What If Your Daughter Were Dating A Married Man?


Well-Known Member
One of my co-workers is constantly having issues with her daughter - I'll name her "AJ." AJ barely made it through high school and not for lack of the mind for it. She just never put any effort into anything. She then drifted from dead-end job to job and community college for almost 7 years. It finally seemed like she got her act together and she went to a state school and graduated.

However, like most kids nowadays she could not find a good job after graduation but instead of hustling she would call my co-worker crying (she lives in another state) saying she can't even afford food. So my co-worker would send her money, even if it meant she could not pay some of her own bills. Meanwhile, AJ was racking up thousands in credit card debt and working a few hours a week here and there through temp agencies and even TURNING DOWN jobs.

Finally, at 28, she found a full time job with benefits but not in her field and nothing with promotion potential. She seemed to be on track and doing very well but my co-worker found out that for the past 3 years AJ has been dating wealthy, married men. At first she used them just to go to expensive dinners and dates and moved from guy to guy but then it evolved to her having long-term arrangements with men doing that and giving her money to pay her credit card, bills and have fun.

AJ pretty much has a wardrobe of expensive clothes and shoes, a brand new car and a monthly vacation from her latest married man. She says she never wants to get married or have kids and is just having fun. She has no moral qualms about what she is doing because she says she does not believe in God and she is not the one who made vows. My co-worker is heartbroken but at this point she is just tired and is considering turning a blind eye since her daughter is at least working full time which she never envisioned would be a thing. She asked me for advice and I really don't have anything to offer. An adult can do what she wants but it would break my heart if it was my own child.

At the very least, I feel AJ is short-circuiting the process of learning to live within her means and manage her money. If she at least had that then I wouldn't think too much of someone else paying her bills and spoiling her (my issues with adultery aside). What would you say or do if this were your daughter? Plus how would you react to her bringing the guy home for holidays and family events (she brought one of these dudes home for Easter but at the time her mom had no idea he was married with kids).
i have a relative who had children with a married man. it broke up the marriage.

um, nobody really says anything about it...

That's got to be awkward. One of my married relatives was having issues with his wife and moved in with my mom. For thanksgiving he brought some woman over and had her spend the night. It was weird and nobody said anything. Turns out my mom just thought Thanksgiving was not the right time for that discussion because everyone and their spouse and their momma was home. Soon as the last person left my mom kicked him out of her house and told him off for bringing that woman to her house. He was salty and did not talk to my mom for months...then things went sour with his "lady-friend" and he realized how much child support and alimony he would have to pay if he left his wife and he came back with his tail between his legs.
well tbh idk. its a lot like what you were describing. the married man had a high paying job and the child support checks were very helpful so i guess nobody cares :look: maybe they would have if he had been broke. this is a pretty manless family im from, though, so.... :nono: this relative also did the "sugar baby" thing for awhile (and has since stopped as far as i know) and again it was not exactly a secret but mom didnt really do much about it... she lost her last job after hooking up with another dude there (the babys father was also a coworker, and she lost that job at the time too, which was a big deal) but theyre still together even though i know for a fact (not sure if she does the way she stay bragging like that relationship is something for everybody to get their panties in a bunch over) that he is a straight up cheater...

oh well. if nobody else cares i aint bout to get all bent out of shape about it. ratchets ratchets ratchet.
I would cut my daughter off.

As mean as it sounds, I love her dearly but I do not believe in, much less facilitate being involved with married men. I've raised my daughter to respect the institution of marriage and if she is at all comfortable interfering in what God has put together, than the fall-out is on her.

To raise a child to adulthood with a morality compass that is that flawed, is just sad. What is your co-worker's backstory in raising this daughter? Did she raise her daughter as a married woman or as a single parent? So many questions...
I would cut my daughter off.

As mean as it sounds, I love her dearly but I do not believe in, much less facilitate being involved with married men. I've raised my daughter to respect the institution of marriage and if she is at all comfortable interfering in what God has put together, than the fall-out is on her.

To raise a child to adulthood with a morality compass that is that flawed, is just sad. What is your co-worker's backstory in raising this daughter? Did she raise her daughter as a married woman or as a single parent? So many questions...

AJ's dad took off when she was an infant and her mom remarried when AJ was around 10. The relationship between AJ and her stepdad was always strained so much so that they don't talk. He seems like a good guy but he is a disciplinarian unlike my co-worker and AJ has always resented that.
I would be ashamed that my daughter is basically a prostitute and I would encourage her to seek counseling

I was just about to say........there's a name for what she's doing - prostitution. And I can't condone it.

I'd like to believe that I could raise my daughter better than that, so this is not a problem that I'd have.
Her daughter is a 28 year old hooker and she is asking your for advice? Does she realize her daughter is lying about having a job? Nobody with a 9-5 can take monthly vacations. AJ isn't working a W2 job.

They all need counseling, presuming the daughter isn't happy being a hooker. If she's happy, there is nothing mom can do to make her stop. Not allowing the married men in her home is an option but that probably means AJ won't come around either.
My theory is that when your "kids" are grown and on their own they will live their life as they choose. As a parent we need to let them deal with their own consequences as it relates to their choices. Yes, you raised them to know right from wrong, you instilled values, you showered them with your love and wisdom. And they took these gifts with them when they left the nest.

But, now the "kids" are living their life. And right or wrong they are making their own choices. And we need to back off. Stop being the National Bank of Mom & Dad
with the ever open cash machine. Stop paying your grown "kids" rent. Stop taking on the raising of your grandchildren because..(insert their sob story here). Are you getting my point?

These "kids" need to learn that it is their responsibility to deal with their decisions and their consequences as they live as an adult in an adult world.
Her daughter is a 28 year old hooker and she is asking your for advice? Does she realize her daughter is lying about having a job? Nobody with a 9-5 can take monthly vacations. AJ isn't working a W2 job.

They all need counseling, presuming the daughter isn't happy being a hooker. If she's happy, there is nothing mom can do to make her stop. Not allowing the married men in her home is an option but that probably means AJ won't come around either.

Not a lie. :look:

I would advise the mom to tell prosti daughter to have Suga Daddy to pay for some classes because the ride won't last forever. Either the man will tire of her or she'll get too old/jaded to play this game.

Also, get her some counseling under a guise.
you know, after more closely reading the op....

one thing that really stuck out to me was that it seems like the mom is primarily concerned about the moral implications of sleeping with somebody else's husband... aj is getting everything she needs and has a closet full of nice stuff, bills paid, credit cards galore, vacations, basically living the good life... and a point of concern is that she has "no moral qualms, doesn't believe in god, and doesnt want to get married or have children of her own"?

ok now... im trying to think what its like for someone to be so aimless after high school that they bounced around in dead end jobs and asked mommy for money but was capable of finally graduating from college once they finally put some effort into it. then allegedly (as far as mom knows) didn't get into this whole escorting sugar baby life until 28, which is pretty late in the game, especially for someone who was allegedly struggling their entire adult life before this. as a life path, these things don't make any sense. they're contradictory. one is a shrewd businesswoman type that is about her money, and able to successfully wrangle a life of luxury based on nothing but her charms (i don't care how often people talk about it, i find it hard to believe that it's easy to live a quality life by hoing around. that is going to take some talent) and the other is a scattered, unfocused layabout who is perfectly fine coasting by on fumes. something's not right about this, which isn't really surprising since i'm sure there is some filtering going on both through aj and through aj's mom telling the story to you.

frankly... this sounds like a lifestyle led by stupidity that could have been avoided or at least redirected with better parental guidance. it doesn't make any sense why a woman who is apparently capable of suckering men for thousands a month should have floundered so long in her life. if she were capable of succeeding at any level, even just by ****ing other women's husbands, she should have been able to channel that energy to a proportionate extent earlier in life. im trying to figure out how you go from a lazy ho to a paid ho. what is the catalyst there? it's just not adding up to me.

i hate to say it but her mom needs to be looking at where she failed her, not just because/if she is living as a prostitute, but because there seems to have been nothing of importance instilled in her from mom. what are her values? going by this history, she never had any, in any direction, good or bad, and it just so happens that down the line that aimlessly slowly started draining towards "bad"... and mom is heartbroken because it's a godless way to live. :look:

People like to act like they and everyone they know that's happily married entered into the marriage the "right" way.

My uncle has been married to his wife like 15-17 years. Just a few months before their Lil silly beach wedding my mom made me attend, she was making out with my uncle's best friend (who she lived with) in the karate van on our way to one of the kid tournaments. :look:

I still look at this chick like, word? Mmkay. :drunk:
you know, after more closely reading the op....

one thing that really stuck out to me was that it seems like the mom is primarily concerned about the moral implications of sleeping with somebody else's husband... aj is getting everything she needs and has a closet full of nice stuff, bills paid, credit cards galore, vacations, basically living the good life... and a point of concern is that she has "no moral qualms, doesn't believe in god, and doesnt want to get married or have children of her own"?

ok now... im trying to think what its like for someone to be so aimless after high school that they bounced around in dead end jobs and asked mommy for money but was capable of finally graduating from college once they finally put some effort into it. then allegedly (as far as mom knows) didn't get into this whole escorting sugar baby life until 28, which is pretty late in the game, especially for someone who was allegedly struggling their entire adult life before this. as a life path, these things don't make any sense. they're contradictory. one is a shrewd businesswoman type that is about her money, and able to successfully wrangle a life of luxury based on nothing but her charms (i don't care how often people talk about it, i find it hard to believe that it's easy to live a quality life by hoing around. that is going to take some talent) and the other is a scattered, unfocused layabout who is perfectly fine coasting by on fumes. something's not right about this, which isn't really surprising since i'm sure there is some filtering going on both through aj and through aj's mom telling the story to you.

frankly... this sounds like a lifestyle led by stupidity that could have been avoided or at least redirected with better parental guidance. it doesn't make any sense why a woman who is apparently capable of suckering men for thousands a month should have floundered so long in her life. if she were capable of succeeding at any level, even just by ******* other women's husbands, she should have been able to channel that energy to a proportionate extent earlier in life. im trying to figure out how you go from a lazy ho to a paid ho. what is the catalyst there? it's just not adding up to me.

i hate to say it but her mom needs to be looking at where she failed her, not just because/if she is living as a prostitute, but because there seems to have been nothing of importance instilled in her from mom. what are her values? going by this history, she never had any, in any direction, good or bad, and it just so happens that down the line that aimlessly slowly started draining towards "bad"... and mom is heartbroken because it's a godless way to live. :look:

You make some great points. However, there are plenty of women who are capable and smart and use that with men instead of a job.

AJ definitely had dudes spoiling her in college but it was a part time spoiling because she used student loans to pay her bills - to the point where she exhausted her loan elligibilty.

Her mom has babied her and rescued her all her life so while
she knows how to hook and charm men she doesn't know how to manage money, develop a career or a sustainable lifestyle.

If I did not care about dating all
kinds of men for money you better believe I would use that money to buy some real estate or start my own business, pay my student loans... Not to buy clothes and vacations and Ipads.

She may have charm and feminine allure but she is immature and a
financial hot mess. Mom was her
sugar momma and then she realized she could get a super sugar daddy.
You make some great points. However, there are plenty of women who are capable and smart and use that with men instead of a job.

AJ definitely had dudes spoiling her in college but it was a part time spoiling because she used student loans to pay her bills - to the point where she exhausted her loan elligibilty.

Her mom has babied her and rescued her all her life so while
she knows how to hook and charm men she doesn't know how to manage money, develop a career or a sustainable lifestyle.

If I did not care about dating all
kinds of men for money you better believe I would use that money to buy some real estate or start my own business, pay my student loans... Not to buy clothes and vacations and Ipads.

She may have charm and feminine allure but she is immature and a
financial hot mess. Mom was her
sugar momma and then she realized she could get a super sugar daddy.

She should have got those loans paid off. Priorities all messed up :lol:

Ok I get the picture. I know a couple women like her. Most are fine IRL. Most likely the hysterics are coming from her mom who is being overdramatic. I'm like her in many ways but I'm too old for married men.

She'll be fine. I'll bet money she'll be married in the next couple years. If her mom wants to speed that up. Completly her off. Talk to her a lot less. Daughter might get it done by the end of the year. Then she can go back to being a "proud" mama :lol:
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I would ask her what she is getting out of the situation.

And I would repeat back what she said out loud......and hope that she gets the hint that it's ****ing stupid. Hopefully after that she'll leave him alone.