Can you force yourself to be with somebody you aren't attracted to?

Was in that situation... kept waiting for the attraction because I liked his personality. When I finally broke up with him years later I felt awful that I wasted his time & mine. That was a selfish thing I did but I learned...
I was in a similar situation as you, OP and I can't be with someone simply because he's "nice." It's not being superficial but about being honest about what you want/need in a relationship. "Nice" doesn't cut it.:nono: I'm not hearing you guys are compatible, that he's the kind of person you want.

As for the physical attraction, that is important. Some women are okay with being taller than their SOs but I know I wouldn't. The inarticulate problem would frustrate me immensely.:look:

But staying with someone when you're not really into them is unfair to both of you. He deserves someone truly into him and you deserve to be with someone who can give you what you want/need, (within reason of course.)
ummmm... that's a negative. I tried to do it but after a while his looks annoyed me, like I couldn't look at him to long without feeling some sort of way. What another poster said about it being worse when he annoys you is sooooo true. Plus this guy lied about his height too :nono: