Is Your Hair Longer Than It's Ever Been? Please Post B/A Pics!

What an inspirational thread!!!

Yea, it sure is. I'm not posting any B&A pics yet because I haven't acheived the progress I'd like at this point, but I know I will. My hair was once healthy and at APL, but broke off due to unhealthy hair practices. I wish I had found LHCF sooner, but I'm so grateful I found this site! There is some phenomenal hair growth and retention goin on up in here. I can't wait to post my future healthy, beautiful hair pics :grin:
before transition...

July 2010 (Relaxed):


September 2012 (Natural):


My hair hasnt seen this length since before I started relaxing and that was when I was 12, over 10 years ago.
Always had fairly healthy hair, but never thought I'd have length.
LHCF helped me to understand that it really is a process & that its necessary to set more long term goals to gain length. I stopped all the wild colors & focused on health & growth.
Hair is natural in both pics, the first in about 2008, the second in 2011.
I had cut into an even shorter, relaxed halle/rihanna cut w side & back shaved in 2009 that I cant find pics of, & grew it out from there...

Last year in May, after wearing braids for 3 months, I decided to cut and start over. The back is a little bit shorter than the front.


I started really taking care of my hair, no heat, co washing, and all that good stuff I learned on here in Nov. this is where I was in July of this year.


I will be back later to update with today's length. I self relaxed Thurs, but need to dc today so Ill add that pic later. Since I had been able to decide my style-11th grade- I had been an ear length and above girl because I never thought my hair would grow and look nice at longer lengths, here is my shortest do, back in 08- because I know y'all love "pichas"

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2006 Right before my HHJ
The picture on the right was at a kid's Christmas party LOL This was my LAST relaxer. A year later I BC'd My hair was always dry, shoulder length, and pretty flat.


2011 Pictures

I don't have recent pictures, but this was taken in 2011. My hair is about an inch longer in the front. An inch from tailbone length in the back. I stopped relaxing my hair 6 years ago.


Old pic: self relaxing monthly, my hair was turning red from the chemicals in the box and the water at school
New pic: 6 months ago, three years into my transition to natural


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constance said:
I remember how inspirational JupiterMoon's pics were so here are a few of mine. :)



OH MY GAHD!!!! So in 3.5 years I could look like you??!! I've just rededicated myself right now!! I think I would be happy with even half of ur hair!! Very nice!
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constance whew so many questions, but first let me say your hair is fab!! Are you a 4ab?? Your hair looks very similar to my DD. What is your Reggie ma'am, please and thanks :)

carameldimples, thank you. Most of my hair is 4a but a 2 inch swatch that runs ear to ear including my nape is something between 3c and 4a.

My reggie is pretty simple:
*Wash every 1.5 wks, dc following shampoo, & apply leave in
*Spritz with water and apply evoo on the 4th/5th dy following the shampoo

Products...sigh. 2 of my 3 staples are now a no-go due to new formulations:
Shampoo: Aussie Moist
DC: I'm down to my last 2 bottles of AOHSR (old formula). The new formula does *not* work for me so I'm searching for a replacement.
Leave in: Ditto-I'm down to my last 2 bottles of LTR (old formula) and am searching for a replacement. I'm not sure I want to try the new formulation.

PS. I used to blow dry & straighten 2-3x per year. Now I'm limiting it to 1x per year.

Carmelella, you can totally grow more than I have in 3.5 yrs bc I'm a slow grower & I only retained 1.5 inches my first year. HHG!
First pic is my hair after I cut all the perm off. It was around NL- May 2011

Second pic - September 2012


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constance, OMGAAAWD!!!! Your hair is amazing!! There are so many drool worthy heads in this thread it's ridiculous! I love you OP, I never gave up on my hair goals but now I'm even more inspired and motivated.
Wow! After seeing these pics I might just change my goal of APL and just let it grow and see how far it goes. I mean this thread is so encouraging ya know.