Has this HAIR JOURNEY been harder/easier than expected????

Iy's no been hard at all, eveb though i have to say that i was experimenting some straight hair anxiety (i think i'm still in there) but i've been very happy with my hair. My motivation is all the long haired naturals in here, i want to be one them sometime ^^
It hasn't been harder or easier than expected because I didn't know what to expect. I really didn't have a way to research indepth and see support like we have here.

And what do you do to keep yourself motivated??
Once I did it, I promised myself I'd stay natural 5 years and after I'd see what kind of health my hair was in. The promise to myself kept me motivated not to give up
My relaxed journey from Feb 08- June 09 was great. I got from NL to almost APL and learning all in ins and outs about haircare was exciting.

Natural journey thus far..has been interesting. Most of my old products no longer work for me, and I often grow impatient.. and wish my hair would grow faster, and that I had more styling options

When I first BC'd and my hair was 1/2 an inch long, it was so much easier to manage. Daily cowashing was great.

I keep myself motivated by looking at other naturals journeys who started at a BC and just remind myself that I will be there soon
This has been easier than I expected. I came into this game thinking that I had the worst, slow growing hair known to man. I had a strong desire to grow my hair long, but had those nagging doubts in my head as to if this was even possbible.

To actually see results is amazing. My motivation comes from my family. Everyone thinks I am living some pipe dream- but with every length goal I conquer that brings me closer to MBL, I am about to drop somethin' fierce on 'em!
I really expected to have to go through all sorts of drama to meet my first goal length especially since I had been at the same length for years...In actuality, though, figuring out what worked (s) for my hair has really been a no-brainer. I am a little nervous though that my hair will get to a point where I am not seeing any progress and that might get me down in the dumps...Positive energy, listening to my hair, and getting advice from people who KNOW what they are talking about has made this journey smooth sailing (so far)!
Its been much easier when I stop doing much, kept it simple, no bandwagons or growth-aids and be patient. Its when you try to force the process that made it hard at times.
I've been both relaxed and natural on this journey:
Relaxed was a little funny, because:
I had to figure out protein and moisture
how to step away from the flat iron while still wanting straight hair,
stretches were not easy (was aiming to relax 2x per year).
Still, the good parts were:
that I could monitor my ends more easily
I detangled faster
I could see progress more easily
my braid-outs and bantu knot-outs were HOT!
But, I wanted thicker hair, bigger hair and tried to natural before LHCF and relaxed about a year later. My relaxed hair, though it was growing and was healthier was still thin and not in its best condition due to damage from heat, and dying along with the relaxer. After checking out Jade's fro from ANTM (with many natural heads from this site) I was inspired to grow it out natural again.

Natural has been easier than expected in some ways:
With conditioner and a wide toothed comb, in the shower, detangling is really easy
WnG has been a great summer style
When all else fails you can just let it be wild
Gel is not the devil (Fantasia IC that is)
Braids, twists, keep me from bothering it
No bothering to keep it straight or fearing the rain will ruin my hair (unless flat ironed)
Its very versatile
No touch ups, or bothering with stretches or demarcation line
Hair is thicker
Twistouts looks good now

However its been harder in some ways:
Trying to detangle when not wet after WnG or braids is NOT my friend
Single strands knots are not my friend
More splits
Finding it tough to just touch BSL after great growth from Neck-APL
Flat ironed hair is flyaway
Braidouts are still to be mastered...

Its been both easier at some points (once I figured out what was working for me) and harder (when trying to figure out what works/ change things up).
I am charting in unknown territory, I have never had hair past my neck!
So now that I am collarbone length, I get really paranoid it's all going to break off back up to ear length.
I lurked for more than a year before I joined.....so I guess I can answer this question. LOL

It's been very easy. Last year I went from APL to almost MBL in 7 months. But then in November of last year I had a setback with a hair waver (it's like a hair crimper). It dried my ends and they broke off. I had to cut a lot of inches back up to APL.

I'm past APL now, and moving towards BSL.

I now know that it' very possible to get to WL, because if it wasn't for the waver I'd probaly be there now. My hair grows nicely so I don't worry about it.
it's a lot harder.
until i got to lhcf, i didn't realize how much damage i was doing to my hair in order to make it look a certain way.
trying to get my hair to behave using healthy techniques is very time-consuming.
Its been hard for me. When I first went natural it was so easy. I co-washed everyday and just wore wash n go's and I had great growth. But now my hair is at an awkward length. Its not short, its not long. I get more knots and splits so I'm forcing myself to protective style- and I do not like protective styles but if its going to get me to my goal then so be it.
Harder, because at first I didn't know what the hell I was doing. AT ALL. Also because I was lazy and stubborn and always wanted my hair to look prefect :wallbash: (i.e my lovely red solia flat iron). Once I learned the bare minimal basics (because I didn't know ANYTHING) it got a lot better. I only JUST now starting to moisturizing and seal every day.. yes I was that stubborn and lazy. I also had to do away with all direct heat, it was a crutch. All it did was hide the true health of my hair while damaging it.

The hardest part is not having an anxiety attack over broken hair, being too sensitive to that made me run to protein too often. I thought you weren't suppose to see broken hair, HAHA Who was I kidding! At only 5 months into taking care of my hair period, I was really expecting to see almost no breakage from hair thats been damaged and abused for at least 2-3 years.

I kind of started off slowly. My only rule during the first year of my HHJ was "no heat." It was difficult at first, but I soon grew accustomed to it. My hair grew to APL for the first time since elementary school. Along the way, I realized that it wasn't the heat that was preventing retention (I had never used very high heat to straighten); it was the breakage from dry combing before using heat-styling tools. My sink was always covered in broken hairs when I heat styled every two weeks.

Now, I scarf nightly, DC, and wear low-manipulation styles in addition to not using heat. And I've learned how to heat-style without getting breakage. I've found moisturizing conditioners that work for me. I also S&D - no full-head trims until I've reached certain goals.
Learning how to moisturize, detangle, and style my hair has made my life so much easier. I have made decent progress and hopefully I'll make WL by late July or August. That will be my 2 year anniversary on LHCF.
Tbh, it has been harder. There were so many things I didn't know and would sometimes resort to doing crap when in a frustrated state.

Beyond that I find de-tangling is typically lengthy (exception being if I've used bentonite or if I'm on MSM) and unless my hair is braided the day-to-day maintenance is longer than I want it to be. I cannot really do 2nd day hair. This is despite cutting this time way back already by finding alternatives to rinsing daily, being able to put my hair in ponies/buns/clipped up and now knowing better ways to handle my hair. I believe my hair is in a strange in-between stage hair-care wise. I expect washing/detangling to take more time when it grows longer but I believe the overall maintenance will be easier. I still find there are styles I don't find flattering enough at this length that I want to do and I believe 2nd day, 3rd day etc hair will be finally possible then.