What is your greatest Hair Fear???

My greatest fear is reaching my goal (MBL) and then having a horrible setback taking me back to where I began (CBL) and having to start all over. Ugh I never wanna start over! I think I would die! lol

I feel the same way! If it happens to me, I will be immediately bc'ing. I don't think I could handle that sort of setback!!:rolleyes:
hitting menopause and having hair that is excessively thin
developing aloepecia and it be permanent
asking for a trim/dusting and getting a short haircut
someone sneaking and giving me a relaxer by putting it in another container( condtion or poo bottle/jar)
developing an illness that makes my hair thin and/or break off
My greatest fear is cutting off all my hair and regretting the heck out of it. OR deciding to relax and getting breakage all over the place.
My two fears are

1) I want to bc but that would leave me with about 4 to 5 inches of hair. I fear that I will have the breakage that I have now and will never make it past those 4 to 5 inches.

2)I would like to get a sew in but I fear that it will be too tight and that my hair will come out or that I will get scalp damage. I read on here a story about one lady who's scalp busted because her hair was too tight.
I'm afraid that I have an abnormally short growth period, and no matter how well I take care of my hair, my terminal length will still be short :( I don't think I'll truly feel better about that until I reach my hair goal. Then, I'll give a sigh of relief, lol.
My biggest fear is the thought of my hair NEVER being thick and healthy which will cause me to never feel comfortable wearing my hair without extension.

To avoid this I will continue to search for staple products and create a KISS regi that works for ME and MY hair
I guess I worry that after a while, I will completely fall off the hair care wagon and lose all of my progress....or that I will have a terrible relaxer experience out of nowhere.
I fear split ends and breakage. I can't even wrap my hair anymore because I freak out at the little hairs in the sink.
Basically, I know I can grow it, but I'm terrified of not retaining.

And I pray before and during the neutralization process.
1-excess shedding &/or breakage
2-someone out of jealousy cutting off my hair
3-once i start wearing my hair out my retention will be a big fat 0
my greatest hair fear is a drop of relaxer randomly coming out of nowhere and landing on my head while im trying to transition :lachen:
lol, thats funny... cuz i keep having a night mare that i relaxed my hiar after being natural... whn i wake up i be so glad, cuz i never want to relax again.
My greastest fears are:

1. That my trichotilomania will get out of control and leave me with bald patches that will never grow back

2. That I will get too comfortable at my current legnth, flat iron too much and ruin my ends and end up having to cut off all my hair again.

For the first theres nothing I can really do except wear a scarf every day to prevent me from pulling out my hair.

For the second, I am restarting my PS. I will only flat iron every two weeks. Hopefully less.
That I'll get to classic length, and wear it down for the first time to really savor my achievement, and some hater will cut it or rip it out of my head because "She thinks she's cute"

ETA: or that I'll never get any longer than I am right this minute :cry3:
1. Rinsing out a relaxer and having every strand of hair on my head come out with it.

My biggest fear is since I stop going to the salon, my hair will stop growing completely and that I'm doing more damage than good trying to maintain it myself.

Overprocessing leading to severe breakage...I started my HHJ because of just such a situation a few years ago. I'm talking too short to flat-iron breakage! So now I'm careful with everything...especially heat.

That my hair will fall out from the relaxing process.........

Two words: Relaxer Damage

My fear (every time) would be a relaxer not being washed out properly and my hair coming out in clumps...

:nono: :nono: Everything they Said. This Happened to me December 2008. This, nightmare is my Biggest Fear.

And not being able to Fully Recover from this Major Set-back.:blush:
That a hater will come up behind me and cut my hair ....this happened to my mother on a city bus when she was in her twenties. They put gum in it and her mother had to cut it all out.
breakage, breakage, breakage... I inspect EVERY strand that comes out of my head and panic a little when I don't see the white bulb at the end.
That a hater will come up behind me and cut my hair ....this happened to my mother on a city bus when she was in her twenties. They put gum in it and her mother had to cut it all out.

this is why when my hair gets that long I will always have pulled over my shoulder in front of me... ppl really do crazy mess like that!!! :nono:
Having a giganomous setback and having to snip! snip! snip! and somehow waking up with huge, dry, massive tangles that no amount of olive oil can destroy, whoch I will be forced to snip off one by one.
My biggest fear?? That I'll make my goal of MBL, and something tragic happens to cause a major setback. So i'm really trying to get my regi down with tried and true products, so I'm not tempted to try new techniques and mess my self up
My nightmare is that I will be in my bathroom relaxing my hair, I pass out for no reason and when I come too my hair and scalp is burned to the white meat!!!!!
That I or someone else will mistake relaxer cream for conditioner (actually had a few dreams about this)
That I will never reach wl much less hl
That I will finally get up the nerve to straighten my hair only to discover that it has become heat damaged and have to start all over. I can just imagine the meltdown I would have...screaming...crying...cussing...may even hurt someone...