What I learned from LHCF

I have learned:

1. Co-washing is beneficial, but not actually necessary for my hair. I do just fine with shampoo (lauryl sulfate free) as long as I concentrate on the roots.
2. I learned what the following are:
- parabens
- lauryl sulfates & other sulfates
- silicon
- mineral oil
- texlaxing
- co-washing
- baggying
3. What different kinds of growth aids are (even though I haven't/ don't plan to try any)
4. The power of pictures
5. growing hair long has little to do with genes
6. Kinky hair has different hair types/ textures/ curl patters
7. Rollersets don't have to equal crunchy hair
8. The average rate of hair growth versus my rate of hair growth
9. different uses for essential oils
10. protein v. moisture
11. There are hair cliques on hair boards (no offense to anyone :look:)
12. You basically get ignored when you're a newbie- but it's okay :newbie:
13. Even if I'm not a healthy care expert, I do know a lot about my hair.
14. As wonderful as LHCF, I have learned that there are ton of resources including books, youtube, other hair boards, and general experimentation.
15. I spend waaay too much time online. Logging out....:bye:
You'll be back....:evillaugh:
I agree with the bolded. I bought sulfur and did a recipe that I got from Fotki. The person did warn me about the allergic reaction, but I didnt listen. Well my normally clear face had pimples the size of tomatoes!!!! I also got a nasty rash on my neck. I threw it away immediately. I have to be careful what I choose to jump into. I'm lucky that's all that happened.

Interesting note. Not only should sulfur be used in certain concentrations but it is also not for everyone!
omg where do i start lol
1. that u can't pile your hair on top of ur head to wash it like u see in the commercial i've been doing this for a while cuz it was easier to just bend over and rinse instead of jumping in and out of the shower but once my hard headed lazy behind listened i saved a chunk of hair like i was shocked at how much hair i didnt loose.
2. not to apply too much heat saved me tons of time and future heat damage
3 the importance of moisturizing
and im still learning so much more

ot- im so sorry bout that whole thing irresistible i mean we dont have near the same hair type or anything but as a newly retired lurker i think u give some really good hair advise for any hair types and i think you are really knowledgeble especially since u been here long and was member of the month i believe u give good general hair care advise and i was 100% with u when i read that other post u made in a thread the last few days sorry you had to go thru that. just thought i needed to say that

happy hair growing everyone
Reading is fundamental!

Knowledge is power. Don't be afraid to learn something and Don't be afraid to think outside of the box. Decide what to do from there

Do what your hair likes. If your hair likes serum and protein at everywash then do the dang thang. Just understand what every product does so you can be better at troubleshooting your problems

Don't be afraid to ask for help. We, even the most experienced members, have problems every now and then. Two heads are always better than one so don't be afraid to post.
I learned that I really can do my hair myself with healthy, beautiful results. With research, practice, and a little manual dexterity even braiding and relaxing are within my reach. Going to the hairdresser can be a luxury rather than a necessity. :yep:
omg where do i start lol
1. that u can't pile your hair on top of ur head to wash it like u see in the commercial i've been doing this for a while cuz it was easier to just bend over and rinse instead of jumping in and out of the shower but once my hard headed lazy behind listened i saved a chunk of hair like i was shocked at how much hair i didnt loose.
2. not to apply too much heat saved me tons of time and future heat damage
3 the importance of moisturizing
and im still learning so much more

ot- im so sorry bout that whole thing irresistible i mean we dont have near the same hair type or anything but as a newly retired lurker i think u give some really good hair advise for any hair types and i think you are really knowledgeble especially since u been here long and was member of the month i believe u give good general hair care advise and i was 100% with u when i read that other post u made in a thread the last few days sorry you had to go thru that. just thought i needed to say that

happy hair growing everyone

OMG do people actually do #1 on your list. I can't believe it! :blush: Although I think everyone's guilty of hair transgressions. I used to towel dry my hair a lot, instead of blotting it dry, like in the commercials.
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I learned that I really can do my hair myself with healthy, beautiful results. With research, practice, and a little manual dexterity even braiding and relaxing are within my reach. Going to the hairdresser can be a luxury rather than a necessity. :yep:
So true. Most times now I style my hair just as good as the hairdressers. I still go occasionally to give myself a rest, but that its so true. The more you do, the better the results get. And the fact that there are other people out to help, like for instance the tips I got from pocahontas and others really help out. That's why my hair always blings...at least lately.
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I learned that:

it's OK to wash your hair more than every 2 weeks
direct heat is NOT your friend
you don't NEED to get a trim every 6 weeks; light dustings will suffice
the power of COWASHING
the even greater POWER of Pre-pooing
That shampoos dry out hair
omg where do i start lol
1. that u can't pile your hair on top of ur head to wash it like u see in the commercial i've been doing this for a while cuz it was easier to just bend over and rinse instead of jumping in and out of the shower but once my hard headed lazy behind listened i saved a chunk of hair like i was shocked at how much hair i didnt loose.

Yep. I did this when I was younger, well actually from like age 12-22. :perplexed.
I remember when the Herbal Essence Commercial came out......thank goodness I learned better.

OMG do people actually do #1 on your list. I can't believe it! Although I think everyone's guilty of hair transgressions. I used to towel dry my hair a lot, instead of blotting it dry, like in the commercials.

gurl watchu talking bout i just stopped last week lmao.... i didnt know better it looked fine in the hebal essence comercial too lol
i did it by just bending over in the sink that way i wont have to go in and out the shower
1 - that the women here, when they get together, are very good at solving problems as a team.

2 - the importance of moisture and protein in haircare (HUGE)

3 - how to do a dominican rollerset (amazing)

4 - the benefits of lye vs. no-lye perms

5 - how to rollerset with my own spray bottle mix - no more crunchy curls

6 - that I can gently relax my fine hair and still have good tensile strength left in it (amazing)
I waited 4-5 months before trying henna. I read lots of threads with great info, stalked fotkis, reviewed different recipes, and researched other sites. I was too afraid to jump right in.

I wish I had done a little more research in learning how to stretch relaxers the first time around. I lost a lot of hair then. I recently stretched 12 wks, and I didn't loose as much hair (more patience, more dc's like relaxer applications, less hair manipulation, reverse roller setting, etc.).
OMG do people actually do #1 on your list. I can't believe it! :blush: Although I think everyone's guilty of hair transgressions. I used to towel dry my hair a lot, instead of blotting it dry, like in the commercials.

Uhhh, I do that. Hair is still in tact. I don't loose chunks of hair. I wash my hair in the sink. I put my head down and gently comb my hair over the top of my head so it can get into the sink.

Works for me!

I think length matters. If my hair was APL or longer, then it might be an issue but until then, THE SINK!
Reading is fundamental!

Knowledge is power. Don't be afraid to learn something and Don't be afraid to think outside of the box. Decide what to do from there

Do what your hair likes. If your hair likes serum and protein at everywash then do the dang thang. Just understand what every product does so you can be better at troubleshooting your problems

Don't be afraid to ask for help. We, even the most experienced members, have problems every now and then. Two heads are always better than one so don't be afraid to post.

I like what you say "Do what your hair likes. If your hair likes serum and protein at everywash then do the dang thang. Just understand what every product does so that you can be better at troubleshooting your problems" My hair on the other hand hates protein. If I were a newbie, or a non researcher, I'd jump on that bandwagon and have two strands of hair. My point? What works for me might not work for you. But it is important to know everything so you can "troubleshoot" so you put it. Meaning if I try protein and get the wrong response, I need to go towards more moisture. And of course vice versa. This advice works so well with everything.
Great info ladies.....

My biggest achievement from being a member here is learning to listen to my hair. My hair now talks to me. It tells me when it wants moisture, protein, or clarifying wash. Sounds crazy huh? LOL!

Love it here!!!!
Uhhh, I do that. Hair is still in tact. I don't loose chunks of hair. I wash my hair in the sink. I put my head down and gently comb my hair over the top of my head so it can get into the sink.

Works for me!

I think length matters. If my hair was APL or longer, then it might be an issue but until then, THE SINK!

Shows it's all about what works for us, each person individually. I've been thinking there's consistencies as a whole, and then there are tools to help us "fine tune" what works for us!
I've learned everything I know about haircare on this board too much to name.

But my recent revelation - My hair LOVES weekly rollersetting :drunk: more than it does co-washing and buns. I lose way less hair.
I learned how to take care of my hair from this website. My mother went over this stuff when I was in junior high, but I surely forgot.
I learned that...
-My hair LOVES Ayruvedic products. I use the oils and mix them in everything, shampoo, conditioner, leave in, sealer, etc...I even found out my face like Multani powder.
-I have a new best friend. Her name is Vatika. Vatika Oil. Every night to seal it all up without question.
-Co-washing saved my hair.
-A Denman brush is my friend.
-I dilute shampoo or do a ayruvedic wash.
-Invested in REAL silk scarf for hair, and use sating pillowcase every night without question.
-I learned what a curlformer was, learned how to use it, and saw that it made my hair straighter and curly and pretty...(chessy grin)
-Keep a spray bottle to keep my hair moist when I need to comb out of shower. I never comb it dry anymore.
-I'm not by myself...in this hair drama
I learned the wonderful benefits of olive oil for your hair and skin. I also learned that with patience, technique and the right styling tools I can make my hair swang and look like I just came in from the salon.

I didn't really have any bad hair habits before LHCF but I have certainly benefited from the wealth of knowledge here. Henna has made my hair stronger (I don't get a shine from it though:ohwell:). The jury is still out on Mega Tek. Half a bottle and I don't really see any results. Olive oil:love4:, coconut oil are staples. AND BAKING SODA IS DA BOMB:love3: for hair and skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aim for healthy hair first. Obsessing over length when you have thin ends is a waste of time. I wish I would have just focused on getting my hair healthy first.

Getting my hair hydrated from the inside is just as important as moisturizing every night.

If your hair is dull looking, something's not right.

Keep your hair goals to yourself.
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Great info ladies.....

My biggest achievement from being a member here is learning to listen to my hair. My hair now talks to me. It tells me when it wants moisture, protein, or clarifying wash. Sounds crazy huh? LOL!

Love it here!!!!

ITA with the bolded:yep:
i've learned that coconut oil can be a moisturizer, and a great one at that. i have been moisturizing nightly with it and have no complaints.
while protein is important your hair can only take so much.
moisture moisture moisture
i've also learned about some wonderful products and how to look for great ingre.
I also learned that the most successful women on this forum also are on a lot less supplements. I was on way too many pills. So, now it's just CoQ10/Cod Liver Oil (parents have vascular issues), probiotics, and Flintstone chewables (2 a day). That's all.