Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): COLOR="Teal"]173 Taken (23 Apr)[/COLOR]
Current hair length: Short APL Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: -15lbs (158) Short-term hair goal: Long APL Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: -48lbs (125)Long-term hair goal: MBL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Run a half marathon / Increase my speed to 8min mile (Currently at 10:20m) / Increase my weekly distance to 25m a week

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Continue to count cals (aim for 1500 - 1600 daily) / Lace up and go! / Use runkeepers' tools to try and increase my speed / START back weightlifting / AVOID getting caught up with scams and quick fixes

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I just started with the protective styling so I will continue that and daily moisturizing. I will also start taking Nioxim and see how that goes.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I want to update this every Saturday with weightloss...possibly monthly with hair...so around the first of each month for the hair.

How exciting! :spinning:

Update since I went MIA :look::

Current Weight: 168.6 (taken 19 May) (loss of 5 our of 15 lbs:drunk:)

Right now I'm still running "only" but I've increased my weekly miles. I normally run about 4 miles 2 days out of the week and 2-3 miles on the other 3 days. I have my first "Gate to Gate 4.4m" race on 30 May! :yep: I'm SUPER excited about that.

I still have a goal to START weightlifing again, I just need to sit down and make a plan. My eating has been within the parameters but I can always do better.

I've been using protective styling and daily moisture with my hair and taking Nioxin vits. So far so good. I'm still APL of course.

Now I'm going to go read and see how the rest of you guys are!

Still doing GOOD with my food....but the hair on the other hand has been something else. I wanna either get cornrows under a wig or a quickweave so I wont have to be botheres for at least 4 weeks. I will weight myself in the morning to see what I have lost if any....
I had cereal with cranberries and almond milk for breakfast. I've had about 5 cups of water so far. I've only been up since 1 so that's why I haven't eaten much yet... lol.
I'm going to have a banana protein shake and then a salad with soup for dinner. I'll probably drink another 5-6 cups of water and go to bed early tonight.
Congrats on everyone making progress!

I love Almond Milk, I have been drinking Silk Vanilla Milk with my cereal in the AM. Good plus it doesnt give me gas like cow milk does...TMI LOL:look:
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 210
Current hair length:
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:
lose at least 30-50 lbs by Christmas
Short-term hair goal:
APL by Christmas
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:
Lose a total of 60 lbs and keep it off
Long-term hair goal:
MBL unstretched
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: To build a butt

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
I will change my eating habits and continue my cardio and floor exercises as 2 separate daily workouts, taking omega 3,6,9 (for hair also)
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
I will continue to co wash daily, dc weekly at least 30min, m&s. I've done so much changing I'm gonna give my current regimen time to show what it can do for me.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
every 2 weeks or so
Here are my most current updates:
Hair:Co-washed yesterday with V05 Strengthening Conditioner, Applied my leave ins (Carefree curl + water), Sealed (castor oil), and Air-Dried. Later on that night I applied my sulfur growth mix to my scalp and then proceeded to moisturize and seal as usual. Wrapped my hair with a silk scarf, and that was that!

Food: Yesterday I really didn't eat until about 1:00 a.m. (I had a sandwich). I know that was no bueno at all! Also, earlier yesterday I had a few oreos with milk and like two nacho rings :look:. I seriously need to do better on this eating thing.....I think stress is taking a toll on my eating habits.

Exercise: Jilian Micheals 30-day shred (level 1). :grin: Tonight I may go to the gym, or do another round of JM..the decision is still up in the air on that.

Random inquiry-->>has anyone ever tried the new juice called "Naked"? As seen here
DCing my hair with a mixture of some leftover DC that I had in the frig, Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisture Conditioner, Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Conditioner, ION Reconstructor Treatment, and a squirt of EVOO and Safflower Oil.
I love Almond Milk, I have been drinking Silk Vanilla Milk with my cereal in the AM. Good plus it doesnt give me gas like cow milk does...TMI LOL:look:

Yessss... cow's milk tears me UP!
I never get that with almond milk, and I like it better than soy. Plus soy causes a big increase in estrogen for me (apparently I and the women in my family have high estrogen levels) so it actually makes me gain weight after a while.

I didn't walk to and from work today because my legs hurt soooo bad. I did walk 1.2 miles and .5 of that was with about 10 pounds of groceries... so I hope that makes it better. Lol!
I'm not walking tomorrow because I have to leave straight from work to a bday party and don't wana get all sweaty. Pray for me, guys, because I know I am going to have a lot of temptation. We're going to a Mexican restaurant!
I won't have an update on weight tomorrow because I have to be at work before I usually weight so I'll have an update on Saturday instead.
I've been doing well on food. Haven't eaten out or gone over so far this week.
As far as hair, I am still going hard on PS'ing with my wig. 20 more days until cornrow takedown! And then I'm unleashing my curls for my high school reunion, and going right back in the day after... lol.

Let's keep up the good work, ladies!
I'm so proud of us!
I wasn't feeling well this morning so I stayed home from work and got to weigh after all. I am down to 153, which is 6 lbs in total since May 2. I'm actually pretty surprised because at the beginning of the week, I was back at 157 after all of the horrible period cravings, so maybe my super sore legs are worth it after all. :)
I have 3 weeks exactly until the reunion and am hoping for a miracle to get down another 15 pounds but I know that I have to be super focused in order to do it. I am just going to do my best and hope for the best.
Naked isnt new but it is good. I like the Green Machine, looks nasty but taste lovely.....

Yep! I second this. Green Machine is good. I don't usually drink them unless I'm "treating" myself after an awesome workout b/c I have this thing about drinking calories.

They are really good. Try them all! lol
I wasn't feeling well this morning so I stayed home from work and got to weigh after all. I am down to 153, which is 6 lbs in total since May 2. I'm actually pretty surprised because at the beginning of the week, I was back at 157 after all of the horrible period cravings, so maybe my super sore legs are worth it after all. :)
I have 3 weeks exactly until the reunion and am hoping for a miracle to get down another 15 pounds but I know that I have to be super focused in order to do it. I am just going to do my best and hope for the best.

Congrats on the 6! That's awesome! "Do your best and forget the rest!"
So...I lost 4 pounds in a week. Go me! When I joined this thread I posted that my starting weight was 188 (but I didn't know for sure; it seems like I'm always 188), but I seemed to have blown up to 191 (according to my first Weight Watchers weigh in :nono:). But now I'm down to 187. Sorry if that's confusing! :ohwell:

The main fact is that I lost the dern weight! And I only exercised twice during the week. Normally I would exercise like a mad woman and not particularly watched what I ate, only to lose a pound in a week. So I thank my weight loss to WW! Weigh in tomorrow is going to be awesome! I'll be back tomorrow with my official WW weigh in numbers! In the meantime, I'm gonna see if I can hit the treadmill twice today...
D.Lisha I had oreos too. lol do you count/track cals or what you eat? I do this and I found that around PMS time I still eat crazy but I count the cals to keep me close to my daily intake.

Good luck with your workouts!
So...I lost 4 pounds in a week. Go me! When I joined this thread I posted that my starting weight was 188 (but I didn't know for sure; it seems like I'm always 188), but I seemed to have blown up to 191 (according to my first Weight Watchers weigh in :nono:). But now I'm down to 187. Sorry if that's confusing! :ohwell:

The main fact is that I lost the dern weight! And I only exercised twice during the week. Normally I would exercise like a mad woman and not particularly watched what I ate, only to lose a pound in a week. So I thank my weight loss to WW! Weigh in tomorrow is going to be awesome! I'll be back tomorrow with my official WW weigh in numbers! In the meantime, I'm gonna see if I can hit the treadmill twice today...

Yay!!! :yay:
@D.Lisha I had oreos too. lol do you count/track cals or what you eat? I do this and I found that around PMS time I still eat crazy but I count the cals to keep me close to my daily intake.

Good luck with your workouts!

LadyEuphoria007: I used to be avid about counting calories, but that died out kinda fast lol. I seriously need to hope back on that, huh? Was it you that suggested the sparkpeople.com website? I'm going to go ahead and join the site to see what kind of healthy tools they offer. Maybe then I can get back on my calorie counting the way I'm SUPPOSED to! lol.
I've used Sparkpeople as well and was actually really successful. I used it to count carbs mostly and it does an awesome job. Plus they have a mobile app so that helped with tracking on the go.
Check in...I made the mistake of commenting on another thread about a video and learned my lesson: stick to nails, makeup and weight loss! I am really backed up, my digestive system has always been out of wack, but it is really starting to pi$$ me off! I am taking a fiber supplement and drinking Aloe Vera juice to help my system, but nothing helps. I am up 4 oz to 233.8, which sucks because I wanted to be at 232 by the end of this week. I know my TOM is acting up big time on the weight front and I had to do sprints yesterday for bootcamp, so I have some fluid too. I am sooooo tired of being in the 230's I just want to never see those two numbers together again!!! lol.

I forget who was talking about calorie counting, but I am here to offer testimonial; calorie counting has helped me go from 256 to 233 while still *sometimes* enjoying the foods I love and it puts me in total control of my day. I don't have to restrict myself and I like to calorie cycle as well, I allow myself a cheat day and sometimes I may have a cookie, but over-all it has helped me make pretty good choices and I feel better when I have that control. I use Myfitnesspal, BTW. They have a great mobile app too.

Random inquiry-->>has anyone ever tried the new juice called "Naked"? As seen here

I've had it and it's good. :yep: especially as a morning pick-me-up.

I can't wait to pre-poo this evening when I get home from work! I've been staying on top of my moisture game this week. My hair is thanking me.

Had plain yogurt and strawberries this morning for breakfast and right now I'm eating spinach and steak salad for lunch. :lick:

I even managed to get to the track for a few laps before work!
I am so excited I did 14 push-ups this morning. I have really been working on my upper body strength. Also we had donuts this morning and an ice cream social this afternoon at work and I did not eat any. Small victories!!
So today I felt as if I did kinda ok with everything :)
Earlier today I did my JM's workout, and I plan on doing it right after I get done typing this. I had to do a double whammy today since I didn't exercise like I was supposed to last night :look:. I went to the grocery store and made some healthy food choices that I'm VERY proud of :yep:
I purchased:
  • -Some baby spinach for my salads
  • -Deli Meat italian seasoned grilled chicken breast (meat in my salad)
  • -Naked Juice (OMG i LOVE THIS STUFF! Currently sipping on the power-c machine flavor
  • -Green Apples
  • -Miniature Fruit Bowls
  • Croutons
  • -Some stuff to make spaghetti for dinner (never got to make it though)

I still have more stuff I'd like to buy, but for now I'm going to try out these selected foods to see how I like them (although I'm sure I will :)) Oh well that's all for now! This has officially become my favorite thread, it's so dang motivating!
Omg.... I did SO bad last night at the party!!!!!
I had like 2 glasses of Sangria and 3 or 4 frozen margaritas. I was doing fine on food (I got the roasted quail with peppers and onions) until the alcohol came up and then I was STARVING and had like 6 servings of Mexican rice. :nono:
My stomach still hasn't completely settled yet so maybe that could be a blessing in disguise because I surely don't need to eat anything today.
davisbr88: Awww :bighug:
I hope you feel better soon! Sounds like you had a pretty eventful night lol.

In other news, I'm proud to say I completed my 2nd JM's workout last night and I have one more to complete today (since I missed working out on Tuesday).

So far I started my day off with a fruit bowl that consisted of blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. Needless to say I didn't finish all of it. I just ate about 8 or 9.5 blackberries, and I felt full. I can see one of those bowls lasting me about all day lol. Later on today, SPAGHETTI! :grin:

Oh, and I also joined Sparkpeople.com, who else is on there? I'd love to add yall!
davisbr88 - it's ok girl. Don't beat yourself up about it. Even though I haven't hit my goal yet, I give myself 1 day a week to have some of my favorite foods guilt free :yep:

Did you really enjoy the drinks and the food? If the answer is yes, then the upside is that at least it was a really pleasureable slip-up :grin:
davisbr88: Awww :bighug:
I hope you feel better soon! Sounds like you had a pretty eventful night lol.
Oh, and I also joined Sparkpeople.com, who else is on there? I'd love to add yall!

Oh, it was DEFINITELY eventful! Lol.
I'm on there but haven't logged on in a while. I think I'm curlyb88. I'll get on more often now that I have a buddy!


Is it to late to join because I want in?

Of course not! There's no deadline :)

davisbr88 - it's ok girl. Don't beat yourself up about it. Even though I haven't hit my goal yet, I give myself 1 day a week to have some of my favorite foods guilt free :yep:

Did you really enjoy the drinks and the food? If the answer is yes, then the upside is that at least it was a really pleasureable slip-up :grin:

Yeah, I may have to give myself one day a week as well.
And yes, honey... that sangria was ON IT! And the margaritas and food were super duper delicious. I had a great time. Haha
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 196 pounds 5'7 height :perplexed
Current hair length: APL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 175
Short-term hair goal: BSL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: Back to 150/145
Long-term hair goal: Mid-Back Length
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I would love love to go down in my breast size I'm currently to heavy at the top.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I'm going to start working out, mostly just running 3 to 4 days a week for an hour. Try to do some ab workouts and that's about it.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Right now I'm almost at BSL so um going to continue to hide my hair in protective styles and hope to see growth and I'm also taking Nixon pills twice a day.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I'll check in once a week or maybe even more often to see whats working for everyone else.
Yessss... cow's milk tears me UP!
I never get that with almond milk, and I like it better than soy. Plus soy causes a big increase in estrogen for me (apparently I and the women in my family have high estrogen levels) so it actually makes me gain weight after a while.
Its crazy but I weight myself after a week and I had only lost .5lbs, imma change my milk back to Almond and see. Cause I been eating right and all... Well imma see for this week and see how it goes if its the same I will not be getting Silk again.
Today was a very good day all around hair and food. I cheated and ate 2 oreos and a handful of honey roasted peanuts. Besides that I have fruits, veggies, a salad, and 96oz of water. #POW
Once my stomach felt better, I ate a cornish hen breast, but then got a cone from Haagen Dazs... so I did half bad, half good. I hope I haven't done tooooo much damage. I'm gona be on it hardcore next week! I only have 2 weeks and 6 days before the reunion.
But I did find out that it's just a happy hour so I'm probably not going to wear that gorgeous dress I was trying to fit in to since it's so dressy. I am just hoping to lose as much as possible now, not necessarily to get in that dress anymore.