What has keep you motivated?


New Member
So I have a major issue with sticking to my goals. I either give up in the early stages before I do anything that may set me back OR I stick it in for the long run and when I dont see the results I was hoping for I stop halfway... which leads to one of my resolutions...auctally the only one, to stay motivated and remain persistant in no matter what im doing.

So What has keep you going through your hair journey, whats your motivation and when the going gets tough how do you steer back into the right direction? It may be an easy question to answer but to put it in to practise is quite hard.
Well my hair is really damaged right now, and what keeps me motivated is knowing that my hair can be healthy and that it SHOULD be healthy. I shouldnt be content with damaged hair. I just want to see myself with healthy hair. That keeps me going.

ETA: my nape that was totally gone has grown back so that keeps me going as well.
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I think what has helped me is joining challenges where people actively participate ( regularly posting pics, regimes, ideas, victories, setbacks.) Seeing peoples progess really makes a difference and can help keep you on task.....
I like the way my hair looks now and want to keep it that way. Progress pics keep me motivated. I always look forward to the next retouch especially after a 13+ week stretch. Find something that will keep you motivated. I don't like to work hard for something and then stop half way because that negates all my efforts.
Question: What has kept you motivated?

Answer: My hair buddies :kiss: :kiss: and seeing all the loving progress made by others.
Honestly, nothing. By now its just second nature. I haven't missed a DC in a year. It's a real regime to me!
For me, it's seeing little tiny progress. For example, my ultimate goal may be APL, but right now I'm just excited to feel how soft & manageable my hair is after weekly deep conditioning. I try not to focus on the big picture, but the small things.
ooooo... this is a beautiful thread. i like to stalk any relaxed ladies with hair thats BSL or longer. if they can do it so can i. (shhh). also i like to look at old pictures where my hair was a hot mess to help remind me not to go back. remember even a little progress is still progress, especially if its just improving the health of ur hair. also (brace urself, this is weird).... i like to think of my hair as my BFF. so if she is mad, then its my duty to help. u know?? for example, i did a heavy protein one day, and she did not like that and went off. so i had to do a heavy moisturizing deep conditioning. by personifying my hair, it helps to make it not seem so much of a chore, but more like a relationship.
For me, it's seeing little tiny progress. For example, my ultimate goal may be APL, but right now I'm just excited to feel how soft & manageable my hair is after weekly deep conditioning. I try not to focus on the big picture, but the small things.

I think thats important.

Small things like softness, less shedding/breakage are signs of healthy hair.
I like this thread! thanks OP

Seeing the growth keeps me motivated. Whenever I wash and see my natural growth it makes me want to continue with my transition.

Also, I have a couple pix on my vision board one of hair straightened about hip length, and one of this big curly natural fro.. it's HUGE.

My vision board is probably the most motivating factor because it's a daily visual reminder of what I want to accomplish. I don't only use it for hair, but for every aspect of my life.
Well, when I started my hair journey, my hair was a mess. My motivation was seeing all the lovely heads of hair on this board and realizing that I could have healthy, long hair, too...that was a MAJOR revelation to me and nothing was gonna get in my way!

Additional motivation came when I began taking and comparing progress pics (every 3 months or so) so that I could actually see my own hair improving. The pics also showed that this "transformation" was not gonna happen overnight...patience and consistency were necessary in order to see this through. :ohwell:

Now, my hair care is second nature to me (like shtow said). I maintain a simple regimen and plan to cruise right along into WL, then HL.:grin:
At first, my motivation was the other fotkis, journals, boards, and books. I emerged myself in this, and followed their lead, until I was able to do this on my own.

Visualization is big for me. It helps me to keep going.

Forming good habits is another huge motivator. This healthy hair thing IS my only hair habit. Its second nature now.

Keeping track through fotki has made me appreciate my progress. I regret that I did not document my hair from the very beginning when I was transitioning and after I BC'd. I've come a long way.

I always set new shorter goals (to not obsess over and get through the long-term goals more successfully): such as a party coming up in three months, a birthday, a trip, etc...
I used to be all super motivated when I was growing out my hair, my motivation was just wanting to get there

got there, now I am barely motivated to keep up with it all, I do it only because I have to

occasionally I will have a little motivation and actually look forward to the process, thats rare as hayle though
I think its the length of my hair that keeps me motivated. This is the longest its ever been and im loving every moment of it! Altho my forcetexlaxed no-lyed ends keep me depressed(demarcation lines, shrinkage, tangling) my transition to lye looks very promising.... But the main thing thats motivating me now is the LHCF BOOTCAMP:yep:
I think what keeps me motivated is the desire to go beyond what I thought was possible. I thought my hair could never be thick with a relaxer (prove that wrong since 11/08) I though black hair care was hard (prove that wrong in July 2008). All the things I do now I would have never dreamed of before to achieve my goals are so simple, and more women of color could have all the lenght and thickness they desire if just looked beyond what they have now and see what they can have.

This is one of the most healthiest habits I have, and proably the cheapest!
Well, when I started my hair journey, my hair was a mess. My motivation was seeing all the lovely heads of hair on this board and realizing that I could have healthy, long hair, too...that was a MAJOR revelation to me and nothing was gonna get in my way!

Additional motivation came when I began taking and comparing progress pics (every 3 months or so) so that I could actually see my own hair improving. The pics also showed that this "transformation" was not gonna happen overnight...patience and consistency were necessary in order to see this through. :ohwell:

Now, my hair care is second nature to me (like shtow said). I maintain a simple regimen and plan to cruise right along into WL, then HL.:grin:

Prospurr, I should have just read what you wrote, 'cause it describes EXACTLY my inspirations and goal too. Our posts were almost identical. :lol:

Also, OP this year, I have decided to add little rewards for myself. I am an extremely frugal person. I hardly ever shop or spend on myself. Therefore, the next few goals, I will purchase a pair of diamond earrings I have been eyeing, then get my teeth whitened, and take a few spa trips. I have not quite ironed it all out yet, but the hair inspired me to keep other things up too.
For me, it's seeing little tiny progress. For example, my ultimate goal may be APL, but right now I'm just excited to feel how soft & manageable my hair is after weekly deep conditioning. I try not to focus on the big picture, but the small things.

I think thats important.

Small things like softness, less shedding/breakage are signs of healthy hair.

Visualization is big for me. It helps me to keep going.
Me too

For me, it's PICTURES! This piki-strip in my siggy is the first time I looked at progress from the beginning. IRL, I don't see any progress. I thought my hair had not changed a BIT!!
The sense of peace and tranquility I get when I put aside time for my hair and for me is what keeps me going. It feels so good to put myself first even if it's for a short time of pampering. It's self love and the fruits of that show in my hair growth and overall health (ie: drinking more water, eating better foods, taking vitamins, researching and incorporating healthy living and ayuveda). Joining LHCF and starting this healthy hair journey has taken me in a wonderful direction and that keeps me motivated.

How zen am I ya'll?! :lachen:
The sense of peace and tranquility I get when I put aside time for my hair and for me is what keeps me going. It feels so good to put myself first even if it's for a short time of pampering. It's self love and the fruits of that show in my hair growth and overall health (ie: drinking more water, eating better foods, taking vitamins, researching and incorporating healthy living and ayuveda). Joining LHCF and starting this healthy hair journey has taken me in a wonderful direction and that keeps me motivated.

How zen am I ya'll?! :lachen:

:yep: LOVE THAT!!
I totally agree!
oh and I love trying new things, good smelling and feeling , plus my ole reliables, so sometimes I look forward to it that way and that gives me the oomph to do it.

Like today I'm going to go out with my man smelling like ORANGES

I love trippin him out with my many scents and watchin him react

other than that, yeah I gotta fight to stay motivated any way I can
Seeing progress! Even at 15 weeks post I can see that my hair has grown so I am SO excited to get my relaxer and see how much growth I've REALLY gotten. Seeing the progress, and just the challenge of trying to get the right regimen to get my hair in the best shape it can be motivates me. It's definitely a delicate balance, and it's sort of like a puzzle, so that makes it fun. Once I find a regimen and reach my goals I imagine it'll be pretty hard to stay motivated though. But I'll find a way because having jacked up hair is NOT fun. I know that from experience. Also I guess I can say that I'm motivated because I've HAD long, healthy hair before so I not only know that it's possible, but I also know how great it made me feel so I'm striving to feel like that again. :yep:
The biggest thing for me was when i did my progress pics. I honestly did not think i was getting any growth. Although my SO was telling me this I just thought he was being nice. When I did the progress pics I was like ok I can do this.

The second thing is seeing other girls progress. I always think if they can do it so can i

Finally it is the fact that i want to prove this to myself and I now know that black hair can grow and I have the tools to make it happen.
Well this hair thing is a blast because I don't do much to my hair so staying focus is easy, wash/condition, moisturize, stretch, those are my hair vocabulary, now what I need motivation for is sticking to a diet/exercise regime, now if someone could help me with them then we'll be talking..
Part of my motivation is seeing other people with fabulous hair so I know its possible. Another motivation is the fact that I want to learn and teach my daughters how to care for their hair so they don't make the mistakes that I made.
Several Fotki's keep me motivated (Sera25, Loo, Chocolate01, etc.) and the progress pics on here. I know the patience and consistency will pay off.
There are several things that keep me motivated:

-The lovley ladies on this board!
-Seeing the progress of myself and others
-Wanting the versatility of having longer hair to try new styles
-My 10 year high school reunion in November! :lachen:
-Challenging myself to do something that many people thought wasn't possible
Just looking at this keeps me motivated...


As well as the LHCF...how could I not mention it?
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