Has this HAIR JOURNEY been harder/easier than expected????

It just got a whole lot easier because I finally found moisturizers that work. Now that I have all of my basics, I look forward to experimenting more.
Easier... once I got past the mental part out of the way and stopped worrying about whether my hair would grow or not.

Yeah, what she said. I really believe that if you can relax and not fret so much, your hair will do it's thing. At first, it was hard to get the reggie down and even now, I am still trying to get an even better reggie than what I have. I am almost there and it's causing me to mentally relax further.

Many things that I do to my hair, I do on an as needed basis because I know better now, like when my hair needs baggying, when to add a protein treatment, should I moisturize once or twice a day, stuff like that. During different seasons my hair responds to these things differently. I had to learn that overtime that I would have to adjust my reggie even based on the season.
Easier *knock on wood*

My transition to natural was easy because I wore weaves and once I started wearing my own hair it was easy because I kept so few products and just throw my hair in a pony tail. I dont worry about proteinmoisture balances and any other scientific sounding hair processes. I just listen to my hair and I've basically retained every single inch that has grown out of my scalp with no setbacks and no drama
It has been incredibly difficult because I am still trying to figure out what regimen/products will work best for my hair. Also, these bandwagons make it tough as well because just when I think that I am doing ok there is something else to take me off the path and try something else in the hope that it will work better. What has been keeping me motivated in all of this is the hope of having longer and healthier hair. Also, I have seen some improvement through all of this even though my hair hasn't grown as much as I would like it to.
It's been harder when I take my sew ins out. Im not use to doing my hair anymore especially now that Im natural. On top of that my hair came out during an extended break earlier this year so that was heart breaking lol. And I felt a little discouraged. So as of now its hard to find a reggie, I think I am going to go with the whole Ayuderic(sp?) way of hair care. (I love my shikakaki bar soap) I also think I need to change my eating habits for good this time, and make myself accountable to my journal. If I get my reggi down then it should be alot easier.
I think my hair journey has been somewhat difficult. It is like as my hair goes through different stages I need to use different products and methods. I think the hardess thing is too keep track of what my hair likes and what I need to do. Staying focus.
What moisturizers have you found works best on your hair???

I'm using Karen's Body Beautiful Hair Milk as a leave-in/daily moisturizer/detangles too --This stuff is really,really good if your hair needs a creamy/lotion-like moisturizer. My hair is dry and crispy if I try to moisturize with a watery mosturizer and then seal with an oil or butter. For some reason it needs the combo.

To kick up the softness, put a little Qhemet's Burdock Root Butter Cream along with the KBB. Since my BC, my hair never been this soft when dry.
Pretty darn easy, once I've educated myself.:grin: I dont have a regimen or spend money on expensive products and my hair is still thriving.
My journey has been surprisingly easy. I have been transitioning now for 5 months and I thought it would be really hard. I have been washing, rollersetting, and silk wrapping weekly. The only thing that has changed is I have to braid my hair, and wash it while in braids. I do this to keep my relaxed ends from tangling with my ng. I also just cut my hair to SL so that also will make it 10x easier. I hope to keep sailing smoothly until I am fully natural. :grin:
A poignant question. In most ways it's easy for me as I am a wash n go type of gal. Sometimes I get a lil impatient with length issues. I may as well not 'cause it's gonna do what it do.

LHCF as a venue to express oneself is a great distraction of sorts. You can come on here listen, read, learn, share and impart knowledge. After all, "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving".

Glad you all are here.

It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be for me, because until I was able to braid my hair, I would have to take time to go to a stylist. Take time to style it. Take forever keeping it tangle-free during wash days. But once I could braid and twist my own hair, I just keep it braided or twisted 24/7 and life becomes a party. I don't have to spend hours detangling or styling. Wash days are so much easier when my hair is braided or in twists. I skip the whole detangling process and never need to use a comb.
Harder. Who knew it would be so hard to keep hair on your head? Well, I guess it could be easy if I was willing to wear twists 100% of the time and only finger comb, I feel certain I'd get length this way. I'm already fairly satisfied with my hair's health, though there's always room for improvement. It's just that after over a decade of wearing the same afro puff with an occasional twist, I want to do more than wear one hair style all the time, now that I know how to style a little better.
Harder but only because I'm really impatient. I feel like I should've been APL a long time ago. Other than that everything's okay.
I'm gonna say easier. Now if I was trying to "do" my hair everyday (transitioning to natural), I would say the opposite.:)
Well I'm not going to necessarily say easier because taking proper care of my hair can be time consuming ( with protein treatments and deep conditioning). But I will say that I have a better piece of mind when it comes to my hair care. Since following the healthy hair practices on this forum I feel more at ease about caring for my own hair rather than going to a stylist.
I wouldn't say it was more difficult than expected...I knew that I'd have to take care of my hair much more than what I was doing beofre LHCF (which was nothing BTW). What made it more "difficult" for me was when I started competing (non-officially) with how fast my goal for long hair would take me with other members of the forum.

When I see some ladies here obtaining SL to APL in about a year (or less), I got to thinking that if I'd do extra stuff like growth aids, aryuvedic oils, Henna and jumping on a few bandwagons that I'd get to my goal faster. It may be working to increase my growth rate, but experimenting with different regimines makes daily care for my hair more difficult than I believe it should be.

Once I find out what works best for my hair and stick with it, then it'll become much easier. I've narrowed down alot of methods and products this past year so I'm well on my way to K.I.S.S.
It has been much harder.I don't like the way that my face looks with short hair and I thought that my hair would grow back faster than it does.It took me a whole year after my BC to find the right moisturizer,but I'm gonna stay natural.
It has gotten easier over the years. What I'm obsessed with now is my weight. I figure watching my hair grow is like watching weeds so I might as well invest some time in getting my body together. Hopefully both my body and hair will be slamming at the same time.
It was VERY difficult for me until recently.

Even though I've known about proper hair care for years... I had very bad scalp issues for a while, I had to grow out a headfull of overprocessed hair and I was REALLY scissorhappy even though my hair was pretty healthy.

At the moment I'm on cruise though... things are great and my hair is doing very well! :yep:

My weight issue... makes me wanna :cry: sometimes. But I WILL keep going and get results in both my hair and body. I'm not going to stop trying!
Now I feel that my journey is harder than I thought in the beginning , my nape is an issue, the first months my nape grew but now I see that my nape is almost shorter than in the beginning and I can' t explain that because I think I take care of my nape ...
My goal will not be reached if my nape doesn't grow ....
I have found it to bee easier than expected. I have found a routine that works for me and products that I like. So I keep it simple and easy to keep up with and I have found that it works. No one is no surprised than I am that my hair is retaining length like never before.
Easier I feel blessed...no setbacks and I'm really in tune with my hair. The hardest thing about my journey is having patience because when I started 1 year ago my hair was pretty damaged...but it has really done a 180 and I'm just enjoying the ride now.
Way easier. My hair is very thick and coarse but I've survived by having a very simple regimen.