What a difference are you having with Longer Hair

LOL:lol: These posts are so cute. My hair isn' that long maybe a little longer than shoulder length straight, but this is the first time in my life that I've worn it out and curly and big. Over this past holiday I went home and it was one the first times int likea few months I've been in a car(I live on public transportation, NYC) Anywho I'm getting in the car with moy mom, and my hair got caught in the door, like the top of it. It was so weird. I was stunned. That's when I realized my hair has really grown, Inever used to have that problem. Or like when I'm in low cars I'll have to get out and fluff b/c my hair gets smooshed by the ceiling, and I'm not real tall:ohwell: .
Barbara said:
Fortunately, I don’t have to handle my hair much. My hair stylist does most of the work. My hair is just about waist length now. I wear it in a bun 98 percent of the time. Even then some strands of my hair will hang on my shoulders, neck or back despite the fact that I use five or six large bobby pins to pin it up.

It feels like spiders are crawling on my back, shoulders or neck—more so when I wear my hair down. It gets caught on my purse strap or seatbelt if I wear it loose; floats in my bowl or plate while eating and it ends up in my mouth while talking or drinking from a water fountain . . . sticks to my lipstick during windy days. Toothpaste gets on it when I’m brushing, and I’m not aware of it until later. When people hug me, my hair gets trapped, and I can't move until they stop hugging me. Whenever I put on a jacket, I have to pull my hair out first.

On a nice sunny day, I was driving with my window down, and I felt my pinned-up hair rubbing against my neck as normal. What I didn’t realize is that it wasn’t my hair at all. All of a sudden I felt this sharp, stinging pain on the side of my neck. I was really startled that I had to yell. I was stung by a bumblebee, and it really hurt! I looked to the edge of the door, and the bee was just sitting there enjoying the ride. All of a sudden, I started scratching my neck, and it became red. Then it started swelling up.

Had I had short hair, this would have never happened . . . because I would have rubbed my neck wondering what was crawling on it, and that would have taken care of the bee.

In addition, it draws attention from people, and they ask me questions especially men . . . the wrong kind of men that is.

I think this is what I would worry about the most. My hair feeling like creepy crawlers and when there is a creepy crawler I would never know until its to late. Wow I never imagine a bumble bee - good grief that must be the worst
Poohbear said:
I noticed as my hair gets longer, it's easier to detangle when soaking wet.

Great pictures Poohbear, I guess that will be me in another year. I hope my hair stands up but it doesn't it flops over
I know my hair is getting longer when:
it gets harder to upkeep with all of the maintenance involved,it takes longer to comb and detangle when I'm washing it, and those shedded hairs get on my last nerve!! This is why I just tuck the majority of my hair under an instant weave... :rolleyes:
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Ok, my favorite is when rinsing in the shower I gather up the ends and let it slap between my shoulder blades and on my back. The worst is I have to remember to let the comb or brush travel down further before I pull it up to comb again. I keep not realizing how much longer my hair is when combing the back and when I bring the comb up it comes up with the hair still in the teeth causing more tangles.
wow!!! I'm dreaming of the day when i can curse my long beautiful hair for being in the way!!! :) For now, i'll just settle with cursing at it to get it to grow :look: !!

I'm not nearly where some of the ladies in here are as far as length goes, but i'm cosigning the...

Hair in toothbrush
Hair in mouth when windy or eating
hair rubbing on clothes, getting caught in jewlery
spider crawling feeling when hair is down on neck
hair in lipgloss/lipstick/makeup making a smearing mess...

and i'll add...
hair getting in eyes when driving with windows down... I have to remember to take my sunglasses or else i'll either be hot (from keeping windows up) or blind (from having windows down and hair in eyes)
When wearing hair down, doing double takes when i past my reflection in public places, i'm not vain... but my hair is!!! :p
Trudy said:
I think this is what I would worry about the most. My hair feeling like creepy crawlers and when there is a creepy crawler I would never know until its to late. Wow I never imagine a bumble bee - good grief that must be the worst

I was driving westbound on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. I didn't get a chance to kill the bumble bee, because I had to keep my eyes on the moving traffic ahead of me . . . so it flew away. I went into the bookstore and told them what happened to me. The store clerk told me to put some baking soda on it. I was in pain for hours.

Since then I've killed two innocent bumble bees that were on my car. One was on my windshield, so I turned on the window washer and I turned my wipers on to kill it.

All of my life I thought if you don't mess with bees, they won't mess with you. Now I know that I have to kill them first. I just couldn't believe that while I was driving, a bee was on my neck . . . and then sat on my driver's door for a few minutes while I was still driving. That's what you call "bold."
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Divine Inspiration said:
Yep! :lol: I'm always trying not to flip too hard, but sometimes you gotta REALLY throw it to get it out of the way. :look:

-I use up conditioner SO quickly...like I go through a whole bottle in a wash or two.
-I've gotten lots of weave questions/comments and even eye rolls when I tell people it's all mine. Then they ask if I put weird concoctions like elephant fat in it to make it grow...I'm like, uh no...just monkey ball sweat. :lachen: Just kidding!
-It takes FOREVER to rollerset, and it's really tough on my arms to pull the hair in the back straight to get it around the roller. I think this is why I'm getting too lazy to do them. :ohwell:
-It's constantly getting caught on my purse strap so I have to pull it back, put the purse on, then release the hair. Sometimes people give me that "it ain't that deep" look, but I just ignore them because they're usually the ones with the busted hair. :look:
-I can do really nice sized buns now. I had problems with aneorexic looking buns in the past, but now my buns are nice and thick with no sock or phonies. I like being able to whip it up real quick and have it be full. :up:

This is all I can think of...I suppose these are good problems to have. Only LHCF ladies understand these things. :lol:

Right Right. I love the bun part. I think this is what I like most about my hair growing out.
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The only difference since my hair is longer is the tangles during washing and my 11 month old son pulling it when he tries to climb on me to play. I do protective styles because he loves to use my shoulders to pull himself on me. He doesnt know that hurts mommy to use her hair as a rope.:)
wow... I can't wait until I have these issues, right now my only change as it gets longer is that I feel my hair in my ears and I have nearly scratched them raw from the itching.
it takes six hours to dry now when I do my cowashes and when I swing it in the shower it slaps me in the eyes so I don't do that anymore.
it takes six hours to dry now when I do my cowashes and when I swing it in the shower it slaps me in the eyes so I don't do that anymore.

That happens to me too... only difference is I usually don't get any wiser and do it at my next wash again:nono:
I'm using way more conditioner now...I'm thinking this could get expensive but I'm not complaining of course.
I really have to work on keeping my hair up now, its scares me when its down I feel something crawling on me and then I am always amazed when I realize its my own hair. Now I have to plait it to keep from getting soap on it whenI am washing up. I love that its actually getting longer. I can't blow it out it gets in my eyes and ears while i am driving and thats to distracting when I am trying to look cute. Nothing like smiling with hair in your mouth and eyes at the stop light. But still loving the growth.
I remember being :confused: that I had to by more product more often then it dawned on me that the reason was because my hair was getting longer....I go thru a bottle of conditioner a week. :eek: My hair is also taking much longer to dry than before. I wear my hair in a shrunken bun so I don't have any issues with getting it caught in things and blowing in my face (at the moment) but I'm sure I would have those problems if I flatironed my hair. Thank God I'm in Bootcamp. :lol:

I am THERE right now. I've gone through a liter-sized bottle of Elasta in about a month - and I only washed my hair like - 5 times? okay, maybe 7? I know I skipped a couple of DC's in the middle there - but I'm like - dang! I gotta get a new bottle already!?!? *sigh* I need to start looking for gallon sizes of product, man.

But, I ain't complaining, nosiree!
I thought there was a spider on my lower back in the shower. I hadn't noticed that my hair even grew. I was completely freaked out though.

When it was getting caught when I'd lean back in my chair when I was wearing it curly it annoyed me. Unstretched my hair had always been closer to right below shoulder length.
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

Also, I think I am developing a very mild case of bacne :(

I bet the bacne is because of all the products rinsing down your back. Try using the Neutrogena Body Scrub/Exfoliate for Acne (I can't remember the exact name right now). It really works well and is gentle enough to use daily.
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

Also, I think I am developing a very mild case of bacne :(

LOL...same problem, i just make sure i rinse my entire body again after rinse my hair.
I am GRATEFUL... OK???? I am so Grateful... I personally do not say that I have long hair....I just don't want to jinx it.
I make Condishes and Stuff - Because I use SOOO much that I cannot afford to keep buying the Stuff I like.
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

Also, I think I am developing a very mild case of bacne :(

I know what you mean about the butt issues! I've always had that problem! It's TMI but it's very true! lol

My hair's always been thick, but when it's thick and long, it's tedius to dry. When it was APLI used to blow dry constantly weekly, and now that I'm trying to rollerset... it's quite a task.:wallbash: The drying time is no joke.
You all are crazzzy. This is sooo funny.

I do have to agree...the longer it get..the more issues and products...

But I'm happy tho.
I can only hope to be so blessed one day...I'm at work laughing so hard, I can't stop the tears. I know these folks think I'm nuts LOL
I can hardly wait till my hair gets caught in my butt cheeks and toilet... *daydreaming*

Anyway so far I've noticed that altho I'm the Ninja of Rollersetting, its getting difficult cuz my hair is getting longer.

I go through a bottle of conditioner like nothing. Thank God my hair likes cheap conditioner!

For the first time in my life I sat down on the train and when I went to pick something up my hair got caught between my back and the seat. Ouch! I was so happy!!!

My curly hair sits on my shoulder now.

I do that FLIP when I put my coat on and have to take my hair out of my coat. Woohoo!