What do you think when a man asks this....


Well-Known Member
Are you single? I get hit up on FB quite regularly with men asking me if I'm single. Some I respond to others I ignore either way I don't date men I meet on FB.....this particular instance I responded yes I'm single but purposely not dating. Dude responds. Well it ain't like that ....I think to myself-dahell you asking for?.....anyway just thought it might make an interesting convo if a man asks if you're single I guess that's all he's asking....lol
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Dudes love claiming stuff wasn't like that when they get turned down but let you had been like yeah cutie he would have been all up on it.
Are you single is just another line, some of them don't even care if you're single. As long as you keep responding they'll keep going
On facebook, I don't answer to "inbox pimping" lol.

As for when I'm asked in person...

When I was single I used to say "No... I'm plural." if I was interested. It usually got a laugh and started a conversation. If I wasn't interested, I would just lie and say I was taken.

I'm in a relationship now, so I have the same uniform answer. "No." lol
My profile is private and I think I'm damn near unsearchable. Someone has to know my email address to find me, it solves that problem for me.
Before I deactivated my FB, I usually ignore messages like that.

Sent from my iPhone 5s using LHCF
My profile is private and I think I'm damn near unsearchable. Someone has to know my email address to find me, it solves that problem for me.

I thought they'd changed it recently so anyone can search you and anyone can send you a message.

I had private profile before but since it changed I've started getting those messages from men in Zimbabwe bout "how are you princess" lol.
In my case its always some ugly arse men too. Not that it would matter if they were good looking but it made me wonder if they have problems finding women IRL.

Can you imagine saying to someone "dh/so and I met on facebook.
I thought they'd changed it recently so anyone can search you and anyone can send you a message. I had private profile before but since it changed I've started getting those messages from men in Zimbabwe bout "how are you princess" lol.

I'm not sure actually. A guy I know tried to find me recently and I had to text him my email address so he could request me. I haven't been on in a few weeks, I'm trying to get to the point where I rarely check it (this current hiatus is to prevent from stalking an ex :)
@Sumra you need to go back and make sure your settings didn't revert. You can still restrict who can send you emails (it may go into the phantom spam box but who cares as long as it isn't bothering your real mail).

As for the OP are these random people you don't know asking if you are single or are these actual friends? If they are your actual direct FB Friends I think nothing of it just answer question and ask why. If its random people then check what groups or public posts you are participating in and cut it out. Also make sure your albums are friends only (not friends of friends - it only takes one careless person that has everything public that makes your picture go viral). The thirst is alive on FB how some folks claim to behave is not what they are doing behind their keyboard. If you're not interested just shut it down and keep it moving.
It's usually men old enough to be my father ask me that at work. Or rather they ask, "are you married? Have any kids?" And it's usually middle eastern men too.

One of them was in a electric scooter and told me I was beautiful and if he wasn't old and fragile he would marry me. I couldn't get away from him fast enough.
He was just mad you were not interested. LOL hey how's Ziggy doing? I was talking about him today.
firecracker Ziggy is doing great! He is sooo funny!!! image-2631921914.jpg image-2477780406.jpg How's Brisky?! Just for the record....those 'teeth' pics are his reaction to him being told to go to bed....he does this most nights. The furball is a night owl.



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@Sumra you need to go back and make sure your settings didn't revert. You can still restrict who can send you emails (it may go into the phantom spam box but who cares as long as it isn't bothering your real mail). As for the OP are these random people you don't know asking if you are single or are these actual friends? If they are your actual direct FB Friends I think nothing of it just answer question and ask why. If its random people then check what groups or public posts you are participating in and cut it out. Also make sure your albums are friends only (not friends of friends - it only takes one careless person that has everything public that makes your picture go viral). The thirst is alive on FB how some folks claim to behave is not what they are doing behind their keyboard. If you're not interested just shut it down and keep it moving.

Nah these are old high school folk...my profile is private but I find it hilarious that after 20 years these dudes are sniffing
Nah these are old high school folk...my profile is private but I find it hilarious that after 20 years these dudes are sniffing

Same here. My page is private and anyone who is not my friend needs my email address to request me... but it's old high school and college classmates, friends, and coworkers that are seeking to quench their thirst in my inbox.

Anyone who can't take the hint after I don't respond the first time gets blocked.