What are the top TWO tips/pieces of advice you've learned from LHCF?


New Member
I've learned SOOO much from this Board, but the top two things I learned are probably the simpliest:

1) you don't need to grease your scalp every day (or at all): I don't know who started this idea of sitting down and greasing your scalp with all kinds of thick concotions, but I have learned that it is not beneficial for me. It weighs my hair down, leads to massive build up, makes my entire head greasy and is no fun!

2) deep condition while exercising: it sounds obvious to multi task and do other things while waiting for your conditioner to work it's magic, but when I did this for the first time yesterday, when I took off my plastic cap after an hour, there was steamy goodness working up in there! I don't know what caused it but I liked it!

Share ladies share! I have a bunch more, but interested in the most valuable pieces of advice you've learned from LHCF!
1. Deep condition every time you wash your hair.
2. Do not hold on to thin, stringy ends.
-How to do most things yourself... I would have never imagined I could go this long with my real hair and not going to a salon.

-Black women's hair can grow to the floor, we can wash our hair as many times as we want, we CAN use "white products", and our hair is beautiful relaxed OR natural.
1. Deep Conditioning is very important. For me, I had to deep condition weekly to see results.
2. Keep your ends away from heat appliances such as hand-held blow fryers, and curling irons.
1. Protective Styling (This is what got me to BSL the first time around)
2. End Retention ( I now pay special attention to my ends)
-How to do most things yourself... I would have never imagined I could go this long with my real hair and not going to a salon.

-Black women's hair can grow to the floor, we can wash our hair as many times as we want, we CAN use "white products", and our hair is beautiful relaxed OR natural.

SOOO true! I always thought that the "black products" were the only ones to use, but now I know better...
1. Moisture, moisture, moisture!
2. Stretch relaxers.

1. Moisture and Protein Balance (That's the most beneficial thing)
2. How to do my own rollersets

-To incorporate MORE protein into my regimen
- PrePoo

1. Deep Conditioning is very important. For me, I had to deep condition weekly to see results.
2. Keep your ends away from heat appliances such as hand-held blow fryers, and curling irons.

1. Make sure my hair is always moisturized/never dry
2. Stretching relaxers and shortening relaxing time (texlaxing)

Just these two things alone have made a huge, positive impact on the condition of my hair.
The top two things that I have picked up from this board are no trimming and conditioner washing.
1. Oil is not moisture! (I'd always thought it was, hence my scalp was dry as desert sand)...

2. Sulfates are extremely drying (didn't know that, EVERY single poo I used contained sulfates...hence my scalp/hair was dry as desert sand)...

and I wondered why I had "dandruff"...
1. You don't have to trim to "make it grow"
2. Don't have to get a touch-up every 6 weeks or my hair will fall out!
3. Not using grease to "moisture" it
4. Washing my hair more than 2x a month is not the devil
5. There is no such thing as "white people only" products.
6. Not to be afraid if my hair gets wet outside.
7. Protein and Moisture balance.
8. Bunning, and bagging up my ends
9. Black women can grow hair to wasit lenght and longer
10. Knowing the proper way to use oil

(sorry more than 2, but I got excited :grin:)
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1. Protective styling...the best for length retention:grin:
2. Stretching relaxers...the ultimate best for thickness and growth:yep:
sorry...cowashing for growth:look:
1. CW with 1T of baking soda is whasssup :thumbsup:!!!

2. Maintaining moisture/protein balance with Joico KPak products are worth every penny :twocents:...(my hair has never been this long & strong)

Honorable Mention :imsorry:- ponytail rollersetting
1. Moisture is a necessity
2. Protecting the ends is a requirement
3 (Black hair can GROWWW!)