy-wife body proportions aside, she can walk into a bar and have a businessman approach her within minutes. I've seen it myself.

I have more examples but I don't want this getting too long. What I have noticed is that these women do not come off as submissive in any way and they do not have the petite figures that women are led to believe will help them find their Prince Charming. They are also not boasting lucrative careers and impressive educational credentials, but can attract men who have both. What they do have are "no nonsense" attitudes and they never lead a man to believe that they need him. This seems to contradict what I've heard from some self-help gurus and multiple men on YT who claim that if a woman can't get a man it is because she has all of the characteristics that these man magnets have. I'm intrigued. Has anyone else observed this? Is there really an answer?
[USER=328365 said:
EdgyGirl[/USER];17558949]I would really like to get to the bottom of this because we have women investing hundreds of dollars on self-help in the form of books, audio/video series, personal coaching and retreats (:look:) in search of the answer. There are so many conflicting arguments, and what some of these "gurus" are saying contrast with what I'm seeing in real life.

Is it because she's not feminine enough?
Is it because she's not a perfect 10?
Is it because she doesn't have all of her stuff together?
Does she not spend enough time in the gym, at the makeup counter, or at the hair stylist?
Is she too loud, too bossy, too damaged?
Is it because she isn't educated enough with real estate, a nice vehicle, and advanced degrees?

These gurus would have you think there is something wrong with the perpetually single female, but when I step out into the real world, I'm observing something entirely different...

1. I have a neighbor who can snag a man at the snap of her finger. She's a maneater in the worst way. Right now both her husband AND boyfriend are living with her under the same roof and they are handling all of the bills :nono:. I wish I could make this up but she has it like that. She is average in looks and isn't shaped like a video girl (more like Sherri Shepherd.). For as long as people have known her, she's been a man magnet. She is quite unlikable by most people--she's rude and bossy. Though unlikable by most, people are drawn to her, both male and female. I liken it to her being like the popular girl in high school. Because she has a tendency to be crass and full of drama, it is as if people yearn for her acceptance. She is the opposite of what these gurus are teaching, but she has men lined up--no joke.

Chile I can't go night!:lachen::lachen::lachen::look:
I want to know to know too!
I've never been the type to get men easily and when I do, they stay in my life forever! I stay recycling lol The women I know that do bag'em have an air of mystery and confidence and are fly.

The single good ones: Maybe they don't go out much. My first real bf was at 29 and I waited at least a 8 years before that happened. I was emotionally unavailable, picking unavailable men, didn't go out much, still pining over an ex and generally not my best and suffered a great loss which probably took me years to accept. My twenties were not THAT great.
My loud-mouthed bestie, built like a boiled egg, bright as a box of rocks, ALWAYS had men chasing after her. She is married (again) but there's no filter between her brain and mouth she says whatever to them and they fall in line. However, in most other things she is quite submissive...even dismissive. She inserts herself quickly into their lives, though, and shows interest in the things they do. The talk amongst her former lovers was that she was a dynamo in the sack.

Another friend who is gorgeous by comparison, Masters degree, and the same age (40) has never had a man longer than 2 years. I've known her since high school and she can't get or keep a man. They all complain after a few months that she makes every conversation about her (they are right--she's like that with her female friends too) and she's a know it all (true too). She doesn't show much interest in their lives besides how it affects her. She said a few complained about her 'bedroom abilities'.
Welp, from what I've seen in my own family...... THE ANSWER:not dating men that are TRULY compatible. I just see too many lifestyle differences. We all want the best but the hardest part is finding the best for YOU!
I died at 'built like a boiled egg' :lachen:
My guess, OP, is that some are too nice? You just described 3 bossy women. Maybe the others are the opposite? I don't know. I am only going by what you posted and trying to draw a contrast.
I didn't go on my first date until I was 22. People always told me that I was unapproachable and not easy to talk to. I looked like I already had a man.

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Married woman chiming in! Most of my single friends are in their 30's and 40's, most don't have kids. Chatting with them every day I notice little things like they're always encouraging each other to date, but once one of them finds a good man, somehow they're "guilted" into dumping the guy. It's always the "we miss you, you don't hang with us anymore ever since you got with so and so" kinda like a crab in a barrel mentality. It's a cycle that recycles itself over and over again. Before you know it friend #1 dumps the guy and the single girls are like oh he was no good for you anyway... lets party! LOL

Again just an observation. Ladies if your girlfriends are doing this to you then you might want to reconsider the friendship or put up some barriers.

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That's a hard question to answer. It's different for every woman/man.

The reason why I've been single for so long was because I WAS afraid of making the wrong choice again. I know myself and I was afraid I was going to screw up again. My mentality kept men away for relationship and even friendship.

Today, I'm not afraid of making a bad choice again and I have a strong support system. I since dropped my guard and ridiculous fear and more men are approaching me.
The reasons I am still single:
1. I am not putting myself out there
2. Have found good candidates on paper but character wise we are not compatible
3. Where I live men want to settle when their ballz are hanging down to their knees (I refuse to be with a man that is not in their prime) and the rest are gay
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I have a feeling that those who are pertetually single (and don't want to be) know what the problem is deep down. I think sometimes looking to others to provide the solution is a form of denial; a $6k retreat isn't going to provide answers for you, imo. Especially if that retreat doesn't end up taking place but anyway...:look:

There are obviously a bunch of common reasons some are always single that folks could list based on people they know in this predicament (or maybe even themselves) but I don't think there is one definitive answer.
My loud-mouthed bestie, built like a boiled egg, bright as a box of rocks, ALWAYS had men chasing after her. She is married (again) but there's no filter between her brain and mouth she says whatever to them and they fall in line. However, in most other things she is quite submissive...even dismissive. She inserts herself quickly into their lives, though, and shows interest in the things they do. The talk amongst her former lovers was that she was a dynamo in the sack.

Another friend who is gorgeous by comparison, Masters degree, and the same age (40) has never had a man longer than 2 years. I've known her since high school and she can't get or keep a man. They all complain after a few months that she makes every conversation about her (they are right--she's like that with her female friends too) and she's a know it all (true too). She doesn't show much interest in their lives besides how it affects her. She said a few complained about her 'bedroom abilities'.

Disclaimer: These are MY observations. Take with a pinch of salt.

hmmmm. If you actual end up in relationships. but it does not work out. It could be because:
You are very incompatible: career, values, ambition, culture, location
Low self esteem- you may be clingy

If you cannot get into a relationship, perhaps the numbers don't add up.
I believe water finds its own level.
For example you may be smart and attractive and may want to date a doctor, lawyer or investment banker.
From what I've observed with male doctors and lawyers some tend to be interested in the cerebral and others in the physical.
Most investment bankers I have met just want a trophy.
So get in where you fit in. Human beings are shallow.
Oh. Almost forgot, men want what they can't have or what is difficult to get. I find women that believe they are IT, even if they aren't what society deems as IT, get quality men. I'm not talking about false confidence, I mean truly believe and give off an aura of supreme confidence, like they are made of platinum.
Along with what's already been said, I would add desperation. A man can sense desperation a mile away. It is a real turn off.

I died at 'built like a boiled egg' :lachen:
My guess, OP, is that some are too nice? You just described 3 bossy women. Maybe the others are the opposite? I don't know. I am only going by what you posted and trying to draw a contrast.
Ya'll laugh, but the woman is 4'9ish and 220lbs. And as for her intellience, she couldn't even graduate HS because it was too hard. Just the last two weeks she's had pneumonia. I've been trying to get her to spell it correctly, but she still spells and pronounces it 'PAMONEYA'.:spinning: :fistshake:

However, this broad has always had a man. ALWAYS. Sometimes they seem so exasperated but they stay!
Read the book "Why Men love B!tches". It won't completely explain the phenomenon though.

ETA: the main points of the book are speaking your mind and not being needy.
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I'll probably be single for a long time considering my busy schedule and tons of travelling. Plus I only want to be with someone who is just as invested in the fandom as I am (tried dating non geeks and it did not work out). Add to that the fact that I am physically disabled and will only get worse--I will need a very specific type of man who would want to be a part of my life in spite of this.
I also have to admit that I am having entirely too much fun in my life right now and not really 'looking' hard enough, but then again are you really supposed to hunt, or are you supposed to just live your life to the fullest and see where it takes you & who you meet along the way?
Im clingy and insecure aka man repellent. I have no problem attracting men keeping them is another issue. Also i seem to attract the same type of guy. Good looking has money but are inconsiderate jerks.
- Bad attitude
- Unresolved issues from her past
- Hanging out with people that are already married/taken
- Not putting herself out there. I don't think a woman has to club/party 24/7 but you cannot meet anyone on your couch with your mud mask and rollers on. LOL!
- Not interacting with men of quality
- Perception issues
DarkJoy, it all ties into unresolved familial issues. Sometimes, a woman does not see the true queen she is and deals with subpar men feeling that she cannot do any better. Maybe she only dealt with mean guys and she feels those are the only sort of men she can get and just settles. Unfortunately, many of these single women stuck in this sort of rut do not see themselves as they should. :( Hence, why they are chronically single.
Yahoo did an article recently saying that family expectations and issues were at the root of a lot of singleness. Makes sense to me.
@DarkJoy, it all ties into unresolved familial issues. Sometimes, a woman does not see the true queen she is and deals with subpar men feeling that she cannot do any better. Maybe she only dealt with mean guys and she feels those are the only sort of men she can get and just settles. Unfortunately, many of these single women stuck in this sort of rut do not see themselves as they should. :( Hence, why they are chronically single.
Thanks for clarifying Lucie. I can see this and have seen it a lot. I'm working on this for myself (being newly single for the first time in my life), so I dont get caught in these cycles like the single friend I mentioned upthread.
Thanks for clarifying Lucie. I can see this and have seen it a lot. I'm working on this for myself (being newly single for the first time in my life), so I dont get caught in these cycles like the single friend I mentioned upthread.

DarkJoy, that is great! This was something I had to work on and am working on daily. :yep: