Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

I'm going to start making my green juices this weekend and I'm dong a castor oil cleanse this weekend too. Went to the track this morning. Hitting it super hard tomorrow evening!

This weekend should be interesting. . .
Well so far I been doing a lot of cutting back and water drinking. Plus I have been walking a lot. I need get a down pack exercise routine.
I'm going to start making my green juices this weekend and I'm dong a castor oil cleanse this weekend too. Went to the track this morning. Hitting it super hard tomorrow evening!

This weekend should be interesting. . .

What is a castor oil cleanse?
Do tell!
Hey, ladies:
So I have decided to drop the Special K Challenge. It was definitely working, so that's not the problem but I sort of feel like it's just not healthy, and it's only working because it's a low-calorie, low-fat diet, which I could follow myself without having to eat their products.
Since diabetes and heart disease runs in my family, I'm sort of scared to continue to take in sooooo much sugar that goes along with the diet, especially because it's not like they're complex carbs. The portions/calories/fat are low but the simple carbs are just so high. And since I have so much extra weight, I really just don't want to chance it. Maybe I will try it again to lose those last 5-10 lbs but as of now, I am really trying to make sure I work on diabetes prevention and I don't think this diet really makes sense for that, plus it's not really helping me overcome my sugar addiction because everything is sweet! So I'm eating something sweet like 5x a day.

Right now I am about to try the Eating Well diabetic plan (similar to what I said I would do earlier)
Breakfast: whole grain, fruit, dairy/protein
Lunch & Dinner: vegetable, meat protein, whole grain
Snacks: raw fruits & vegetables, dairy
I'm also going to make sure I get in fish 2-3 times per week as suggested, and make sure I really am doing some sort of exercise regularly. I may eat one of the Special K bars as a snack once or twice a week if I get a really bad chocolate craving but I'm definitely not planning to eat them as often as I was.
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I was reading about it first in the Natural Living section of the forum and then i went to the Sakthi Foundation to read more about it and decided to do it. It's supposed to clean out your intestines. I'm kind of bloated right now so it might help. You take some castor oil and mix it with juice and then drink hot water until you have to "go". That's the jist of it. You have to stay near the bathroom for a whole day though.
Checking in at the end of the first week...
Getting trim, DC and roller set right now with Mike at Mohair.
Deep condition and roller set last weekend with protective styling all week except Wed and Saturday (wore hair down for presentation and bunned it today before appt).
Did all 6 workout requirements this week:)
Meet caloric limit all week except Friday--> had to make up for it in the gym today.

Happy growing and toning ladies:)
Good news guys! From 225--->221 this week! :yay::party::bouncegre

How did I do it? 90% clean eating and exercise. I went swimming three times this week, the gym twice and did some walking about 3 days this week. I ate 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, lean protein and whole grains. That's it! Happy with my progress so far!
Weighed in at 213 this week so down 2.6 lbs. I upped my exercise last week and I noticed the last time I did that I truly saw the effects the 2nd week. I exercised 10 times this past week and plan to do the same this week. Eating is going well. Went to the farmers market and got some goodies: vine ripened tomatoes,sweet potatoes,onions
applesauce,apple & peach blossom raw honey,heirloom tomato sauce,rosemary garlic pork sausage,eggplant ricotta raviloli, and zucchini bread. I also ordered some stuff from my nieces fundraiser: spinach ,garlic & basil angel hair pasta, ww angel hair pasta, and tomato, basil, and semonila angel hair pasta.
Happy Mothers Day, checking in for the week, I'm down to 236.2 which is significant because it's my first 10 lbs lost after my April re-boot...I'm losing kinda slow but I'm trying to build muscle at the same time, so I'll take it. I'm joining a 6-week bootcamp that starts May 16th that I'm really excited about and that's it for me...on the hair front? Eh, I'm not loving it right now and I'll leave it at that LOL. Have a goof one ladies!
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Well my trim was a little more than expected this time. Now I am a little past BSL but more of a blunt cut. Before I was reaching MBL with layers. Oh well. Probably better for Mike to cut my hair dry next time than wet. Maybe it'll get back to MBL in the next 4 months and hopefully it will be a full MBL.
For now I am going to bump up my OCT use to 3x/week for the next month to gain more growth for my next relaxer.

Happy growing:)
Hey (I don't know if anybody has posted about it and I'm really too tired to go back and search :grin:) but is anybody on Weight Watchers? My sister came home for Mother's Day and she looks fab! She's been on it for a few months and has lost about 12 lbs. So I'm determined to try it out and go to a meeting on Sat.

I haven't hit it big on the exercise yet, b/c I barely have time to breathe, let alone anything else. But I know, i know: NO EXCUSES! :lol: Once school is over, it's game time!
I haven't weighed myself, purposely. I did a boot camp on Saturday that was excellent. Walking with my sister and doing some stairs tonight and every evening this week some kind of outdoors workout. Next Saturday is boot camp again. Also signed up for a 5am 8-week fitness program.

Hair...I straightened this morning for a switch up. My hair has grown so much, it is starting to change and not respond to my same styling techniques. Needed a break.
So I lost about 3 lbs this week. It is mostly water weight but that's still something. Finally went food shopping so I actually have healthy food in the house now I just need to not be lazy and actually cook it. I bought some ACV because I hear it's good for weightloss. Has anyone had any experience using it? Good luck everybody for this week!
Started on a low carb diet today. Had two deviled eggs and a salad for breakfast. Still reeling from that cleanse I did yesterday. Not feeling well enough to go to the track today.:ohwell:
Hi ladies , checking in for the week. I did good all last week until Friday after work and then I ate some form of sweets all weekend. On a positive note I did begin my 5k training and I did not gain any weight .I didn't lose any either : ( . I have joined the eat clean challenge and will keep a food journal for the week to see where my probs are. Hhg and weightloss journey

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I am down to 155, which is 4 lbs since my weigh-in on May 2. Not that great, but I also did not eat well the whole time.
Today I started my "preventing diabetes" meal plan.
I had 1/2 cup cereal, 3/8 cup milk, 1/2 cup honeydew, and 1/2 c cottage cheese.
I think I'll have the Southwestern salad at McD's for lunch and salmon, brown rice, and broccoli for dinner. I'll probably have the fruit and walnut salad for a snack. I don't typically eat fast food but since I am going on a road trip today, I am just trying to make sure I pick the best options. I'll be a little below 1200 calories, which is what I'm aiming to eat everyday, but since I've been overeating, I'm not really all that hungry and know it'll be a struggle getting all of that down. After a few days of not overeating, I think I'll be balanced out again and will make sure to get in all of my caloric needs. I'm pretty much on track (a little below) on daily carb intake.
I am down to 155, which is 4 lbs since my weigh-in on May 2. Not that great, but I also did not eat well the whole time.
Wait that's 4 lbs in a week, right? That's fantastic :grin:. Sometimes I think Biggest Loser has people having unrealistic expectations. One to two lbs a week is what people should expect.
Forgot to check in about my hair. I have met my short term goal of pulling my hair into one ponytail. I have it in a bun today :woot:. My next short term goal would be getting some hang time. Meaning my hair looking like a cute bob vs a curly fro. Can't wait :yep:.
Hey ladies just checking in; I've been doing horribly the past 2 days b/c of a toothache but I am down to 235.6, which makes me very happy about. I did NO physical activity yesterday but I did walk my granny and her friend and we stopped and did some butt exercises and I'm finishing with:planks, reverse crunches, leg-ups, squats, butterfly crunches and a pilates butt move I LOVE. So it's all about and and butt today. Have a good one ladies!

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How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I'm accountable to me, but this group will help so
May 08
May 15
May 29
Then every 2 weeks after that.
June 12
June 26 etc.

Signing in for May 08 - I have done nothing, nothing so far. I bought the food, but didn't prepare it. Then on Monday I fell sick - got food poisoning, so only oatmeal, crackers and drank water since then. So this is my kick start to me eating right.

I will gradually add back real solids (all food groups for healthier eating) to my diet as the week progresses and hope this truly will be a kick start.

Not to gross anybody out, but truly we eat too much. The breakfast provided by my workplace was a continental breakfast so muffins, danishes, etc and fruits. It was the fruits that did me in. I did take a danish and lots of fruits with it. The watermelon I think was the culprit. Anyhow we eat too much, so much came out of me (mouth first you can imagine - oh don't), it wasn't funny. A wake up call. Do we truly need to eat that much and I had more fruits than anything else.

Smaller portions I will keep in mind for now on.

What meal plans are you ladies following?

P.S. I did walk at lunch time today. Usually our work groups walks 3 times a day, at the two 15 minutes break and at lunch hour for 1/2 hr. So I feel good about that at least.
Wait that's 4 lbs in a week, right? That's fantastic :grin:. Sometimes I think Biggest Loser has people having unrealistic expectations. One to two lbs a week is what people should expect.

Yeah, you're right. Here's to another 4 this week :)

Forgot to check in about my hair. I have met my short term goal of pulling my hair into one ponytail. I have it in a bun today :woot:. My next short term goal would be getting some hang time. Meaning my hair looking like a cute bob vs a curly fro. Can't wait :yep:.


Hey ladies just checking in; I've been doing horribly the past 2 days b/c of a toothache but I am down to 235.6, which makes me very happy about. I did NO physical activity yesterday but I did walk my granny and her friend and we stopped and did some butt exercises and I'm finishing with:planks, reverse crunches, leg-ups, squats, butterfly crunches and a pilates butt move I LOVE. So it's all about and and butt today. Have a good one ladies!

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Awesome. I didn't do too much today but I walked an uphill mile in heels in less than 14 minutes. Didn't know I was that strong! I still have a ways to go in terms of getting in some conscious exercise.
I am a few days late but....I have done terrible this week. We have so much going on that our office is really just eating junk. We have had more pizza this week then some people have in a year....for real :ohwell: I am going to start making time to go back to the DFAC so I wont be eating pizza so much. I have not even been to the gym and its a five minute walk. On a better note, I have been drinking water and I am staying on top of my hair game. Still bunning for life :yep:

Keep up the good work ladies!
My office went to Chipoltle yesterday for lunch. I had already been online to look at stuff. I'm famous for taking forever to order and saying don't put this on, or this on, or this on :look:. To combat this I always decide on a few choices before I go out to eat. I decided on the veggie burrito. I hate half for lunch yesterday and the other half today. They know that thing is too damn big :nono:.
Got a sew-in today for a PS but I'm about 90% sure that I got heat damage in the process. I refuse to have another setback. If I have heat damage, then my whole head is just gona have to be heat-trained because I am NOT cutting my hair.
In other news... I'm having really bad period cravings! I want everything!!!! I hate this time of the month.
Weighed in today and I weigh 187.2 so I only lost .4 lbs but I will admit I didn't work out and my eating wasn't that great, so I really gotta step it up, next weigh in is on May 27th.

I am rocking a braid out today btw :)
I went hiking Tuesday but besides that I kind of fell off with the exercise (Aunt Flo is visiting.) Planning to go hiking tomorrow. We'll see how that works out.

The diet is going well. I'm doing low carb and so far I've been sticking to the plan. I drank plenty of water today, had some ham, tomato and cheese and kombucha for breakfast, homemade chili and peppers and smoked almonds for lunch and more chili w/peppers for dinner with a diet soda. I've been eating quite a few big green salads and deviled eggs this week.:lick:

My hair suffered benign neglect so far except with moisturizing - still on my moisture game but my twists are fuzzy and messy so I've just kept them under hats this week!:lol:
May 13th- First log.

Have not exercised, down 3 lbs.
I have nto been picking, and eating smaller portions. Plus my new job has lots of stairs, so that helps.
Starting chalean extreme tomorrow
Might do the 9 day cleanse from the Fat Smash diet, had great results with that.

Hair- Still at SL( collar bone in some places)
chopped off 1/2 inch some places 3/4 inch. First real trim since I BC'd, last year. For now I'm back in braids.

Will check in again in 20 days

Good luck to everyone!
Don't remember if I checked in this week, but here it is.

Started MT this week- so far so good! I'm greasing my scalp with it every other day, and have bumped up my CWs to every other day to compensate. I'm also water rinsing on the alternate days, and M&S 2x/day now (this is my first time using a medium-heavy PT). My 1 year BC anniversary is in 2 weeks, and it's got me in the mood for a growth boost over the next couple of months :grin:.

Still going strong with working out 5x per week. This week is a little harder to get through than usual b/c I'm on my period (makes me so lazy :ohwell:) but I'm pushing through. "Aunt Flo" also tends to push my cravings into overdrive mode....I've managed to stay within my 1800 per day calorie allotment, but just barely most days this week. Usually, I'm well below that number- usually 1400-1500.

In somewhat good news, I did a little shopping yesterday, and I was able to slip into a size 8 skirt- no stretch :grin:. Cannot tell you the last time that's happened, if ever lol. My goal weight & fat percentage should put me around a size 6/small size 8, so I'm getting there...just gotta stay focused lol.

Will weigh myself on Sunday or Monday, and update again then.