Why do you REALLY think your still SINGLE?

I knew the reason I was single (well, long distance with someone I wasn't that into) and I was right. I was working all kinds of hours and to tired to do anything with anyone even friends. To enjoy myself I'd log on here so not to have to get ready meet folks and hang out just to tired. And once my work load lightened and i started hangin out more, POP!
Neat thread!

1)How long have u been single? A little over 5 years
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) cheating (on his part)
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) My past dating habits involved dating jerks. Of course at the time they didn't present themselves as such but after a few months it would become evident. Coincidentally I've never had a relationship last longer than 6 months. :lol:. I've come to the conclusion that I attract jerks hence me going on a 5 year hiatus.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) Gosh, its been so long, I can't remember how I act in a relationship. I know that the kind of guys I find attractive almost never approach me when I'm out with friends. However I always get ambushed by all the men I would not be interested in. :sad:5)
FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
Men are now pretty much a non-priority in my life. I know its a cliche, but I really am focusing on career goals right now. I figured since women are waiting longer nowadays to get settled, there's no reason why I can't meet Mr.Right later on in the game (like mid to late thirties). Of course I risk the chance that all the good men will be taken but that already seems like the case now so, why sweat what I can't control. If its meant to be it will be.
Because I'm too picky. If I wanted a half assed relationship, I could have had a dozen by now. But why waste my time?

1)How long have u been single? Since October
2)How did ur last relationship end? It was mutual.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I can be very short with people. I'm also very stubborn so if you do something I don't like, more than likely you're gone.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I used to think it was having too much attitude but I've found that the meaner I am, the more they want me. :look: I'm very much an ice queen when it comes to men.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I'm too picky and I have zero tolerance for BS. Most of the men around here are on that BS. I have standards and if you can't live up to them, I won't give you a second glance. If women weren't out here allowing me to treat them like this, they wouldn't think it was appropriate to do so.
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I'm impatient, and I really didn't know how to steer an interest into a full blown relationships. I've had guys tell me all the time they were interested, but being me and being in my world I expected the guy to come at me full force, I guess like the movies. Well now I know better.:rolleyes:

1)How long have u been single? almost a year ago
2)How did ur last relationship end? he was relocating to London and decided that a long distance relationship was not going to cut it. But why this fool still call me :rolleyes:
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? Not being patient always wanting it to work out after I've realized I like him. Not taking the time to measure him and see if he is good for me. I was too emotional and cut up in having a relationship and not having THE relationship.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? See above I guess. I always wanted it to move faster than it should. I require too much too soon.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? It's my own fault really. If I wanted to be in a relationship I would have been in one. I think I got scared a couple of times in the past. Some other times I either didn't care too much about the relationship and another time I just wanted too much. It's all me, and I'm definitely a different person now. I'm loving who I am, where I am, and I'm taking control. I'm doing the right things and soon things should and will work out.
1)How long have u been single?2 months
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I guess I would say lost of interest on his end. He just wasn't that into me IMO. We fizzled out.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I used to date the wrong type of guys. But I stepped up my game and I attract good men even if they aren't relationship ready.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I've heard from men that I "come off" mean so I don't seem that approachable. 5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I haven't put myself on the dating scene as much as I could.
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I'm pretty aloof.

I'm not trying that hard to get into one.

The company I keep - I'm not around the kinds of men who'd be interested in me.

I'm single, but I'm not particularly pressed about it at this time. I'm open, but just fine remaining single for the foreseeable future. I like the PEACE of being single.
1)How long have u been single? 5 months

2)How did ur last relationship end? He was too imature and cheated before. I just couldnt trust him anymore.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?

Stop dating losers. I have become a buster-magnet and that must stop. Also I need to feel better about myself. I have been torn down in the self esteem dept.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?

My weight...Im shy...don't smile much anymore. Afraid of being used or hurt.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Maybe Im just not a loveable person or too ugly. Idk. They say there's somebody out there for everybody but I don't think its true for me. I keep getting hurt and used. If I get hurt again, it just might kill me.

(Sorry yall. Im usually a lurker( seriously shy) but this post really hit home for me.
1)How long have u been single? Almost a year and a half

2)How did ur last relationship end?
(cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) He was a truck driver and his job interfered with our relationship.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I tend to put all my eggs in one basket. As soon as I meet one guy I'm feeling, I put all my time and energy into him instead of keeping my options open.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?
(too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I think I put too much into guys that I'm not in a relationship with and it keeps them from feeling compelled to get into a serious relationship with me.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Right now I'm single for 2 main reasons. I'm still healing from my last relationship for sure. Also, I have some things I want to accomplish as an individual before I bring someone else into my life.
1)How long have u been single? Always and forever... as far as I'm concerned, I've never had a real boyfriend.

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I'm in the process of ending my current "nonrelationship" right now... it's been two years and nothing has changed not even a little... I understand that we would have never been a boyfriend/girlfriend situation and that is ok with me. But we just got into it over something so stupid that I thought we would be past by now and the fact that he still thinks or behaves or regards me the way he does, I can't have it.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I like men who think they can have any girl they want, so they always think they will be able to find something better than me... honestly, I don't know for sure why it's like that. I don't have a bad rep, I am an interesting person, I'm cute, fit, smart, and not clingy or needy and I don't ask nobody for shiit... so I don't honestly know, whatever the issue is that men I like don't want to settle down with me is beyond my comprehension. Additionally, the men who DO want to be with me, I think I'm too good for them and that I'M the one who could do better... lol...

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc...) I have no problem meeting new men... but I will say if I really like a guy, it happens so rarely that I put too much pressure on finding a way to make it work, because I feel like well when's the next time I'm gonna meet someone that I really like again? And I'm sure that comes across to guys like they know I like them so much that I'm not going to go anywhere. I'm too honest, and maybe sometimes I tell the truth when I should lie. Additionally, once I'm sleeping with someone, if I want to keep it that way I'll tend to put up with his bs because I don't want to be celibate and I don't want to go get someone new... I can have a fb last forever (hence the 2 year nonrelationship previously mentioned) until I decide to move on but once it gets like that there's no point in trying to dig somethin else out of it. That is the problem I need to fix the most. I think it's that that makes guys act out of pocket and think they can do whatever, because I am relying on them so heavily for the one thing that I can't give myself. (I mean penis, not an orgasm.) I'm not promiscuous or overly sexual at all (I'm more or less very vanilla sexually) but once I am intimate with someone, I like knowing that it's on the back burner and if I need him to come through he's just a phone call away. But I'm beginning to see how big of a deterrent this can be and I need to find something else to fulfill that need for excitement or pleasure or boredom. Maybe they feel like they know I NEED them, and I need to be showing a man that I don't need anything from him.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I'm too picky, inconsistent, and impatient. And I get stuck hanging on to nothing relationships because I don't want to be not having sex. I could just have casual sex, which I totally don't have a problem with, but I don't feel good doing that and it's not worth it to me. To be totally honest, I don't even want a boyfriend for the right reasons. I don't even know if I COULD have a boyfriend and commit and be with someone. I just want some eye candy to show off to all the guys that pissed me off in the past. This is part of the problem in why I get involved with unavailable men, why they act the way they do, and why the relationship becomes what it is. At this point, I would rather have a nice female clique than a boyfriend.
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1)How long have u been single? I've been single for a little over a year.

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) My boyfriend at the time fessed up that he did not really know what he wanted. So rather than be selfish and drag things out, he decided to end things then and there. I actually really respect him for doing that. Looking back, I'm very happy it ended that way.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)

Over the years, pretty much everything that you've listed. LOL! I got better in the past two years, but I still wasn't finding the relationship that I wanted, so I knew something had to be up.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)

Several things have really held me back (in the following order):

1. Failure to realize that I meet good guys practically ALL THE TIME who think I'm a great woman, but I don't pay attention to them because I label them as "nice and boring."

2. Trying to make a guy into a boyfriend before figuring out whether or not the guy is boyfriend material in the first place.

3. Going for certain types based on very superficial reasons or the belief that they are all that I deserve (low self esteem issues...doing WAYYY better with that now).

4. Putting physical intimacy before emotional intimacy.

5. Not being honest about what I really want and expect. Not so much with the guy as with myself.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?

Right now, I am still single as a result of choice. I have purposely not been dating (the one exception being a classmate who told me that he's very interested in me, but would like to proceed in a friendly way given that it's the end of the semester and he knows about my stance on dating right now). I realized all of the above issues that I have with dating a while ago and have determined that it is best for me to remain single and deal with them. Once I get to the place where I need to be (and I do believe I am pretty close to getting there), I will venture out again.
1)How long have u been single? Almost a year.
2)How did ur last relationship end?
He cheated and I could not get over the trust issue
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? No okay yes, I am very picking and need to stop thinking that a man will have EVERY single quality I want. 4 our of 5 aint bad but I just cannot seem to accept those 4. I need us to click not falling in love but liking to be around each other.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? I am busy as heck so it makes it a little hard. I come off as not having time to date but for the right man I will make time but if you don't ask me out I am not gonna make time for you.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I think it is because I do not entertain what a lot of men are use to. Men do not court women any more and I like to be courted before I date a man. I'd like something will turn into LT not just a fling. I also do not go to men's homes nor do I invite them to mine and that seems what a lot of men like to do now a days. Sorry there are to many women coming up missing.
1)How long have u been single?
for quite a while :look:

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....)

i cut someone off for being too possessive. i don't appreciate 1.30am calls.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
probably being quite cold, somewhat unemotional and aloof.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon,
being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)

hmm...whether or not i appear approachable really depends on my mood that day. i can be lively and bubbly one day and barely talking the next. i think that confuses the hell out of some people.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?

i'm picky plus i'm not currently interested in a finding a boyfriend. if the right person came along at the right time then i would consider them. i have options but i don't want to pursue them.
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1)How long have u been single? 1 year and 5 months

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) Well i cut him off and then a week later he supposedly cut me off..
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
Nah I tend to like males out of state (NYC) and I live in Rhode Island so that right there in itself is a bad combo. NYC fellas are already something else :ohwell:
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)
I really dont know what it is.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
Its because of my location. Dudes in my state dont like me :lachen:
1)How long have u been single? Technically for about 2 years now.
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) Its still ending really. We're growing apart. I'm a lot more confident than I used to be, much less needy and dependent and I was always the person putting the most work into our relationship. I stopped putting the work in and our relationship is suffering... he complains about it, but he doesn't back it up with any action on his part. Anyways, I'm coming to terms with the fact that he may have never really loved me.... not the way I loved him at least.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) Soooo many. Dating emotionally unavailable men. Dating my ex's friends. Dating un-Christian men. Dating very arrogant men. Dating man whores. Dating very attractive men. I also have a fear of commitment and a fear of closeness. To this day, only one man that I've ever dated has made it to the inside of my living quarters. I am terrified of letting a dude into my space. I also enter situations that I KNOW are doomed for the start, and I think I do it specifically for that reason.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc...)I have no problem meeting men. I'm a bit of a flirt. Just a bit, tho. I know that some men are kind of intimidated by me... also, like I said earlier, I have this crazy fear of closeness so when I meet a guy that I really like or could really see myself liking... I clam up and self-sabotage. I can be very cynical and sarcastic at times... and I always assume the worst about men. I don't think I have very much respect for most of the men in my age group... I'm sure it must come through in my mannerisms. Other than that, I don't see why a dude wouldn't wanna snatch me up right quick... I've got a lot going for me.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I think I'm afraid to enter another relationship. I worked really hard at my last one, sacrificed a lot for it, and when it failed, it was like a slap in the face. I've finally gotten myself back together, and I don't want to mess anything up for myself. Also, I have a very low estimation of men in my age group. I don't expect much out of any man that I date, so I don't seek it or demand it. I probably deserve a lot better than what I've been settling for... ideally I would like to date someone like my father, someone who I can really admire and respect... but I just haven't met that person yet.
I'm so loving this thread

1)How long have u been single? 7 years
2)How did ur last relationship end?
(cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) My last relationship was in high school. it wasn't really that serious (not to me anyway). So I've actually never really been in a serious grown up relationship. I'm 25. We cheated on each other. although it was mostly me. He knew i was smart and going away to college and felt threatened by that. We both knew it wasn't going to last.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) Tough one. For me its trying to make a bf out of "friends with benefits" situations where the expectations can get really blurry. With the bootycall, i know the deal, there is no confusion. And also liking people who don't like me back or only see me as a friend.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I think I'm that 20 in the 80/20 rule. I don't cook or clean and I don't like kids. I'm never seen as the girl friend type. I'm very laid back , silly, and i like to have a good time. I am seen as the girl to have fun with or be friends/cool with.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Honestly, i'm afraid of getting hurt. I've grown up with a mentality in my head that all men and trifling dogs. I was also raised to be very independent and focus all my energy on school/career. And bc I feel like most men aren't going to see me as the girlfriend type, i don't even try.
1)How long have u been single? 5 months

2)How did ur last relationship end? He was too imature and cheated before. I just couldnt trust him anymore.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?

Stop dating losers. I have become a buster-magnet and that must stop. Also I need to feel better about myself. I have been torn down in the self esteem dept.

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general?

My weight...Im shy...don't smile much anymore. Afraid of being used or hurt.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? Maybe Im just not a loveable person or too ugly. Idk. They say there's somebody out there for everybody but I don't think its true for me. I keep getting hurt and used. If I get hurt again, it just might kill me.

(Sorry yall. Im usually a lurker( seriously shy) but this post really hit home for me.

:wave: Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. The right guy will come when you least expect him :kiss:
1)How long have u been single? It seems like forever...about 4.5 years now
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I would hardly call it a relationship, but I stopped calling and started ignoring him after I found out he was seeing someone the same time he was seeing me...trifling a**
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) The worst trying to get a bf out of nothing at all and being attracted to bad boys and I do mean bad
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) Well yes, i am intimidating. I have a lot of attitude and I know I'm smart. Plus since I've started achieving some major goals it made feel like no one is good enough for me. I've worked to hard to settle and I also will tear a man to shreds over the littlest slip.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I'm single because I'm emotionally messed up when it comes to men. I never trust them I don't give them the chance to make a mistake before I start telling them off about nothing. I emasculate them when I feel like I'm getting too close. I'm too blunt and honest instead of holding back. Plus I'm a b*itch. I'm just trying to be honest and I am working on it. What can I say I have daddy abandonment issues that makes it very hard for me to trust most men. :perplexed and on top of this I'm so focused on my career and being better/the best I can be. With that mentality it's hard to be human sometimes especially when that human is a female.[/quote]
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1)How long have u been single? 1 year
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I moved to another state, and the relationship wasn't strong enough to survive long distance, so we decided to part ways and remain friends.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I usually do things backwards...I haphazardly date guys who I perceive as "challenges", and then in the middle of it all, realize I've gotten "caught up" and then try to fix the situation...instead of meeting a man, giving the friendship time to develop and then deciding if a romantic relationship is worth pursuing.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I don't have a problem attracting men, but I have high standards, so when I actually find someone I'm into, I lose focus and tend to rush things. Consequently, they don't put in as much work as they should pursuing me, and tend to stop appreciating my awesomeness. And once I feel undervalued, I bounce. So ultimately I need to learn patience.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? [/QUOTE]
I've been in a new city less than a year, so I think I just need to expand my social circle. I have yet to meet anyone without serious issues. I really just want a partner and someone that brings as much to the table as I do, and I honestly believe as long as I continue to strive to better myself and stay open-minded, I'll meet someone great soon.
I'm single b/c I have never really been ready to settle down and be with a man in a serious relationship.
There are plenty of good men out there, but I have issues that I am only just getting through and I am getting really close to being ready to let God send me a good man that is a keeper.
but I have to remember to not backsliding to my dysfunctional mentality and actions.
I am not a game player, just not ready for real love. But I am getting there!!!!!!!!!!!

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I usually do things backwards...I haphazardly date guys who I perceive as "challenges", and then in the middle of it all, realize I've gotten "caught up" and then try to fix the situation...instead of meeting a man, giving the friendship time to develop and then deciding if a romantic relationship is worth pursuing.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I don't have a problem attracting men, but I have high standards, so when I actually find someone I'm into, I lose focus and tend to rush things. Consequently, they don't put in as much work as they should pursuing me, and tend to stop appreciating my awesomeness. And once I feel undervalued, I bounce. So ultimately I need to learn patience.

We are soooo >>>>HERE<<<<
1)How long have u been single? 1 year
2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I moved to another state, and the relationship wasn't strong enough to survive long distance, so we decided to part ways and remain friends.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I usually do things backwards...I haphazardly date guys who I perceive as "challenges", and then in the middle of it all, realize I've gotten "caught up" and then try to fix the situation...instead of meeting a man, giving the friendship time to develop and then deciding if a romantic relationship is worth pursuing.
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....) I don't have a problem attracting men, but I have high standards, so when I actually find someone I'm into, I lose focus and tend to rush things. Consequently, they don't put in as much work as they should pursuing me, and tend to stop appreciating my awesomeness. And once I feel undervalued, I bounce. So ultimately I need to learn patience.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I've been in a new city less than a year, so I think I just need to expand my social circle. I have yet to meet anyone without serious issues. I really just want a partner and someone that brings as much to the table as I do, and I honestly believe as long as I continue to strive to better myself and stay open-minded, I'll meet someone great soon.[/quote]

You are so on point with this. I need to join the support group.
1)How long have u been single? I have been single for 2 years
2)How did ur last relationship end?
(cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) My last relationship ended due to mutual agreement...we both wanted different things
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc)
I have bad judgement I think when it comes to men. I either end up with the jerks/losers or I settle...I have had three relationships since I began dating and each one of them I told myself I could never see myself with, and then I settle...hoping my thoughts are wrong but I later realize my gut was right
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc....)
A lot of people say I'm up tight, but it is more as I am tired of the same ole play over and over. I am tired of settling. I feel as though I am a good catch. I hold my own, and I am a very respectable woman. I am very shy and reserved also, but when I get to know someone I can be really laid back. I don't know really what it is about me...I have become content though with being single. I have come to accept the fact that maybe I will be single for a long time.
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?

I know for a fact that it has to do with me, because it's not that I have not been asked out. I have just started to go with my gut. I am assigned to a ship for one, and I have come to realize that a lot of guys just want to date you because they see you have not dated anyone...People say I need to get out of my norm, but I disagree. I feel as though if I am going to meet that special someone...I don't have to intentionally go out looking...it will just happen. I'm not looking now though...I am content with my status.
1)How long have u been single? 2 years
2)How did ur last relationship end? he didnt make time for me
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? I drop people quickly. I rather leave a person alone than to deal with drama
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? Not that I know of
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I AM EXTREMELY PICKY. I barely see my type. I plan on going out more in the areas that would have my type.
1)How long have u been single? Always and forever... as far as I'm concerned, I've never had a real boyfriend.

2)How did ur last relationship end? (cheating, mutual, lost of interest,....) I'm in the process of ending my current "nonrelationship" right now... it's been two years and nothing has changed not even a little... I understand that we would have never been a boyfriend/girlfriend situation and that is ok with me. But we just got into it over something so stupid that I thought we would be past by now and the fact that he still thinks or behaves or regards me the way he does, I can't have it.

3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break? (only dating jerks, men who just got out of a relationship, trying to get a bf out of a bootycall, already involved men, players,....etc) I like men who think they can have any girl they want, so they always think they will be able to find something better than me... honestly, I don't know for sure why it's like that. I don't have a bad rep, I am an interesting person, I'm cute, fit, smart, and not clingy or needy and I don't ask nobody for shiit... so I don't honestly know, whatever the issue is that men I like don't want to settle down with me is beyond my comprehension. Additionally, the men who DO want to be with me, I think I'm too good for them and that I'M the one who could do better... lol...

4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? (too naggy, picky, insecure, too much attitude, sleeping with them too soon, being too nice that they walk over u, etc...) I have no problem meeting new men... but I will say if I really like a guy, it happens so rarely that I put too much pressure on finding a way to make it work, because I feel like well when's the next time I'm gonna meet someone that I really like again? And I'm sure that comes across to guys like they know I like them so much that I'm not going to go anywhere. I'm too honest, and maybe sometimes I tell the truth when I should lie. Additionally, once I'm sleeping with someone, if I want to keep it that way I'll tend to put up with his bs because I don't want to be celibate and I don't want to go get someone new... I can have a fb last forever (hence the 2 year nonrelationship previously mentioned) until I decide to move on but once it gets like that there's no point in trying to dig somethin else out of it. That is the problem I need to fix the most. I think it's that that makes guys act out of pocket and think they can do whatever, because I am relying on them so heavily for the one thing that I can't give myself. (I mean penis, not an orgasm.) I'm not promiscuous or overly sexual at all (I'm more or less very vanilla sexually) but once I am intimate with someone, I like knowing that it's on the back burner and if I need him to come through he's just a phone call away. But I'm beginning to see how big of a deterrent this can be and I need to find something else to fulfill that need for excitement or pleasure or boredom. Maybe they feel like they know I NEED them, and I need to be showing a man that I don't need anything from him.

5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single? I'm too picky, inconsistent, and impatient. And I get stuck hanging on to nothing relationships because I don't want to be not having sex. I could just have casual sex, which I totally don't have a problem with, but I don't feel good doing that and it's not worth it to me. To be totally honest, I don't even want a boyfriend for the right reasons. I don't even know if I COULD have a boyfriend and commit and be with someone. I just want some eye candy to show off to all the guys that pissed me off in the past. This is part of the problem in why I get involved with unavailable men, why they act the way they do, and why the relationship becomes what it is. At this point, I would rather have a nice female clique than a boyfriend.

Damn I might as well have typed your whole post!! I feel you girl especially on the bolded.
1)How long have u been single? I don't even know anymore. Almost a year technically
2)How did ur last relationship end? I found out he was engaged the entire time.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?I think I need to stop settling for just a relationship and introducing sex too early in the relationship
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? I don't care what anyone says, but because I'm in a wheelchair this interferes with a guy wanting a relationship vs a guy wanting to be "friends". This and I talk too much, and too needy at times. I want you to tell me I look good, and pay me a lot of attention:perplexed
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I am single because I have not learned to be patient. I end up with a lot of boyfriends who don't matter to me. I don't like them, they're not on my level, etc. I think I scare the good ones away because I'm very outwardly sexually explicit, so they might get the wrong impression. I also think I scare a few off. I heard of some people being afraid to approach me because they think I wouldn't think they are my type. Overall my own insecurities are the reason why I am single. I settle because I think I don't deserve better so I end up with no one.
1)How long have u been single? I don't even know anymore. Almost a year technically
2)How did ur last relationship end? I found out he was engaged the entire time.
3)Do u have a bad dating habits u think u need to break?I think I need to stop settling for just a relationship and introducing sex too early in the relationship
4) Do u have actions/traits about ur persona that u think interferes with a guy wanting a relationship or just meeting men in general? I don't care what anyone says, but because I'm in a wheelchair this interferes with a guy wanting a relationship vs a guy wanting to be "friends". This and I talk too much, and too needy at times. I want you to tell me I look good, and pay me a lot of attention:perplexed
5) FINALLY....Why do u really think ur still single?
I am single because I have not learned to be patient. I end up with a lot of boyfriends who don't matter to me. I don't like them, they're not on my level, etc. I think I scare the good ones away because I'm very outwardly sexually explicit, so they might get the wrong impression. I also think I scare a few off. I heard of some people being afraid to approach me because they think I wouldn't think they are my type. Overall my own insecurities are the reason why I am single. I settle because I think I don't deserve better so I end up with no one.

Wow.. how did u find out he was engaged?
Interesting responses.

Almost everyone (if not all, as I quickly glanced over the responses) talked about emotional/mental reasons as to why they are not in a relationship (picky, not ready etc).

Almost all the single guys I meet mention physical when it comes to women (esp. Black women). They will say that they want someone who is fit, who is not overweight, etc. They focus on the physical especially if they work out on a regular.

Interesting responses.
