
New Member
Don't get me wrong, I love long hair. (don't we all?).

But sometimes when I look back at my post BC pictures I really miss my shorter afro. It was easier to manage, I had fewer bad hair days and my wash and go's were gorgeous.

Now, that my hair is longer (Not by LHCF standards but it's between APL and BSL) I keep it in a bun 99% of the time because it takes too long to dry for a wash and go; it takes too long to twist to make it look how I like it; and any style I would like to wear causes my hair to tangle, snag, and knot.

I know most of us are here because we want healthy and eventually long hair, but is it really worth it when your options become more limited and the time spent making your hair look nice becomes very consuming?

Don't tell me I am the only one playing with the thought of going back to a TWA?
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it takes longer to detangle.

ETA: despite the longer detangle time i am in NO WAY contemplating a BC. i've experienced more frustration at seeing my hair stuck at SL than the stress to combing and washing it once a week.
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I always miss my shorter hair, but for once in my life I want to see exactly how long my hair can get EVER!!

I am not attached to longer hair---my natural hair is work because of it's texture and fine strands, it matts too much for me to wear in a bun or pony puff for more than a couple of days. I have to twist my hair almost nightly (which only takes about 12-20 mins, but sometimes I don't feel like doing it) to keep it from tangles and matting.

I loved when I flat-ironed the last couple of times--although the process was lengthy, it was so much more easier to handle on a day to day basis, mostly putting in it a side ponytail which takes all of 2 mins., and tying down at night which is no time at all.

For my 50th birthday, in the next 3 years, I'll decide whether or not to cut, but until then I'm going to grow, grow, grow.....
Honestly, even though I get how you feel, and do agree, the fact that I can sweep my hair into a bun or ponytail when I don't feel like wearing it out is an added luxury to longer hair. Last week, I think I wore my hair down once, and I was loving my broccoli stalk ponytail. I like having the option of wearing my hair up or down. With my TWA, although I did love it, if my hair wasn't acting right or looking a mess...I really had no other option unless I wanted to slap a wig on.
My hair is grazing BSL and there are days that I do wish for the ease of shorter natural hair. I agree wash and goes take longer to dry for me. Half the day goes by and I'm still not completely dry! But I love my hair and when I get to wanting short hair I put it up so I don't have to deal with it.
Mine is that it is soooooo freaking HEAVYYYY!!!

It won't stay in a ponytail (high or low) it always slides down and eats up my goodie hair tie. I have to secure it with bobbie-pins and they run kicking and screaming after about an hour! They just fall out my hair! All I hear is *tinggg tinggggggg* look down and a dead defeated bobbie-pin bouncing on the floor! RIP!

I have "Hair Webs" all over! lol My hair is so long it just feels Like I have spider webs all over my face, neck, back and arms from fly aways. HATE THAT!

Of course it getting caught onto things seat belts, car doors, freezer doors, bra straps, jacket zippers, mouth etc.
My hair is MBL and rollersets do not dry overnight. It is very tangly so -don't judge me - but I roll my hair in the shower right after I wash. That way I can rewet as needed because the minute my hair begins to dry the tangles multiply. It's not the most comfortable thing but I'm learning how to set my hair more quickly! :lol:

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I always miss my shorter hair, but for once in my life I want to see exactly how long my hair can get EVER!!

I am not attached to longer hair---my natural hair is work because of it's texture and fine strands, it matts too much for me to wear in a bun or pony puff for more than a couple of days. I have to twist my hair almost nightly (which only takes about 12-20 mins, but sometimes I don't feel like doing it) to keep it from tangles and matting.

I loved when I flat-ironed the last couple of times--although the process was lengthy, it was so much more easier to handle on a day to day basis, mostly putting in it a side ponytail which takes all of 2 mins., and tying down at night which is no time at all.

For my 50th birthday, in the next 3 years, I'll decide whether or not to cut, but until then I'm going to grow, grow, grow.....

~~HoneyComb~~ I remember your bc and your short hair. I loved it. I love your long hair too!

I don't like my hair short. It doesn't do a thing for me and big head.
That said, tangles are worse with long hair and even when it's straight, it can be boring.
I like the convenience with short hair, which is why I wear a wig, because long hair *can* be a bit time consuming and in the way =P
As I'm getting closer to BSL I'm noticing it's getting harder to de tangle and blow dry my hair but as I do it more, it's getting easier and when my hair is flat ironed the longer it is the easier it is to style without just leaving it down all the time.
Takes longer to style, detangle ...It just takes longer to do everything....Its heavy .. My kids lay on it. It gets tangled in stuff . LOL
Longer to detangle, style, wash, everything!

Gets caught in coat/shirt zippers & Velcro :shocked: :thud:

Random fingers on your head for the infamous weave check :look:

Unique hair accessories look cute on short hair, but most of the time they look like overkill on long hair :ohwell:

Reaching over to get something and accidentally dipping your hair in coffee/tea/cereal/soup :wallbash: :lol:

ETA: Don't get me wrong, I like my hair!! This thread isnt about the upsides, though lol.

My hair isn't even extremely long. I'm only just past BSL. I'll make MBL in a few months & I think that's it for me. I can't see myself managing hair longer than that. I'll just keep it at MBL & let all of my hair catch up.

.... That is if I don't decide to BC on a whim... Again :lol:

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For me, the only downside is that my rollersets do take longer to dry now, but there is no way I want shorter hair. :nono:
My hair laughs at the quarter-sized amount of product recommended by the manufactory as a result I go through so much more product, copious amounts and it takes forever to detangle in fact it lives to tangle.
...soundin' like billionaires talking smack about all their money.:lachen:

Lmao! Hey now!! There's a down side to everything! More hair, more problems :lachen:

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...


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Having shorter hair means you can wear it straight more often without worrying about the consequences of having to trim it.
The main downside to me is detangling. I actually had to switch from detangling in the shower to detangling after my DC because it was taking too long to stand in the shower while trying to detangle my hair. I wear my hair in braids 98% of the year though, so I really don't experience many of the problems that I should be having with longer hair.
I love longer hair, but I swear, if I had a small Halle head and a Halle body, I would totally do a pixie cut- buying conditioner gets expensive!
My hair is not long by lhcf standards (aplish with natural layers) but one thing I miss is having a 'style' when it's flat ironed. It just kinda hangs there, then poofs up...and then I'm back in a bun or wash-n-go.
What I truly hate are the sinks that get clogged....yuck.
But I wouldn't want to cut it again and I'm anxious to see where it will grow/grow.
My hair is not long by lhcf standards (aplish with natural layers) but one thing I miss is having a 'style' when it's flat ironed. It just kinda hangs there, then poofs up...and then I'm back in a bun or wash-n-go.
What I truly hate are the sinks that get clogged....yuck.
But I wouldn't want to cut it again and I'm anxious to see where it will grow/grow.

Yes!!!! :barf:
Mine is that it is soooooo freaking HEAVYYYY!!!

It won't stay in a ponytail (high or low) it always slides down and eats up my goodie hair tie. I have to secure it with bobbie-pins and they run kicking and screaming after about an hour! They just fall out my hair! All I hear is *tinggg tinggggggg* look down and a dead defeated bobbie-pin bouncing on the floor! RIP!

I have "Hair Webs" all over! lol My hair is so long it just feels Like I have spider webs all over my face, neck, back and arms from fly aways. HATE THAT!

Of course it getting caught onto things seat belts, car doors, freezer doors, bra straps, jacket zippers, mouth etc.


ting tiiiiiinnnggg!!! :lol:
I was sooooo ready to give OP the :rolleyes: when I read the post title :lol:, but then I thought about it.....

While my hair isn't anywhere near long enough to have styling or serious detangling issues, I do miss the look of my TWA. I definitely wish I'd enjoyed my hair when it was shorter. There is something so effortlessly beautiful about a woman with super short hair. I've always believed that, I just forgot it when I cut off all my hair :perplexed :lol:
I hate short hair on myself. I guess the only downside of having WL hair is that it take me 90 minutes to dry.

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My little sis went transitioned for about a year and just BC'd about 3 months ago. I saw her hair for the first time a few weeks ago and I couldn't keep my hands out of it! She doesn't have a TWA but its about medium-sized. I was so jealous! It was so cute on her and it made me remember how much I used to enjoy washing and conditioning when my hair was that size! My hair is just apl now but washing and detangling sometimes is so difficult! I don't have the urge to go back though because I braid or twist it for long periods at a time (4 months straight) most of the time so I normally don't deal with it but when I do its like ugh! But I still luv it, lol.
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I went for a walk with my husband & he stopped me quickly to reach in my hair... because there was a bug trapped in my wash & go. :lachen::nono:

I miss my 5 min detangling sessions too. Granted it only takes about 12-15 min now, but still LOL that feels like eternity to me.
- I feel the complete opposite. It is easy for me to style my hair longer. It can be in a bun, high pony, low pony, to the side, braided, curled.... because it is long enough to have options. The shorter it is the harder it becomes to be in a hurry w/o the inconvenience of just putting it up and looking sophisticated. When my hair was shorter it ALWAYS had to be teased or styled.
*shrug* I like my hair long. - The only downside that I can think of is more products = more $$$. But, I'll keep that.