What a difference are you having with Longer Hair

LocksOfLuV said:
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

Also, I think I am developing a very mild case of bacne :(

:lol: :lachen:
when I noticed that my products don't last very long anymore:look: I go through half a container of conditioner at one wash:lol:
When my husband puts his arm around me his arms is always on it...My purse catches it...if i wear it flat ironed sometimes when i lean into my plate to eat my hair is in the way.
dlewis said:
When I lead back in my chair at the office, I'm leaning on my hair.

Feeling hair on my back is a great feeling.

Having contractors say "Mrs. Lewis can help you, she's the lady with the long hair".:D

Washing is a chore

And I'm having a time getting the hair smooth on the roller closer to the neck.

That is awesome! You go girl:grin:.
LocksOfLuV said:
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look:

I can't stand it either! :look: :lachen: :look: :lachen:

But, I have a solution: What I do now is shampoo (or condish wash) my hair; apply conditioner and cover with a cap; then cleanse the rest of me. I get out the shower and do whatever while my hair is conditioning, then rinse it in the kitchen sink.

No more icky hair between the cheeks! :grin: :grin: :grin:
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LocksOfLuV said:
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

Also, I think I am developing a very mild case of bacne :(
:lachen: :lachen: So funny and so...true! :rofl:
Forgetting to hold it back at the water fountain, and getting a mouthful of hair and water.:eek: Having to use 1/2 bottle of Suave for CO washes.
when i put on my bra and instead of fastening the clasps i'm fastening my hair inside the clasps or your hair is caught under the bra strap....i can't be the only one.

hair in mouth and eyes especially on windy days.

hair wrapped in a few circles around earrings.

hair in seatbelts or if someones in the backseat and they hold onto the seat rest - YO that's my hair ya got there!

hair under purse strap.

when folks hug you, your hair is caught under their arms, fingers or worse, in their earrings or finger rings :S

when i brush my teeth, hair in the way. or when i spitout the toothpaste - gotta make sure there's no hair near the sink or it gets spit on - blech.

shed hair looks like small, bald animal lives in the shower or in my denman brush but it's just more long hair strand drama.

when cooking, being careful not to lean close to the burner (obvious reasons) or open pot/pan to sniff the contents or you'll be wearing what you cook.

list could go on. but i can say all of us would say it's a happy list, eh?
Great thread! The biggest for me would be eating it, it getting caught under my purse strap, and my husband laying on it during...ummm (cough) "relations." But I gotta tell you, ladies, I CAN'T WAIT till I have problem of getting hair caught in my butt cheeks...lol...I'm living for that day!:grin:
I took my hair out of a bun and loosened the hair so I could put it in a French roll for work. I was leaning over the sink to brush my teeth and my hair actually got in the way & got tooth paste on it. I was shocked! I had to clamp it up to brush my teeth. Holla!!!!
LocksOfLuV said:
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

OMG that happens to me too!:lachen:
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
I took my hair out of a bun and loosened the hair so I could put it in a French roll for work. I was leaning over the sink to brush my teeth and my hair actually got in the way & got tooth paste on it. I was shocked! I had to clamp it up to brush my teeth. Holla!!!!

congrats! even now i gotta wear my hair up to brush my teeth and I DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT MUCH HAIR YET!!
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Let see:

I use up my products alot faster
As my hair gets longer I can no longer wear certain styles
Whenever I wear my hair down people are always in it!(oohing and awwing)
I love the feel of it on my back(never experienced it before now)
I think I look better
It's a hassle to put my shower cap on :lol:
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it takes even longer to wash
i am washing my hair in braided sections
it takes longer to flat iron
more "is that all your hair?" comments
and comments from people w/ what i consider to be long!
people questioning how am i going to handle it when it gets longer!
men pay even more attention when its out:ohwell:
hair in my mouth
hair caught under my armpit
moving it to put on my coat and adjusting the hood
i'm a hair flipper now:lol:
jenteel said:
it takes even longer to wash
i am washing my hair in braided sections
it takes longer to flat iron
more "is that all your hair?" comments
and comments from people w/ what i consider to be long!
people questioning how am i going to handle it when it gets longer!
men pay even more attention when its out:ohwell:
hair in my mouth
hair caught under my armpit
moving it to put on my coat and adjusting the hood
i'm a hair flipper now:lol:

I'm a hair flipperr now and forever man! I used to hate on this girl with long hair who was a flipper. I couldn't stand it (jealousy). Now I am one!

These types of threads makes me never want to stop protective styling as much as I hate it. It makes me want long hair sooo bad!
This is a keeper, I love all the comments they were so funny. I can't wait, I honestly can't wait until I can share a real funny story about my long hair. THanks so much for all your comments.
Locksofluv ain't never lied :lachen: .
I use up conditioner alot quicker.
hair gets wrapped around my earrings.
I have to pull it out of my shirts after dressing.
It loves to stay laying over the shoulders.
It takes longer to comb through on poo days and I have to comb it while drapped over my shoulders or leaning to one side.
I have to make sure it's tucked behind my ears when cooking, brushing teeth, or anything that envolves leaning over.
I have become a slinger, lol, and I love it even though when my daughter does it use to annoy me :p .
Everyone that sees my hair goes " :eek: oh my God! that's your hair", or "if I didn't know you didn't wear weave, I would have sworn it was" . :D

I am so glad I cover my hair because I would be mad sad if my hair got caught in a door.
The other day I was in church, standing up and clapping along to a song as I normally would. But this time, I noticed my hair brushing against my wrist and forearm as I was clapping. I was like WOW!
You ladies have summed them up very well.

Hair in the private parts after wash day. (glad to see it's not just me! lol)
Hair getting caught under my arm
Hair getting caught on my purse strap.
Hair on my lipgloss!

Yes, I am a flipper too when it's down. I only do it to keep the hair out the way. I am sure others look at me like ......All that is not called for! lol.
-Can make a bun without using anything except my hair. no pins, no nothing
-Gets in my food or drink without me knowing it
-catches in between my underarms
-the other day I zipped up my sweater just halfway to my chest. Didn't know I was walking around all day with hair caught in zipper until I got home that evening and tried to unzip..lol
-Babies keep pullin on my hair, first thing they grab.
-I use up half a tube of NTM DDC in one wash now
-arms are tired as hell from holding it far out and flat ironing it from root to end. Have to rest sometimes b4 movin on to nex section
-complete and utter silence and quick glances when I go anywear with it blown straight out. supermarket, gas station, store, restaurants
-yup..hair in the butt after wash..lol
-SO laying on it in bed and I have to ruin mood by saying my hair is caught.
-feel it brushing against my elbows while I'm walking
sylver2 said:
-Can make a bun without using anything except my hair. no pins, no nothing
-Gets in my food or drink without me knowing it
-catches in between my underarms
-the other day I zipped up my sweater just halfway to my chest. Didn't know I was walking around all day with hair caught in zipper until I got home that evening and tried to unzip..lol
-Babies keep pullin on my hair, first thing they grab.
-I use up half a tube of NTM DDC in one wash now
-arms are tired as hell from holding it far out and flat ironing it from root to end. Have to rest sometimes b4 movin on to nex section
-complete and utter silence and quick glances when I go anywear with it blown straight out. supermarket, gas station, store, restaurants
-yup..hair in the butt after wash..lol
-SO laying on it in bed and I have to ruin mood by saying my hair is caught.
-feel it brushing against my elbows while I'm walking

Oh how I can't wait...
Can't eat with it straight and fully down, or I will eat it.

I slam it in the car door on occasion, but that rarely happens now.

I hate to vacuum, because I will have to CUT all that long pretty hair off the roller brush...

You should see the hair monster growing in my drain!

My back breaks out b/c of it; it took me a few years to realize that the products in my hair do bad things for my sensitive skin.

Men will stare just cause of the hair.
Letitia said:
Yes, I am a flipper too when it's down. I only do it to keep the hair out the way. I am sure others look at me like ......All that is not called for! lol.

Yep! :lol: I'm always trying not to flip too hard, but sometimes you gotta REALLY throw it to get it out of the way. :look:

-I use up conditioner SO quickly...like I go through a whole bottle in a wash or two.
-I've gotten lots of weave questions/comments and even eye rolls when I tell people it's all mine. Then they ask if I put weird concoctions like elephant fat in it to make it grow...I'm like, uh no...just monkey ball sweat. :lachen: Just kidding!
-It takes FOREVER to rollerset, and it's really tough on my arms to pull the hair in the back straight to get it around the roller. I think this is why I'm getting too lazy to do them. :ohwell:
-It's constantly getting caught on my purse strap so I have to pull it back, put the purse on, then release the hair. Sometimes people give me that "it ain't that deep" look, but I just ignore them because they're usually the ones with the busted hair. :look:
-I can do really nice sized buns now. I had problems with aneorexic looking buns in the past, but now my buns are nice and thick with no sock or phonies. I like being able to whip it up real quick and have it be full. :up:

This is all I can think of...I suppose these are good problems to have. Only LHCF ladies understand these things. :lol:
Divine Inspiration said:
Yep! :lol: I'm always trying not to flip too hard, but sometimes you gotta REALLY throw it to get it out of the way. :look:

-I use up conditioner SO quickly...like I go through a whole bottle in a wash or two.
-I've gotten lots of weave questions/comments and even eye rolls when I tell people it's all mine. Then they ask if I put weird concoctions like elephant fat in it to make it grow...I'm like, uh no...just monkey ball sweat. :lachen: Just kidding!
-It takes FOREVER to rollerset, and it's really tough on my arms to pull the hair in the back straight to get it around the roller. I think this is why I'm getting too lazy to do them. :ohwell:
-It's constantly getting caught on my purse strap so I have to pull it back, put the purse on, then release the hair. Sometimes people give me that "it ain't that deep" look, but I just ignore them because they're usually the ones with the busted hair. :look:
-I can do really nice sized buns now. I had problems with aneorexic looking buns in the past, but now my buns are nice and thick with no sock or phonies. I like being able to whip it up real quick and have it be full. :up:

This is all I can think of...I suppose these are good problems to have. Only LHCF ladies understand these things. :lol:

LMAO :lachen::lachen::lol: Elephant fat... People are crazy :eek:
Since my hair is down my back, I am always worried about the ends rubbing against the back of my office chair. It is also getting caught on zippers, my purse strap, and it even in the car door ( dont ask)
LocksOfLuV said:
The day after I wash, it never fails to find LOOOOONG strands of hair between my butt cheeks while I am washing the next morning.:look: I know TMI, but I NEVER EVER had that problem before I had "long" hair.

Also, I think I am developing a very mild case of bacne :(

This is a good reason to only use natural products. Also, I put my hair in a bun in the shower and clean off my shoulders and back so there is no residue there from hair oil or anything once I step out of the shower. I also put a towel around my head quickly to stop products from dripping.

I've noticed lately that I can no longer wear a semi-high ponytail with wet hair because it's so heavy I feel like I'm getting scalped. Ouch!! A low pony tail is the only option until the hair is completely dry.

Other than that, it's really no big difference from when it was BSL or even APL because as soon as the hair goes behind the shoulders you really don't think about the length much.

Only when people comment on how long it is, that's when I touch it and pull it down (almost to my butt crack now LOL) and think, yeah it's long now... I don't have any friend or aquaintance now with longer hair than me come to think of it.