What are the top TWO tips/pieces of advice you've learned from LHCF?

1. Cowashing and deep conditioning at home
2. Just because your hair can grow back, it doesn't give you reason to **** it up on purpose. I used to detangle my hair like i was ripping up screen doors
1. CW with 1T of baking soda is whasssup :thumbsup:!!!

2. Maintaining moisture/protein balance with Joico KPak products are worth every penny :twocents:...(my hair has never been this long & strong)

Honorable Mention :imsorry:- ponytail rollersetting

What does this do?
1. Keep my hair moisturized, I had no idea about moisture or what it was.

2. Combing my hair while wet. When I was relaxed it was a definite NO NO, as a natural, it's the only way to comb...(well my hair)
1. Use protein with moisture, every time (fine hair)

2. Use a mild lye relaxer instead of no-lye for better moisture retention

3. Avoid crunchy ends by using Mizani night creme (sorry)

4. Dominican style rollerset (sorry sorry :giggle: )
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1. How to grow thicker hair strands (OCT, the importance of protein)
2. How to retain what I grow (cross-wrapping, sealing, protective styles)
the most important things i have learned so far... i would have to say stretching relaxers....and tring different growth aids....for a long time o only stuck with the same products ...know i venture out and try all kinds of things.... i have at least 17 different products i use on a weeklyt basis that i rotate with each other...since starting stratching my relaxer my beautician has noticed more thickness in my hair and a lot more new growth. i stratch for at least 12 weeks minimum,,,,my ultimate goal is BSL....im only 7 inches awayyyyyyyyyyy:spinning:
in order of importance to me(more than 2)
1) deep conditioning with heat a minimum of once a week
2) deep conditioning on dry hair for 30minutes before shampoo
3) coconut oil
4) step away from the hot comb and use ceramic flat iron with heat protectant
5) moisture, moisture moisture
6) protein, protein, protein

and this should really be number one, use quality products, it makes all the difference. JOICO and PAUL MITCHELL are life savers.
1. The importance (& correct methods) of deep conditioning. I swear I'd done this approximately ONCE in all 6 years I was natural. :nono:

2. Protein to fight breakage.
most of what has been posted I co-sign on but for me...my top lessons learned:
-"nappy" 4b hair can grow
- there is nothing wrong with washing hair often
(and why there may have been issues with poo'ing often-harshness of sulfate shampoos + not proper moisture)
1. Deep Conditioning
2. Moisturizing
3. Natural Hair Products are not just for "White People" :ohwell:
4. Black Woman dont have "Bad Hair" or "Bad Scrapes
:perplexed our hair just requires more TLC

5. Black Womans natural hair type is beautiful

Top two in bold :look:
Deep Condidtioning w/heat once a week has helped me stretch and good for the hair of course.
Co washing helps thicken up my hair

Just to add, I learned that I don't have to grease my scalp to grow my hair. Saves me alot of time and money on grease.