What is your greatest Hair Fear???

I've just decided to transition, I'm 14 wks post. I haven't seen my true texture in 30 yrs. I like my relaxed hair but I want to stop using the chemicals. My biggest concern is not knowing how to deal with my natural hair.
My biggest fear is breakage. I just recently got very paranoid about my ends.

Second biggest is that I will never have long hair again.

People in my family like to scare me whenever I have done a BC or even just a regular cut. They tell me it wont grow back and swear up and down its the truth. I've always been able to get back to this length but i haven't gone past APL since high school.
I don't wanna get cancer because I dont want my hair to fall out during chemo. I know thats bad but I dont want my hair to fall out.
I had nightmares about my beautician sneaking a relaxer into my deep conditioner! I'm also afraid to color my hair because I think it's all gonna break off. That's what happened when I had a relaxer and got highlights.
My greatest fear is that my hair will grow in a W for the rest of my life and I will just have to keep cutting so I can even it up. :wallbash:
That I'm never going to find a regimen to get my hair to grow. My goal is apl and in the 5 years I have been on this site I have done very little to reach it.
My greatest fear is that I will mix the wrong combination of hair products and it causes my hair to break or triggers an allergic reaction on my scalp and my hair fall out. You know like how ppl mix pescription drugs with fatal results.

I know kinda far fetched...

But to this day, I still don't mix my products together. One product at a time for me.
I fear breakage. I'm so scared that some combination of medicine is going to make my hair start falling out to the touch or that it'll start breaking off at the bottom and just start shriveling up.......*makes me shudder*
My Hair Fears Are:
1.Thining Hair
2. Being Bald
3. Having Breakage that Stunts Growth Retention
4. Heat Damage
5. Chemical Damage
... that some ghetto chicks will jump me and try to burn my hair off while I'm walking by the projects. To thwart that, I don't walk by the projects!!
1- Breakage- so far so good.
2- Heat damage- I like straight hair but every time i start to straighten my hair i get the shakes:lachen: I've never been so paranoid of heat in my life..shoot i still stick my finger in hot wax:lachen:
3- To loose all of my hair again- I have straighten my hair about 4x since my BC(which was a year ago), i have also dyed my hair..and every time i do something drastic i get VERY paranoid! When i rinse my hair i say to myself "Revert!!Revert!!REVERT!!":lachen: I be praying in the shower as i rinse:look:
What are you doing to Halt it / Thwart it ??

For me, my greatest fear is that having just joined this site (Jan 2010) at NL, you will still see me on this site ( Jan 2013) still at NL.

The thought really does worry me. To Thwart it, I am making sure that I take my vits every day without fail, I wash once a week, steam twice a week, DC twice a week and use oils, moisture etc.:yep:

So what is your greatest hair fear and how are you going to ensure it doesnt happen?

I just joined too! I think we will be fine! Everyone has a success story on here...Ive never been sooo obsessed with my hair before lol...I go out everyday and get new products lol! I had the driest relaxed hair in the world when I used to get relaxers....I had no idea about moisture/protein treatments...I had a standing appt at the beauty shop every Tuesday and my hair was still thin and scraggly looking, I had excess shedding and breakage and my stylist just didnt know what to do for me! At least Im learning something here!

The key is to not obsess over growth...lets worry about obtaining and maintaining strong and healthy hair first and growth/length retention will naturally follow!
But I fear that I will have my relaxed ends beyond this summer...I dont wanna BC and I have about 5 inches left...I plan to trim at regular intervals but I want em gone by July!!
One day as I was crossing the street during rush hour traffic, I saw a dejected-looking Euro-American woman in her late forties/early fifties walking towards me to the opposite curb. She had baby-fine cornsilk blonde hair that just brushed the collar of her dusty, ill-fitting coat. She was completely bald on top--like a man-- from her (nonexistant hairline) to the back of her head. Like Bozo the clown.

I shuddered on her behalf but also in imagining myself in the not-so-far-off future with that pattern of hair loss. Right now I at least have enough hair to drape backward over my thin crown, but a few more years and who knows...?
had my greatest fear come to life...

permed an colored my hair too soon...my entire head fullof bsl hair came out in the shampoo sink at the salon...i cried out as if someone was killing me..every lady in the salon rushed over and --it was a a huge GASPPPPPPPPP--omg..i cried for about 2 months---didnt leave the house---bought a $1100k lace wig since this is when they first came out--wore the LF for a week and then woke up like **** this--i gotta get over this--its just hair--wen to the barber cut off allllllll of the pieecs of hair that was still on my head--rocked a twa for a month---then my hair divas and i got creative in regard to making sure i still looked good despite my hair trauma....remember that incident like it was yesterday--till this day i am sorta scared to put a relaxer in my hair--even though im texlaxed---when u see all of your thick long hair in a sink coming out---its a life changing exp---lolol but it was my own fault for doing too much...

anyhoo u live and u learn lmaooo
I have two.

The main one is that I'm afraid I won't ever be able to style my hair. I'm not very good at it, and I get frustrated and stuck in a state of perpetual puffs. I know this sounds silly, but I want to be a better representative of just how good natural hair is. I want to be a great hair braider, and I'm afraid I will always stink at it. I also plan on joining the USAF, and I have to be good at this or else I will probably have to cut. I have to practice more.

The second one is I'm afraid my hair won't grow any longer past my shoulders. My hair goal is MBL, and to my knowledge the longest its been is at my shoulders. I also recently cut off about 5-6 inches all around to get the dye out. I don't regret that (I regret the initial dying), but having setbacks is frustrating.
Being stuck at the length I am and my hair never growing to my goal of WL.

Never being able to get blunt and always having these layers
Well aside from alopecia...I would have to say thin ends.

I hate the look of thin see through ends and to combat it I trim/dust my ends regularly to keep them full-looking.