Three Year Progress Update - my journey to WL (with Pics)

Very pretty!
Your story almost reminds me of mine. Before I joined I had color in my hair and I kept it at SL. I finally decided to grow it out because I notice my hair was not doing so well with the color I put in. It was still growing but my ends were fried. I joined lhcf at apl. And as soon as learned a few tips and tricks for my hair, it has flourished. Congrats on WL.
Progress threads like this give me hope of finally reaching WL.

Congrats! Beautiful hair!

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Yes, you can make it. I saw a few threads recently where a few ladies asked if they should give up on their goals, and I say no. You may have to adjust your efforts a bit to reach your goals, but I don't think anyone should just give up on achieving healthy hair that they can manage themselves.

My best tips for reaching WL is to be patient and pay attention to what you're doing. In my case, I noticed that I had a lot of unprocessed hair towards the ends that resulted in my constantly trimming it. Once I took care of that problem, I started trimming as needed and I started breaking my BSL plateau.

Then I noticed that I kept trimming because I was trying to have perfect looking ends like other people. I finally accepted that my ends, while they were healthy, weren't identical to my sister's, my stylist's, my friend's or anyone else's. I also realized that the look of a blunt cut versus ends of different lengths would look very different. So I finally stopped all of those trims and since I only needed about 2 inches to reach WL, I tried Chicora's method of growing it out to my goal point and then trimming as needed until it thickened up the way I wanted it to. With this method, I finally reached WL within 6 months. A slightly different approach helped me reach my goal versus trying to achieve "perfection" while growing.

I probably could have reached my goal sooner if I hadn't obsessed about it so much, but I'm glad I took the longer journey because I really learned more about my hair and its needs.

Best wishes to you as you continue your journey too. :yep:
This gives me so much hope... great job!!!!

Yay! I wanted to share anything that I could to help someone else along their hair journey. All of the ladies here on LHCF have been so gracious to share their stories, support and encouragement, and I'm excited to do the same.

Best wishes to you!
Very pretty!
Your story almost reminds me of mine. Before I joined I had color in my hair and I kept it at SL. I finally decided to grow it out because I notice my hair was not doing so well with the color I put in. It was still growing but my ends were fried. I joined lhcf at apl. And as soon as learned a few tips and tricks for my hair, it has flourished. Congrats on WL.

Thanks! I'd love to hear tips from you on how to get to HL. :grin:
Thanks! I'd love to hear tips from you on how to get to HL. :grin:

The one thing I can say that has helped me stay on the straight and narrow when it comes to growing hair, is sticking to what works for me. Don't go jumping on bandwagons or trying new techniques that others rave about. You look like you already know what you are doing so stay with it. The same thing that got you to WL will get you to HL :yep:.
I had to learn to stop taking pics because I am so obsess with my ends and I would have my daughter cut my hair to get that fresh blunt cut in a heart beat. Your hair is so beautiful and you have had good progress.
I had to learn to stop taking pics because I am so obsess with my ends and I would have my daughter cut my hair to get that fresh blunt cut in a heart beat. Your hair is so beautiful and you have had good progress.

Thanks! Yes, pictures can be a good thing but they can also lead to overtrimming. I'm glad you're just letting it grow. :grin: