Well-Known Member
You'll be back....I have learned:
1. Co-washing is beneficial, but not actually necessary for my hair. I do just fine with shampoo (lauryl sulfate free) as long as I concentrate on the roots.
2. I learned what the following are:
- parabens
- lauryl sulfates & other sulfates
- silicon
- mineral oil
- texlaxing
- co-washing
- baggying
3. What different kinds of growth aids are (even though I haven't/ don't plan to try any)
4. The power of pictures
5. growing hair long has little to do with genes
6. Kinky hair has different hair types/ textures/ curl patters
7. Rollersets don't have to equal crunchy hair
8. The average rate of hair growth versus my rate of hair growth
9. different uses for essential oils
10. protein v. moisture
11. There are hair cliques on hair boards (no offense to anyone)
12. You basically get ignored when you're a newbie- but it's okay
13. Even if I'm not a healthy care expert, I do know a lot about my hair.
14. As wonderful as LHCF, I have learned that there are ton of resources including books, youtube, other hair boards, and general experimentation.
15. I spend waaay too much time online. Logging out....![]()