Has this HAIR JOURNEY been harder/easier than expected????

Harder than expected. I had multiple unexpected setbacks caused by things I should've fixed years ago before I started my hair journey. I'm stronger after each setback. I feel like God wanted me to learn those lessons now before my hair is longer so I don't have to deal with it in the future.
For me it's been easier than I expected. I don't make things difficult for myself, so I'm not really doing much more than I did before my LHCF days, I'm just doing it much better and smarter.

I've always stretched my relaxers 2-3 months. When I started my journey, I started deep conditioning, washing 1-2x per week, moisturizing daily, rollersetting, etc. I stopped flat ironing, blowdrying, using oil-based moisturizers, wearing ponytail holders, wrapping every night, etc. I basically swapped bad practices for good ones, and didn't add in a whole lot of unnecessary fluff. My hair is doing great and my journey has never been more fun :grin:.
This hair journey has always been exciting for me. Once I stopped being such a PJ, and obsessing over every broken hair that I see in the sink or shower it became a lot easier for me. I found products and a routine that work for me and now just stick to the methods that are good for my hair and not do things that I know are bad for my hair and to be honest this is the easiest thing that I have done that I can remember.
Especially since with the progress that I have made no one can tell me anything about my hair so I have something that I have pretty much mastered and that is a good thing.
This hair journey has been easy & fun so far. I’ve kept it really simple. I didn’t know my natural hair was so lovely and could do so many things. It’s growing well and at this point I’m on auto pilot.
It's been easier than expected and is also pretty fun. I've learned soooo much about my hair and my hair has thanked me for it. Also, I'm a pj at heart and it gave me an opportunity to try all types of products and as a result, I was able to find some amazing products that will be forever in my stash.

To keep myself motivated I experiment with different hairstyles. In doing so, I think of how great it is to be able to do said style with my hair. And then I think how amazing it would look at my goal length. I also leave my hair alone at times to give my hair a break and allow it to do it's thing.
Its been harder than expected, I thought going from APL to BSL would be a breeze, boy was I wrong :wallbash:. I did the same thing to get me from SL to APL that I've been doing the same things to get from APL to BSL and its taking much longer or my hair must be in its resting stage or something..:ohwell:
The journey has been harder and easier. Harder because in the beginning there was so much to learn, about hair and about my hair. Trying to figure out what works, what works for me, and what is just BS (for me) is hard when there is so much excitement from me and the members of this board. There is so much out here in the areas of techniques and products that it can be quite overwhelming. The urge to buy every raved about product is difficult to resist. And it can be crippling to the wallet and the clock to try out so many new things. Now that my newbie days are over I feel that I have gotten a routine and staple products. I can read reviews without feeling the need to go and get the latest greatest thing. My hair has been experimented on and is ready to enjoy the benefits of good hair care.
It has been wayyyyy easier. :yep:
Because I'm K.I.S.S.ing it!!!

BEFORE I was doing too much because I didn't know how to combat my hair problems so I threw any and everything into my hair. I did not know of balancing protein and moisture in hair so as a result I over-strengthened with protein. And I never knew you could OVER moisturize.

NOW--I actually do less.
I just cowash, seal with oils, dust my ends occasionally and do braid-outs. I'm doing henna treatments every 2 weeks as well. But that's it really.

I've always received compliments on my hair because it was long, full and appeared healthy.
"Are you wearing a weave?"
Key word: APPEARED.
I've always been about hair and beleive me--I can mask/camouflage hair issues with the best of them!
But while I felt good about the compliments most people were surprised when I told of all the things wrong with my hair, i.e., breakage, dryness, etc...

They couldn't see but I knew that my hair wasn't nearly as good as it could be. These days I can finally say that it is healthier. No splits and I retain moisture.
Definitely Harder

Inconsistency has bit me in the butt several times over the past few years. I have only started being consistent since last October.

I'm determined to see this hair journey through and have fun at the same time
It was hard at the beginning because I had to get used to treating my hair the way it should have been treated all along, now it's not that hard because I don't worry about it too much. I just do what has brought me results and go on with my life. I know that it will eventually grow past BSL to MBL.
I really didn't have any expectations at the start of my hair journey. I was just so grateful for the knowledge on how to take care of my hair so that it could grow to lengths like APL, BSL, WL, etc...I was just willing to do whatevaaaa....!

I have been on my hair journey for 1-1/2 years and have enjoyed it. The key for me is that I've always kept my haircare simple...no expensive products, no complicated regimen...and my hair has done well.
Okay..So I am finding that a lot you ladies who find it EASIER have a keep it simple approach.. So my question to you is, what are you doing to keep it simple???

Easier... once I got past the mental part out of the way and stopped worrying about whether my hair would grow or not.
Soo true.

When I first started, I was so impatient and eager for my hair to become healthy and longer overnight. Now, I just let my hair do its thing and keep it simple. The journey has gotten a lot easier once I learned to simmer down.
Okay..So I am finding that a lot you ladies who find it EASIER have a keep it simple approach.. So my question to you is, what are you doing to keep it simple???


Simple is going to be different for all of us but for me moisturizing has been key co-washing /rinsing/; Protecting my hair in braids or twists lo to no manipulation techniques, feeding my scalp with my essential oil blend & using quality (nutrient rich) oils. I DC at least once per week usually using stuff from my kitchen. I don't think ANY high end product can compare to the stuff I mix for my hair! :grin:
My journey has been harder because I haven't learned to fully let go and let my hair be. I'm constantly measuring my hair and seeing where it is almost as if I have OCD. Once I get past this stage I'm sure I'll be fine.

Yeah I was like that too in th beginning but then I got caught up in other stuff and just DID NOT have the desire to be messing with my hair as much. I was length checking almost daily for a while.:wallbash:
Definitely easier than I thought. I didn't believe that chelating, seamless combs, a decent dryer and the right setting products could solve my problems. I stay motivated because I know what I need and that being consistent gives results.
Definitely easier. Once I started listening to my hair, and learning about hair in general - it's been SO easy - and it's fun. Now, I just have to develop some patience. ;)
Definitely easier than I thought. I didn't believe that chelating, seamless combs, a decent dryer and the right setting products could solve my problems. I stay motivated because I know what I need and that being consistent gives results.

What is chelating?
I have just started, so I am not sure if this counts. But, this hair journey is easier than I thought at least for now. Just getting out of my rut, was the hardest. I don't have much expectations either. I want my hair to grow, and I want it healthy, but just having the attitude that longer hair doesn't make me nor break me, is what keeps my patience in tact!
I have been continuously taking care of my hair for little over a year now. I kept a simple regimen, so I feel as the work I have put into it, has certainly been worth it and over time has become like second nature.
I've only been doing the conscious hair care thing for about 5 or 6 weeks and I'm already finding it time consuming and taxing, not to mention...expensive.
It's harder because I'm also transitioning.
Before now, let me tell you, some of the girls on this forum would be like... ' :eek2:...you do what to your hair' :eek2:.
I use to wash my hair maybe once every three weeks with any shampoo with no conditioning, no dc'ing, ripping the comb through my hair and generally just being impatient with my hair. Oh, and I never moisturised my hair, relaxed whenever I felt I needed a touch up and on top of having no moisture I used to gel my hair down. :nono:. I could go on.
Thats the past and I've come a LONG way. I'm seeing many improvements in a short space of time and I just thank God that he's stopped me from abusing my hair...

But, OMG it took me 8 hours to pre-poo, wash, deep condition, detangle and plait my hair today. :wallbash:.
Before, I would have washed my hair during my quick 20 minute shower and just tied my hair back.

I think I had the worst hair habits out of everyone in the forum and I'm suprised I still have hair.:lachen:

WOW! Eight Hours!!! :dazed:
It was a trial at first to get my reggie and products down, in the beginning I was still making a few mistakes here and there but learning quickly...but the journey became so easy with time. Like she said, waiting is the hard part.
It was a trial at first to get my reggie and products down, in the beginning I was still making a few mistakes here and there but learning quickly...but the journey became so easy with time. Like she said, waiting is the hard part.

I definitely agree with the bolded. The hardest part so far has been getting the reg and the products in sync. I've just now started to realize my moisture/protein balance. I'm starting at a much shorter point than many newbies and it was hard at first (like watching grass grow). Now my hair doesn't consume all of my waking moments and it's getting easier to deal with...I've seen good progress. I'm happy with it.:yep:

It's been harder than expected because I'm impatient.
Harder at first trying to figure out what best works for my hur. Now, it's easy cause I have my regimen down and my staple products.
Having done this before I would have to say it's much easier this time. Almost 2 years in and no setbacks (Thank God!). And I know what my hair likes and doesn't like so we're having a good relationship. :)
I never expected it to be easy and it hasn't been. Like many of us I feel like trying to find the right regimen has been the most difficult part of this entire process. I never perfected my regimen for my relaxed hair. Now that I'm transitioning and I have down most if not all of the right products that work for my hair it's been a bit easier. I still want another few DC's and another daily moisturizer (not that I'll ever leave my beloved aloe juice/glycerin/honey mix) but it's been much better than when I initially started. Now all I have to do is wait for growth and figure out how to style my hair and that will come eventually....I hope :blush: