What type of man are you attracted to?

I am attracted to dark skinned, physically and mentally strong men. I usually attract military men, policemen, etc. I love a big masculine, muscular, MANLY, type man.

I don't really have a preference light or dark, but it does seem that I do seem to get that tingly feeling more from the dark, Idris Elba looking men.:grin:

Tall. I'm 5'8, and I refuse to date anyone shorter than me. I don't want to have to reach down to hug my man.

Thin. I don't like fat guys. I once dated a guy who was on the thick side, and when he took his shirt off he had bigger breasts than me! *shudder* When I saw that he ate Snackwells, I had to dump his fat @ss. Men should not eat diet snack foods!

Creative. I love graphic artists, musicians, writers, etc.

Rocker/skater vibe with lots of tatts. I do not like ghetto guys at all. I outgrew my fascination with thug guys when I was in high school.

Liberal. Conservative, overly religious types are a huge turn off.
Tall. I'm 5'8, and I refuse to date anyone shorter than me. I don't want to have to reach down to hug my man.

Thin. I don't like fat guys. I once dated a guy who was on the thick side, and when he took his shirt off he had bigger breasts than me! *shudder* When I saw that he ate Snackwells, I had to dump his fat @ss. Men should not eat diet snack foods!

Creative. I love graphic artists, musicians, writers, etc.

Rocker/skater vibe with lots of tatts. I do not like ghetto guys at all. I outgrew my fascination with thug guys when I was in high school.

Liberal. Conservative, overly religious types are a huge turn off.

Okay, hold up....first you complain because o boy is a little on the thick side, then you complain because o boy eat diet snacks to slim down......:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I've had the biggest crush on Andre 3000 for the longest time:grin:. Funniest thing is my BF I'm with now and Andre have alot in common:rolleyes:. I didn't do that on purpose...

Really tall and slim. shoulders (BF is 6'4"-200lbs)
med-dark brown skin
Defined bone structure
nice hair texture (Andre was rocking that perm! I'd kill my BF if he ever got one though. His hair is naturally wavy...)
MUST smell good
Smarts are always attractive

Whether they're White/Black/Indian doesnt matter as much- there's this Persian guy at my job :lick: my goodness!! And like, I love Orlando Bloom- beautiful facial bone structure. Mainly, I'm attracted to men who are very masculine without being thugs (50 cent...EWW!) Masculine and ugly are not the same thing:nono: I mean, Andre had a blond wig and platforms and was still sexy hell LOL I hate these men who walk around with liploss, plucked eyebrows and hairless bodies. There's plenty of beautiful women out there if I wanted to swing that way.
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i dont like my men too tall. Im 5'1. I dated a guy who was lanky and 6'4 and i found the height difference to be annoying ( when hugging and breaking my neck to look into his eyes...stuff like that ) The guy im seeing now is 5'6 and thats perfect for me. again...i KNOW alot of you find that short....but its still almost half a foot taller then my short behind!! :grin:
Taller then 5'10 turns me off completely.

-I looooove dark dark dark eyes. i get lost in some dark sparkly brown eyes.
-very dark hair
-i like facial hair.

Im not too concerned about his physique. I just dont like someone who manorexic...or morbidly obese. I like em alitte chubby though! lol

My ex was very skinny @ 5'7 and i didnt feel protected! I was much thicker then him. Probably about a good 50+ lbs more and i didnt like that.

- i like a GOOD guy. I tried the whole bad boy thing for too long and all i did was get screwed over and cheated on and abused and blah blah blah. My guy is a teddy bear and i love that about him. ( not weak though...just very sweet )

-I like someone my skin tone....caramelish.

- dont like the thug appeal at all....nor do i like a pretty boy.

- i love blue collar men!!! suit and tie guys aren't for me.
I like tall (not to tall though cause I'm only 5'1") muscular men, with smooth skin with well manicured hair (regardless of the type), and good teeth.

I also love a man with intelligence/ambition. Also, being a band head I love a man who can play a musical instrument. Before my fiance most of the guys I dated were musicians.
These are a must:

Slim [CAN NOT be big
Dark :lick:[brown or darker]
Tall :love:[6'0 and up]
Swag :love:
Respectful to me
[some reason it's a turn on if he dont care about other women's feelings, except his mama/family]:yep:
Some street to him:love:
Aggressive :kissing4:
Have that street wear [fitted hats, white T's, etc.]:yep:

Maybe it's because I'm young :ohwell::look:

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This is the type of man I am attracted to, my best friend, lol.
6' and up. I'm 4'11 and I want to come at least to his shoulders.

muscular (not like a body-builder, but an athlete)...I have this thing for fingers, arms, pecs and abs

usually lighter skinned (like multi-racial or like someone from the middle east)...but I find all complexions beautiful. Vin Diesel, TJ Houshmandzadeh from the Cincinnati Bengals, and Oded Fehr from Sleeper Cell are a few examples.

I find suit and tie guys sexy...I love a man in a suit. He has to be smart and trying to do something with his life.

:love: :love: :love:
Okay, hold up....first you complain because o boy is a little on the thick side, then you complain because o boy eat diet snacks to slim down......:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Yeah girl, he needs to put down the diet snacks and take his fat behind to a gym! Play basketball or something. LOL :)
i go for light skin men...(really light..reddish..yellow tint)...black hair...something about a light skinned man with dark hair


average build

full lips

big hands and feet
On the Real I use to love Tall, Dark, and Handsome :wallbash:

That did not workout:sad:

So Now,

My FH is Mulatto, I never dated lightskinned men EVER! :yep: My FH is my 1st now I always been attracted to L.S.M./ However, I LOVED my Chocolate Brothers more at that time:yep:

I am RedBone 5'7" my FH is 5'11" Mulatto, Half black/ White
Oh, and I :love: nappy beards. :lick: I could play in it ALL day

and it just so happens that current boy toy has one. Hee!
I used to love lean and lanky men who weren't that tall. I'm 5'10", and if they were 5'10-6', with a soccer player build, artistic, earthy, nicely dressed-Maxwell smooth brother type of style, I would be all :lick:.

Now, I'm in love with the biggums...6"2 and better, line backer types, who look like their mommas fed them steak and potatoes when they were still in diapers. A little ruff around the edges, a little cornball, a little thug..woosah! A blue collar type of "regular" dude, but he has to have a soft side, or something a bit quirky(basically the hero type in all of Tyler Perry's films :look:).

I've found that men I've dated in the past who had the whole intellectual pseudo spiritual/artistic vibe just wound up being too annoying or too caught up in upholding an image. I would be like "okay, do we always have to talk about something deep! can't we just stay in and watch Martin?" Give me a gentle giant in jeans and a sweatshirt, and I'll be pleased as punch :grin:
Physical characteristics, tall men, well toned, full lips, nice teeth, bright eyes, long eyelashes.
Oh, and I :love: nappy beards. :lick: I could play in it ALL day

and it just so happens that current boy toy has one. Hee!

:grin: weirdly enough I like that too. I like dark skin guys with nappy beards and are natural. Low maintenance and take care of themselves. Like Chris from The Wire. Dont know they all remind me of my daughters father, though Im not remotely attracted to him anymore, I like guys that remind me him somewhat physically.
Love some smooth DARK skin!!! Blacker the better
A low cut w/some nice thick hair
Moderately full lips
A slim athletic build (like a 400 or 800m runner)

Outgoing (I'm shy so we both can't be)
Laid back
Intelligent-street smarts/common sense- analytical/problem solver
Can fix things
Assertive/take charge
Silly (can't stand folks too serious or uptight)