Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

drmuffin: I will definitely update next Sunday! I am going to try to walk a mile five times this week as well. I want to build up to that 5 miles you're supposed to walk a day. Next week, I'll walk 1.5 miles and then 2, and so on. :)
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Thanks to everyone for reporting in because it is helping me to stay inspired. I ate well today, except I had some chips (I am ADDICTED to potato chips). I made it to the track and walked today also. Tomorrow is pilates class.

Hair is freshly washed, conditioned, moisturized and sealed. I braided it into a bun and wore under my half wig during the day.

I will report back at the end of the week or beg of next week.

Yes inspiration indeed! It makes me feel bad b/c everyone's getting exercise and I'm slacking, thereby driving me to get up and do it! And it also makes me feel human because we all have slip-ups every once in a while.

Can't wait to wash this terribly thick henna mix out of my hair...
Hi all! I had a good day. Clean eating except for coffee, a kashi bar and a luna bar. :ohwell: But I did hit the gym for 20 minutes of cycling and then the pool for 25 minutes of free style swimming. So I feel pretty good about my day!:yep:
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): i'd rather not say :ohwell:
Current hair length: SL-CBL ~8-9 inches
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: i wanna lose 50 lbs by the end of the year
Short-term hair goal:APL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: get into the 100s (BMI under 25)
Long-term hair goal: WL for now
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: be healthier overall, sleep less, be active more

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?

i want to cut out all beverages besides water and green tea and occasionally coffee (including diet drinks), drink atleast a gallon of water a day, take my vitamins,no red meat, no white bread products, little to no processed foods,eat more fruits and veggies, no more fast food, start back up w/ the 17day diet (i lost about 20 lbs but started slacking after the 1st cycle), try to exercise atleast 5x a week for atleast 30 mins-1hr

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
i need to leave my hair alone...im gonna wear updos/phony buns and ponies for the majority of rest of the month and then get weaves for the summer....keep taking my vitamins

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?

weight: every 1-2 weeks
hair: monthly/whenever i take down my weaves
Hey ladies :hiya: can I join?


Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 185
Current hair length: APL/BSB
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: loose 15 lbs
Short-term hair goal: Full BSB
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: loose 30 lbs overall
Long-term hair goal: Full MBL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Challenging myself to improve my spiritual life

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Going to the gym 3-4 times a week. Walk on the park every Sunday. Cut back on junk food!!!!

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Relaxer stretching. Protective styling, and lots of TLC

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Weekly check in.
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I hope im not too late to join in this one.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 256... not ashamed!!!( I was 318 at the beginning of the year. )
Current hair length: apl in the back...chin length in the front

Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: let's say 20 lbs by June 15...
Short-term hair goal: bsl
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 100 lbs
Long-term hair goal: mbl
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: get back in school ( got 6 classes to go toll my BS in criminal justice)

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Gotta get moving more. Thinking about modifying the inpatient dieter's regimen...but make it more manageable and less severs for my lifestyle.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Currently ps-ing in cornrows and wigs.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Ill be lurking daily, but will only commit to posting weekly.

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Ok, so my first update :grin:

I was bad today as far as my eating, but I did make it to the gym and did 45mins of cardio, and did a couple reps on my upper body.

My hair is currently 2 weeks post relaxer and I'm rockin a sew-in....I need to remember to moisturize my scalp before the end of the week.
Welcome to all of our new ladies!
You definitely do not have to join by a certain date. I just ask that you thank the first post so we can keep track of each other and provide support/helping hand when necessary!
So, Day 1 of Jillian Michael's 30-day shred Complete. Mind you it was a real "challenge" keeping up with the vid, seeing as today was also day one of my "flow" (TMI I know but I'm just sayin! lol)
Today my eating wasn't too hot, all I had was fries, and some potato wedges. Smh, there are NO real groceries in this house, so I had to make due :ohwell:
I worked out today. Nothing major but I'm just happy I did something. I did a mix of jogging and running to get to a mile and some change. It took 20 minutes. I would love to work out longer than that but I'm taking baby steps.
I had Blue Bell for the first time when I went to visit my brother in Houston. We don't have it up here.
I completely understand.
(Not that I'm excusing it, though!!!! :spank: Lol, but I can relate)
I cheated with a couple of bites of coconut cake and 2 rolls. :spank:
But I'm making progress so I won't beat myself up toooooo much. But I need to get it together anyway.
I am heading to workout with my sister! Running stairs and a 3 mile incline route. I've been overnight deep conditioning twice a week.
OK, first update of the challenge. Didnt eat much, or very well today because I slept until about 11. Had a very late night at work last night, didnt get off till 2:00 am. Had about 5 cups of coffee, a bowl of cereal (dont ask...high sugar, low nutrition, one y kids picked out...lol) a baked chicken thigh that was left over from dinner last night, and spaghetti for dinner. And about 3/4 gallons of water. I use the impatient dieters method of water drinking for most of it.

Didnt get ANY workouts in, but starting on Jillian Michaels 30 day shred between shifts tomorrow. I know im gonna be sore...wish me luck
My first update!

I didn't mention this in my initial post, but before 3 weeks ago I had plateau'd for 8 months. You heard me- 8 WHOLE MONTHS. Nothing I was doing was working, and I was so frustrated. My doctor suggested that I keep a food diary, and at first I scoffed at the idea because: a)I'm a know-it-all :perplexed::grin:, and b) I was positive that I was already eating pretty healthy. But I took her advice anyway, and like magic- I lost 4 lbs that first week! I couldn't believe it! I've lost a total of 8 lbs. (6.5 of which was fat:grin:) in the last 3 weeks since I've started tracking everthing I eat. Don't knock it till you try it ladies! I'm soooo glad I did :yep:

Inspired by miss yaya24 's FABULOUS progress over the last year, I decided to order some MT & will start adding it to my sulfur mix. I'm a little worried about the dryness it may cause, but I'm gonna add another mini-DC to my reggie every week, and maybe another CW as well to counteract any drying effects. Any other advice from you veteran MT users is much appreciated :grin:

Keep the faith ladies!
I'm starting on Insanity and Chalean Extreme so wish me luck on that. I'm going to try walking once a day and work my way to be able to jog continuously. I've been eating too many breads this week which I know is bad, I just need to find time to make my way to the grocery store and I'll be good as that's basically all I have in my house.
I clicked the thanks, but forgot to add my info :blush:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 202 ish and 27.5 last time I checked :look:
Current hair length: CBL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 25 lbs by June
Short-term hair goal: APL by the end of summer
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 45-50 lbs (trying to get back in the range of 150-160 and a BMI around 24)
Long-term hair goal: MBL, maybe WL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Mainly to develop better eating habits, and to tone up all over
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Readjust my eating habits completely and end my love affair with Dr. Pepper. :lol:
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I'm striving to become more consistent with my vitamin intake in order to get my iron levels back to normal

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
I'll try to check in as much as possible (aiming for once a week), though it's hard to break out of lurk mode since I've been in it the majority of the time I've been on this site :ohwell:
I didn't get in a workout but I did get in a .7 mile brisk walk to the bus stop... Lol. Don't know how much that counts.
I followed the Special K Diet to a T today and feel pretty good about it. I usually don't tend to cheat until around the 3rd day though, but for now, it's going well.
I'm not going to be able to get my sew-in until Saturday morning now since my packages decided to get delayed... :/. Buuuuut, I was able to get in plenty of moisture, and I am going to DC again on Friday night. Tomorrow I think I'm going to wear either a twist-n-curl or braid-n-curl for tomorrow's Cinco de Mayo celebration! I know I am going to drink so I am going to eat really healthily during the day so I won't wreak too much havoc on my diet.
Congrats on everyone making progress towards their goals! We are strong, ladies!!!!
Mid-week check in...I've been doing d@mn good, if I say so myself. I have done all of my scheduled workouts for this week including my bootcamp (which was so-so, I had to sprint and jog in one day...buuuut, my bootcamp coach is fione...not fine, but FIONE and married whomp whomp) and tomorrow I am laying off my lower body because my legs are on fire!!! And dedicating it to a 30-minute arms and abs workout. I'm focusing on lower abs especially because I have that pooch, who am I kidding? That lower GUT that I want to start working on like NOW. Hope you guys are having a good week!
2 of 5 workouts done for this week...3rd happening today at 2pm (customized- 3 sets of heavy weights with 1 minute cardio blitz in between).

Stepped on the scale this morning- lost 2lbs!!! Didn't check fat percentage though; I'll do that at Monday's weigh-in.

Need to increase water intake...only had about 40oz yesterday...not good. Goal is around 80-90 oz daily.

KUTGW ladies!
Weighed in at 2.2 lbs lost (156.8), which is awesome, considering yesterday was the first day I followed the eating plan... Lol.
I'm not working out today (or maybe I'll do a light one) because my friends and I are going out to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and we're going out dancing. I LOOOOVE dancing. I am that girl that is on the dance floor nonstop and walks out looking like she just went swimming. Lol.
Anyway, I figure that will be a great enough workout. I'm always trying to find ways to make things I enjoy a way to workout since I hate traditional exercise. When I'm not working the late shift, I definitely walk to the farthest bus stop (.7 mi) and back to my apt if it's still light outside. And I'm usually rushing both ways... lol. So, it's not much, but almost an extra 1.5 miles I'm getting to walk that I wasn't before.
3 hours of nonstop shakin in a hot room with great music works for me!
Matter of fact, I think I'll go ahead and do this 20-minute salsa dance workout. Definitely not Mexican, but will get me in the mood.
Yay! I'm pumped up today.
Mid-week check in...I've been doing d@mn good, if I say so myself. I have done all of my scheduled workouts for this week including my bootcamp (which was so-so, I had to sprint and jog in one day...buuuut, my bootcamp coach is fione...not fine, but FIONE and married whomp whomp) and tomorrow I am laying off my lower body because my legs are on fire!!! And dedicating it to a 30-minute arms and abs workout. I'm focusing on lower abs especially because I have that pooch, who am I kidding? That lower GUT that I want to start working on like NOW. Hope you guys are having a good week!

Girl, you are doing the damn thing! Go head!
Your hard work will pay off!

Going to my boxing class in a couple of hours! keep it up ladies

I've always wanted to try boxing. I'm a naturally aggressive person (I have short people's complex... lol), so I thought that'd be a cool way to workout AND relieve stress. How long have you been boxing?

2 of 5 workouts done for this week...3rd happening today at 2pm (customized- 3 sets of heavy weights with 1 minute cardio blitz in between).

Stepped on the scale this morning- lost 2lbs!!! Didn't check fat percentage though; I'll do that at Monday's weigh-in.

Need to increase water intake...only had about 40oz yesterday...not good. Goal is around 80-90 oz daily.

KUTGW ladies!

Congrats! You aren't playing around! Didn't you already lose 2 pounds this week? So now you're at 4? Go head!

We're about to be some sexy lookin thangs struttin around here!
Also I wanted to announce that if you live in the DC area, today's deal on LivingSocial is for a $19 one-month gym membership! I am thinking of buying it. If they have a pool, I'm sold!
Okay, this will be my last post today.... lol!
Current weight: 327.4 lbs.:sad:
Current hair length: Shoulder Length, relaxed, 5 months post
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 10-15 lbs a month
Short-term hair goal: Transition to natural over two years
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 105 to 110 lbs., size 2-4
Long-term hair goal:Fully natural, waist length stretched
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Complete transition to raw vegan
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?Steadily increase exercise until I reach a minimum of 7 workouts per week (10 maximum with 3 days of 2 workouts).

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Continue protective styling and consistently use the MoeGro growth oil.
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a Week
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Girl, you are doing the damn thing! Go head!
Your hard work will pay off!

I've always wanted to try boxing. I'm a naturally aggressive person (I have short people's complex... lol), so I thought that'd be a cool way to workout AND relieve stress. How long have you been boxing?

Congrats! You aren't playing around! Didn't you already lose 2 pounds this week? So now you're at 4? Go head!

We're about to be some sexy lookin thangs struttin around here!

I've been boxing for about 5 months now and I really like it! It's a great way to let all the stress out!!
I skipped my workout yesterday but stayed in range with my calories. My weight is dropping but I will wait until Sunday to weigh in officially.