What has keep you motivated?

i don't mind the healthy hair practices. it is the scissors that i need to stay away from. i want to experience long hair being natural. and to show others that you can have pretty, healthy hair, natural.
I love the idea that BLACK (no offense to my other sisters) are showing the world that our hair is beautiful!

I never knew the proper way to care for my hair so I gave up and wore weaves for YEARS!

Never again...
I look at all the progress pictures of people on this forum. You all are amazing. So many people on here reach their goals and that gives me hope that I can also reach mine.
First, looking in the mirror and seeing, like, no hair on my head. lol. Second, everyone who keeps telling me what to do (comb it, braid it, shampoo it, etc.) and thinking they know better...I want to show 'em up. Yeah, I'm not very nice. But I'm working with it.
My SO telling me that no one goes outside like that (natural) made me even more determined to have beautiful, healthy, natural hair.

Being that how he grew up if anyone didn't have a perm their hair was a mess I'm going to show him that is definitely not the case here.

So it's a big motivator to have someone you care for have such a negative image in their head about natural hair makes you want to prove them wrong more than anything.​
What motivates me is the positive hair comments I receive from people who knew before I started taking care of my hair and after I began my healthy journey.
I'm truly motivated to stick it out this time, so variety of style ideas using you tube has helped. I would never have come up with the idea of doing a puff on my TWA until I saw a girl rocking one on You Tube. It really does give you options.:grin:
Lots of things keep me motivated. One of my motivations is the inspirational ladies right here on LHCF!!! Just when I want to give up, a thread praising someone with beautiful hair or a pic of gorgeous hair makes me want to keep going.

Another motivation for me is naysayers. That includes family:yep::yep: Whenever someone tells me I won't or can't reach my goals, then it makes me more determined to prove them wrong. I am now a faithful believer of this phrase: "Whatever you can believe, you can achieve." It really does hold true, and I believe success is a mental thing. If you don't have faith in your own self to believe and know that you can and will reach your goals, then who else will have faith in you??? If you have limited faith in your success, then you do nothing but sabotage your success.

Another motivation for me is that I know that I control the outcome of my actions. If I don't care for my hair, then it shows. If I neglect my hair, then my hair responds to me by acting up. Love your hair, and it will love you back:yep:
Honestly, nothing. By now its just second nature. I haven't missed a DC in a year. It's a real regime to me!
For me it's seeing everyone else's gorgeous progress. It's also second nature to me. Since i've started my hair journey, i don't know anything different. It's become a way of life.:yep:
So I have a major issue with sticking to my goals. I either give up in the early stages before I do anything that may set me back OR I stick it in for the long run and when I dont see the results I was hoping for I stop halfway... which leads to one of my resolutions...auctally the only one, to stay motivated and remain persistant in no matter what im doing.

So What has keep you going through your hair journey, whats your motivation and when the going gets tough how do you steer back into the right direction? It may be an easy question to answer but to put it in to practise is quite hard.

the haters (non-believers) keep me motivated. I know that there will be setbacks along this journey and I try to take them in stride when do come. I'm a pretty focused individual so I keep my eye on the prize at all times.
I'd have to say that seeing all the lovely people with their healthy long hair, is one inspiration..Another is the fact that I am wanting my hair to be a certain length and health and that allows me to stay on track.. :) LHCF is definitely a motivation..
I'm finally empowered and learning new things all the time about how to care for my hair. Seeing the gradual fruits of my labour is all the motivation needed.
In Nov./Dec. 08My Hair suffered severe chemical damage and overprocessing at the Salon which resulted in losing 90% of my hair. What has kept me on this HHJ, is first, finding the LHCF, second becoming a DIY, and trying to learn about the totality of my hair care needs (And not put the outcome of that into the hands of someone else) like I had previously done by being a weekly salon go-er. I see now, that just didn't make any sense. And that $ is far better spent, buying the best products and learning the proper techniques and regimens for MY HAIR. Oftentimes everyone at the shop -- gets the same old recipe whether your hair is short or long, dry or oily, fine or coarse, damaged or healthy. Same old products, because they are there to make $ and are working through many clients during the day and often at once.

So reading these threads, knowing that I am not alone, and seeing how other ladies have brought their hair back from 'critical condition' in a short amount of time (1-2 years) keeps me motivated. Also, when I see progress in my hair by balancing out protein & moisture and seeing results from that keeps me looking up. Also, learning what products are for what and applying them correctly.
I want to prove to myself (and a few others) that the "impossible" can be achieved. Even more than that, I just want to have loooooooong hair (BSL. Never did before) I want it so bad, I've learned patience!

I also use this website; a long, organized, list of fotki albums; youtube videos; and other websites for inspiration, further motivation, information, and ideas. This is a crucial part of the process, seeing others happily exceed their expectations -- that strengthens my resolve.
So I have a major issue with sticking to my goals. I either give up in the early stages before I do anything that may set me back OR I stick it in for the long run and when I dont see the results I was hoping for I stop halfway... which leads to one of my resolutions...auctally the only one, to stay motivated and remain persistant in no matter what im doing.

So What has keep you going through your hair journey, whats your motivation and when the going gets tough how do you steer back into the right direction? It may be an easy question to answer but to put it in to practise is quite hard.

Seeing long hair whether it's relaxed or natural keeps me going....I have setbacks and I might be having one now, but I haven't given up, sometimes I get that I can't do this bug, but the more I look at pic albums, and members on here with beautiful hair pass bsl....it keeps me going...and I dream about having my hair to my waist...I mean it's a every night dream, I have to keep going, I just can't give up, I have to achieve my goals so I can say well atleast I tried...I still have lots of time to reach my goal, but I just want to have healthy relaxed hair...
For me...its seeing all the beautiful heads of thick long hair on here....and the excitement of me being so close to a hair goal i used to think was impossible.

Also...my healthy hair regimen is therapeutic for me...it makes me relax....so i enjoy it.

Also when IRL....i love all the compliments i get on my hair and the amazement ppl have about it bc i am black and i do have MBL almost WSL hair. They don't believe that i'm black...lol!!! But i love beating the statistics and being impossible.
Seeing long hair whether it's relaxed or natural keeps me going....I have setbacks and I might be having one now, but I haven't given up, sometimes I get that I can't do this bug, but the more I look at pic albums, and members on here with beautiful hair pass bsl....it keeps me going...and I dream about having my hair to my waist...I mean it's a every night dream, I have to keep going, I just can't give up, I have to achieve my goals so I can say well atleast I tried...I still have lots of time to reach my goal, but I just want to have healthy relaxed hair...

I am going to have to agree with you.

Seeing others motivates me.

Also, I have had longer, healthier hair before. I have never been able to get back since some majot setbacks. Seeing my old pictures motivates me.

Another thing tha motivates is my own feelings about my look. I think I look and feel more feminine with longer hair. I want to get that back as I get older. I feel that having longer hair as I approach my mid 30's (I am 33 now) will help me maintain my inner feelings of youth.

That may sound silly I know, but I prefer having longer hair as I get older.
Well I'm like you, I've given up before. Last June (08) was when I started my journey and I gave up about Sept 08 after a hairdresser ripped through my hair and I saw it all over the floor. My esteem fell flat, I wasn't sure if I was retaining much of any growth. Especially since I let her cut it..I would've never known. But Yeah, so you get it I quit. And now freaking 9 months later, I decided that I wanted to try it one more time. I looked through a fotki to check up on this girl that I became cool with on BHM, and who was pretty much at the same length as me APL. I frequently viewed her fotki when I was active since we were like hair buddies (because we shared the same length + same hair problems). The only difference when I viewed her hair earlier this month..she was damn freaking BSL. And I thought to myself, had I of stuck with my regimen - I too could be here. Thats when I got it in gear. I had already restarted my journey February of 09, but to see my friend who actually stuck with hers & made progress being that we both were at the same point, with the same exact hair problems and to see her make ALL that progress, was like seeing ME make that progress. It really felt like that could be me. And Once I thought about it, quitting made no sense. You lose ALL the progress you have made and will have to start all over down the line. So, my thing now is if I ever feel unmotivated..the LEAST I could do is when I get in the shower, to run it under the water as well to keep my hair moist. There are some girls who only DC 4x a year - so I know if I just keep my hair frequently moist if I start to lose motivation atleast I won't have lost all my progress.
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Stalking fotkis,
LHCF....*big time*
& the ultimate
goal of proving to friends and family
members that Black women can grow
long, healthy hair...

*Megatek..keeps me motivated, tooo*
  • The fact that I've seen such a big improvement in my hair is such a short time.
  • The fact that this website shows me proof positive that black women can have long hair if we want it.
  • The fact that just making a few small changes in my hair care regimen yields extreme results.
  • The fact that there are those IRL who think I can't grow my hair long and healthy -- can't wait to see them in December!
Hope has kept me motivated!

I always knew that I would learn what I needed to learn to take better care of my hair. I always met chicks who didn't wanna share what they knew, but I knew one day I would find it; I didn't think it would be here though!

And eventhough I did a BC last December, I am glad that my hair is growing like it usually does and I will be APL again and go even further. I've never gotten to BSL...and I know that I will get there this time! I just stay focused on my goals and use the good information that I've learned here.