I am new to the forum and very addictive(LOL)I got a relaxer last July 03(had shoulder lenght hair) from someone I trusted for years she switched relaxers from Motions to Mozonie(sp)she had someone else rinse me out, well lets just say all my hair in the crown area and below it fell out I was completely bald after only a few weeks. I was so hurt and mad never went back. I went to a new male hairdresser who did even worst he put in a relaxer(this is after I told him my story) that burnt my scalp then he used a hot blow dryer, a hot curling iron and put a weave in with glue that caused more bald spots in the my head well needless to say my hair was so thin and continue to come out I kept asking myself what had I done to these people. after months of crying and praying, I found on the website Cathy Howe's book and this blessed hair site January 04. I have taken my hair back!!!! Sorry to be so long-- my hair is growning especially in the bald spotsI applied Aphogee to stop the breakage which helped!
The crown area is slowly growing back it's about 3 inchs now I am taking vitamins now also found a new hair dresser. (I hope I can trust her) last relaxer 2/5/04. I want to thank everyone here for sharing all the great information and tips and thank God for leading me to this site. Can you suggest how my hair can get thick again? I take MSM,Flaxseed Oil, primrose oil,Ultranourishair,apply surge to my scalp twice a day, sleep on a silk pillowcase also wrap my head up with a silk scarf. I will post my progress as I go--cn you suggest anything else?
Welcome to the board jancan! Thank you for sharing your inspirational story with us. It seems as if you are on the right track now....I take B 5 (Pantothenic Acid) to help my hair grow in thicker. But Ive only been taking 250mg for a couple of months with no results to report yet....Good luck and happy hair growing!!!