What is your definition of a "quality man"?


Well-Known Member
I know we talk about men approaching us or NOT approaching us. There are women here who have men breaking down their doors and then we have women here who say they can't get a man to look at them. There are women who say they know umpteen quality men who are looking for that quintessential woman and women who don't know ANY quality men.

I'm always somewhat skeptical when someone says they know LOTS of quality guys who are looking for their counterpart. Maybe it's my cynicism, but I automatically defer to the thought: What's wrong with him? Is he short? Unattractive? Boring as h#ll? etc., etc.

So, my question is: How do you personally define a quality man? Are we talking financials, personality, ambition, willingness/readiness for a relationship/marriage, ideals/morals/values/ethics, etc.? Also, how big does the aesthetics play in "quality" men? Are the "quality" men the unattractive or undesirable men, aesthetically or personality-wise?

Let's discuss.

ETA: I understand that quality is subjective, but I'm talking about in the broad, generalized sense of "quality".
A quality man is a faithful man with morals who wont dog you out. Someone who makes you feel good. Financially, a provider. and someone your physically attracted to and the personality stuff is different for everyone because no two people are alike
A sincere man that is above this macho/childish crap I see everyday. I don't need a man that needs to prove that he's a man by dressing like a fool, driving a huge truck, and acting like a caveman. I need a man that's above all that. One that knows the value of education, but doesn't let it blow up his ego. Knows the value of being civilized. He'd be patient, understanding, strong, and not afraid to be loving, caring, and considerate.

A good man is one that is willing to put his family before anything else. He's level headed, mature, and hopefully a little cultured. Maybe another language or two and some globe trotting.

And of course, here are the "no's"
No thug types, no criminals, no wife beaters, no bums, no moochers, no-man whores, no players, and no drug users.

Pretty simple.
For me, quality means: intelligent, passionate, dependable, honest, ambitious/focused, educated/loves to learn, believes in community, values family, identifies as a feminist & doesn't believe gender roles are required (he can have a preference, but no ~women should do this/men have to do that), is socially aware, is accepting of & embraces differences (not homophobic, etc), empathetic & compassionate, seeks and appreciates culture.

i think physical attractiveness is subjective & there's someone for everyone.

that's a quality man, to me. there are plenty of men that meet the "quality" standard of others, just not mine.

i know one man that meets my standard of a quality man. :lol: i know my standard is pretty high, but i've seen what's possible ;)
So, my question is: How do you personally define a quality man?

  • Is looking forward to providing for a family.
  • Is committed by nature and believes in keeping his word.
  • Honest and selfless.
  • Believes in marriage and in family as the center of life.
  • Intelligent and curious.
  • Thoughtful.
  • Deeply ambitious.
  • High opinion of women, especially black women.
  • Passionate (yes, ma'am :grin:) and virile.
  • Fertile

  • At least college educated.
  • Earns enough to comfortably support me and two children (or has earning potential that will result in this ability).
  • Has a clear career path.
  • Childless.

  • Family is stable overall.
  • Family is supportive of our marriage.
There we have it. Gorgeous face, tall, muscular body, full head of hair, athletic, speaks at least two languages, has a post-graduate degree, fabulously wealthy, and coming from a two-parent home are all icing on the cake.
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To me a quality man is someone you don't have to teach how to respect you...he already knows honesty, communication, fidelity, and respect are the four corners to any healthy relationship.

A quality man is one desires to grow together as a couple. A lot of men truly don't care about how their actions effect the women who love them and I feel a good man is willing to admit when he is wrong and see the error in his ways.

A great man will love and respect you in your face, but also, more importantly, behind your back; meaning he has integrity.
A quality man is one who:

Consistently backs up his words with actions

Believes in the importance of marriage and family and his role as a father and husband

Believes in importance of education even beyond the college level

Believes in a higher power and a sense of karma

Thinks outside the box and is accepting/appreciative/respectful of diversity in all aspects

Egalitarian when it comes to gender roles or at least doesn't have a strict view of what men and women do in a marriage.

Desire or at least willingness to travel and experience life outside our national borders.

Respect/appreciation for women

Loyal to those important to him

Ambitious/passionate about career/financial goals

Sidenotes: no smokers, heavy drinkers, liars, flakes, cheaters, deadbeats
1. Man of integrity esp Man of his word; Honest, Consistent
2. A Gentleman/Chivalrous and/or romantic
3. Capable of Providing for a Wife and/or Family: has a skill set, high/excellent earning potential, a workable plan, demonstrates he works hard or works smart
4. Kind and Loving, Attentive Affectionate Considerate
5. Knows who he is as a Man: understands his role as provider, protector and leader
6. Responsible, Reliable/Trustworthy
7. Loyal and honest
8. Confident and Sure-footed
9. Generous
10. Intellectual