Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

So I haven't checked-in in a while...but I have some progressive news: I joined Weight Watchers today! Thanks to the informal inspiration given by my sister. I feel like this is the positive step that I need to take. I went to my first meeting and it was pretty good. I weighed myself and I weigh a little bit more than I thought :blush: :ohwell: But I guess it's cool. I'm gonna hit the track/treadmill tomorrow!
Hey ladies,

I just wanted to give all of you some love, support and encouragement in your weightloss/healthy hair journey. I know it's tough to hang in there, especially when it comes to exercising and eating right on a CONSISTENT basis....AND when it seems like that scale just WON'T BUDGE! :wallbash:

Keep the faith and stay the course....even when you get frustrated with the movement(or lack thereof) of numbers on the scale, or you ate a bunch of crap one day, or u realised you skipped a couple days of exercising. The key is to take a deep breath and REFOCUS....and go again. Remind yourself of your goals, and WHY you are doing all of this. Use that as motivation to get back on track.

As a child I was always short and skinny, never the athletic type tho. Was never interested in any physical activity of any kind. I gained a bit of weight in college, but was never bothered much about it. But university was the killer. In my final year of school I was so stressed over my exams, and my way of getting thru a killer study session was to eat. I'd eat mindlessly, hand carrying food to mouth. Over and over again. Once i realised the bowl was empty....more snacks. I gained about 25 lbs.
Now I know some ppl may scoff at that number...but when you are 5 feet 3".....25 lbs extra is not okay. I was officially in the overweight category when i calculated by BMI.:nono:

I knew I had gained weight, but I wasn't aware of exactly how much initially (I found out at a doc's visit), all I knew was that my face was getting rounder and rounder, my thighs constantly rubbed together, I went from wearing small tops and size 6-8 pants, to wearing large tops and size 12-14 pants. I was just tired of being uncomfortable in my own body. I saw some pics of me.....and said HELL NO. that was my A-ha! moment

I don't know how many of you know of sparkpeople.com. If not check it out. There are no special diets to follow, no tricks. Just tools which allow you to hold yourself accountable for what you eat, and how much exercise you did for a day. You have a wide range of exercises (with demos:grin:) that you can make a list of what u will do at the gym, or at home. and when u are finished that exercise session, you enter it in. And it will tell you how much calories you burned, how much minutes u did. Same thing with food. You can enter what you eat, it will tell you how many calories you ingested. There are graphs to give u a visual image of your weight loss. So many tools. I loved it.

I ended up becoming a gym rat. Me, who would barely run a lap around the playing field for school, would run 40 minutes on treadmill, then 20 mins on elliptical, then a weights session for an hr. Me!!! I couldn't believe it. The days i felt lazy, I'd still go to the gym and change, so then i'd say, 'i'm already here, might as well do my session'...or i'd go home and pop in a exercise dvd. No excuses.

If i had a craving for a chocolate bar...i'd say that snickers is 270 calories, that means at least 25 minutes on the elliptical. i.e. NOT WORTH it!!
I tried not to get too caught up with the number on the scale. Don't get discouraged by a 1lb gain....say to yourself, muscle is heavier than fat. Too many people throw in the towel for a 1-2lb gain. And focus of goals like increasing the speed that you could manage on the treadmill. Sometimes those changes happen BEFORE the scale changes. And when I saw that I could buy a size 10 dress, then a size 8, then size 6....I was in heaven! If I had caved in those numerous times I felt lazy, or discouraged...I wouldn't have made it to this point.

So.....YOU CAN DO IT!!! trust me. Don't focus on the big number you have to lose, don't look for any quick fixes. Celebrate small goals. Slow and steady wins the race. So keep on, keeping on.

Lots of luv guys.
P.s. Sorry its so long, and that I rambled.:perplexed
So...........I have been kinda slacking lately. Life has really been getting me down, but I'm trying to stay stead-fast on this weightloss/hairgrowth journey as best as I can.

I won't go into specific detail as to what has resulted in my slacking, but I will say that I've been somewhat depressed earlier this week. *sigh*

My last relaxer update was a fail, (If you're interested in seeing the results you can check out the thread entitled "Lead hairs or Split Ends: Cut or Keep?" That thread hosts the pictures of my most recent relaxer results. I have plan on getting a full blunt/even trim by my stylist In a couple of weeks. From here on out I plan on visiting my stylist more often. I tried to be a "DYI-er" but it's not for me. And I trust that she will take good care of my hair. After all, she was the last person to get me a blunt/even trim that my hair really benefited from :yep:.

As far as weightloss, I'm still at my weight mark of 163lbs. I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't gained anything either. I have starting going bak to the gym on a regular basis, I went on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, skipped last night, and plan on finishing up this week on my workout routine.

From what I've read you ladies are really on it! Just the inspiration I need to dust myself off and get back into the groove of things :yep:
Sorry for the rant/rambling!
Ok today is Day #2 for me and this morning I did a shot of ACV, 2 tsp of EVCO, and 2 tsp of Agave Nectar, forgot to add my Aloe Vera Juice. After my shot I had a smoothie made with banana, whildberries, strawberries, and a few spinach leaves. Had a green apple and a bottle of water on the side.
i havent checked in in a while because of finals but now that im done with school i'll be checking in more

today i washed my hair with the Shea Moisture line (love it!) and i blow dried and put my hair in a nice french braid. im 6weeks post and im planing to self-relax for the first time in 5 weeks (im so nervous)

as far as exercising goes, today i went on the eliptical for 40 min and i lifted weights for 20 min, ive been slacking off on exercising because of my finals but now that im done i'll be hitting up the gym more. I havnt gained or lost any weight im still at 141 so im hoping to get down to the 130's soon
Captain's log, stardate 051411...

(I always wanted to say that!) :lachen:

I fell off the wagon and rolled down the hill today! I was craving bigtime, so I had some fried mozarella sticks at TGIFridays. :drool:

Back on the wagon on tomorrow with grilled chicken. Sorry!!

On the hair tip, it's nice that my hair is FINALLY starting to grown DOWN instead of OUT after a year of being natural.

Have a good weekend, ladies! :)
I'm off to the track in an hour. I had a gathering to go to this afternoon and considering the delicious goodies everyone baked and brought I kept myself away from them and only ate the low carb foods. I feel good about that because parties and gatherings can be a nightmare when I'm on a diet. Drank plenty of water today and I'll be having roast chicken and vegetables for dinner.

I pre-poo'ed last night with amla oil and co-washed this morning and added a little SM Reconstructive Elixir and some HE NOYF. My hair has been soft and cottony all day.
Ok today is Day #2 for me and this morning I did a shot of ACV, 2 tsp of EVCO, and 2 tsp of Agave Nectar, forgot to add my Aloe Vera Juice. After my shot I had a smoothie made with banana, whildberries, strawberries, and a few spinach leaves. Had a green apple and a bottle of water on the side.

Since this morning I have had a salad with lettuce, spinach leaves, strawberries, mango's, and for the dressing I mixed with ACV, agave, Aloe Vera Juice.

For dinner I had ice cream...I froze 2 small banana earlier in the day so I could make the soft serve ice cream. So it included 2 small bananas, strawberries, almond milk, and mango.

So overall today was a good day!:lick:
So....today all I had was a bowl of cereal and plenty of water :) (and a few sips of cola :look:)
Let's hope tomorrow is better! lmao
Weighed in at 211.2. Down 1.8. Was hoping for more but I'm really happy about hitting the 25 lbs lost milestone :grin:. I was trying to kill myself doing 10 workouts so I will dial it back and try for 8 this week.

Today is a full out hair day as it is every Sunday. I'm focusing on protein today and will be doing an amla treatment.
I will dry DC my hair today since I am just chilling.

As far as food goes I have had 2 bottles of water, a small green apple, a salad that had spinach, broccoli, tomato, mango,cantaloupe, and peanuts.

Good it was, yummy!
I've been ghost for a little.
I took down my sew-in because the braids were just too tight and I'm super glad I did because one of the tracks was sewn on to some UNbraided baby hair at my temples! The most fragile hair on my head :nono:
Anyway, I fell off for a while because of my period but I started back today. I will weigh again next Friday.
I had cereal with cranberries and almond milk for breakfast. I've had about 5 cups of water so far. I've only been up since 1 so that's why I haven't eaten much yet... lol.
I'm going to have a banana protein shake and then a salad with soup for dinner. I'll probably drink another 5-6 cups of water and go to bed early tonight.
Congrats on everyone making progress!
So far all I've head to eat was a bowl a cereal (that I had
to practically force down) and 1.5 cups of water. I think I may want to try out the HCG diet.....
Weekly check-in ladies: I weighed in at 234.4, for an almost 3-lb loss this week and also it brings me to my first mini-goal of 5% of my starting body weight lost, it took me 6 weeks, which was fine with me. I just found out that I am going to Hot August Nights in about 3 months and I am going to try and <GASP> wear a bathing suit, not a 2-piece, but one of those strapless retro numbers, with the built-in tummy control. But the good news is, I have an 8-week block of bootcamp starting tomorrow and the guy promises it is going to be brutal, which is what I need.

I actually made an appointment to get my hair cut and relaxed for next Saturday at 10AM, but then I happened upon the Kimmaytube length check and it gave me a clear picture of where I wanted to be. She is a 4A (or so says she is) and her hair is just gorgeous, she has even said she went through a tough time when her hair was short and so I'm just going to tough it out and at the end of the Month I am going to go back into long-term protective mode and putting in some kinky twists or yarn twists and leaving them in all summer, at least until Hot August Nights I want something sexier at that point

That's it for me, I am pretty boring as you can see, lol, but I am growing this hair and losing this weight; happy hair and health journeys ladies!!!
Ok so last week missed my workout on Friday (bad day at work) and had to double up Saturday to make it up. Otherwise, kept all workout goals last week. Kept below calorie limit except for Friday (like I said bad day at work). Kicked off my new week yesterday with an hour on the elliptical and pilates. Woke up early this morning and hit the gym before work.

Hairwise...no DC this weekend:(
I did a cowash and go this instead and I'm still rocking it with my protective style bun today. Kept up my moisture with Paul Mitchell The Conditioner. Used my OCT 3 times last week according to my plan.
I am counting down the weeks till my next relaxer. The new growth is out of control which is why the cowash and gos make it so much easier to deal with my hair.

Did some clothes shopping over the weekend and I overall am liking what I am seeing.
I didn't report last week. I started out great with my diet, but gradually fell into snacking and full-on eating for Mother's Day. My positive is that I did exercise five days that week. I was down 3 lbs, but my weight went back up to 1 lb below my starting weight.

Last week, I only exercised two days. My eating wasn't the best. Plus, my blood pressure got slightly elevated. :( So at the end of the week, I cut out everything. Today, I'm down 5 lbs from starting weight. My pressure feels normal. No extra fluid weight.

I had to ditch that wig. I just could take it. I may try again later this month. Plus, I starting having issues with my hair and ssks. I haven't had a major problem with knots until I started using more protein. I'm very low maintenance. Usually just cowash and bun. Rarely deep condition or use protein. Occasionally henna my hair. I've been trying to up my regime to help the areas of my hair that aren't as strong. I was S&D-ing to try to get all the knots, but it wasn't working. So I ended up straightening my hair and going through my entire head and dusting everything. Trimming in a few areas. Everything feels much better now. Back in my bun. Straightened until next wash day.

ETA: I've been using Megatek for about a month to try to help thicken my crown area. So far, I cannot tell much difference. My hair overall looks like it is getting thicker, and I have a TON of new short hairs all over my scalp, but the crown still looks sparse. I'm thinking about trying a sulphur mix.

Good luck to everyone that needs encouragement, and great job to everyone who continues to stick with this challenge.
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Since this morning I have had a salad with lettuce, spinach leaves, strawberries, mango's, and for the dressing I mixed with ACV, agave, Aloe Vera Juice.

For dinner I had ice cream...I froze 2 small banana earlier in the day so I could make the soft serve ice cream. So it included 2 small bananas, strawberries, almond milk, and mango.

So overall today was a good day!:lick:

I love banana ice cream! I have to get a vitamix so I can make it again because I burned out my last blender from making it.
I went hiking yesterday. Slipped and fell in the mud (it was raining) so I decided to go home. :ohwell:

I had yogurt for breakfast, kombucha, water, roast chicken with yams (lunch), liver and onions and peppers (dinner) and some cherries and a diet soda.

Washed my hair and DC it yesterday and I'm keeping it stretched out this week. Last week I let it shrink too much and it was NOT good when I had to detangle!
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 196
Current hair length: SL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 182 by end of June
Short-term hair goal: APL by December 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 126 by March 2012
Long-term hair goal: WL by December 2012
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Have a complete lifestyle change by September 2011 (including hair and weight and work ethic)
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
-Drink 8 glasses of water a day
-Exercise for at least 30minutes 3-4 times a week
-Reduce food portions
-Introduce healthier alternatives to favorited foods
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
-Create and stick to a hair regimen
-Protect my hair by wearing a bun daily
-Stretch to 10-12 weeks between relaxers
-Keep heat to a bare minimum (only when relaxed and special occasions)
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a week on a Sunday evening
If It's Not Too Late To Join:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 210 @ 5'7" [BMI:32.9=Obese Cl.1]
Current hair length: NL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 189 by end of June[BMI:29.9=Overweight], 159 by end of August [BMI:24.9=Healthy]
Short-term hair goal: FuLL SL by December 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 139 by May 2012 [BMI:21.9=Healthy}
Long-term hair goal: WL by May 2013

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Maintain My 4.0, Complete My Bachelors Degree By May 2013, Total Lifestyle Change In Terms Of HHJ and Weight Loss/Management

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
-Drink my body weight in ounces of water every day
-Exercise for at least 60 minutes 3-4 times a week
-Complete My 2 month Insanity Challenge Beginning June 1, 2011
-Reduce my caloric intake to meet my exercise needs for fuel & no meals after 8pm [this helps me so much]
-Increase Amount of Protein & Fiber; Decrease Sugars

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
-2x Weekly Deep Conditioning, Protective Styles, Daily Moisturize & Seal, Daily CoWash [Dependant On Current Style]
-Live On LHCF As Motivation

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? 1x Per Week [at least]
Started Back Taking Phentermine 37.5 At 6-7pm To Curb Appetite

Started Using ACV Rinses {Plan To Do 1-2x A Week}
Bought Aussie 3 Minute Miracle To Mix With Oils And DC For 3-4 Hours Today
My sister and I started the 6-week train for a 5K Weight Watchers workout last night. WOO! Child, it was torture. Running sucks...but it also sucks the fat off, so I'll be running!!!

I've been protective styling with my clip/up wash n go's all week or a wash n go pony. I did a Giovanni protein treatment today that I thought I needed, but my hair felt a bit stripped. UGH! Back to the intensive moisture drawingboard.

I've been very stressed lately b/c of work and haven't been sleeping the greatest.

Been doing portion control and some healthy eating! Planning to weigh in a few weeks.
Rockin the afro puff again this week. Won't be doing this next week though.

Still drinking my water every day. I had cherries and salmon crochets for breakfast and lunch with iced coffee. Planning on eating eggs and bacon for dinner with some tea. I'm just now recovering from that bad cold I had this weekend so I'll be going back hard on my exercise Friday.
My first check in, I have been too busy lately with work to get excercising. And stupidly,while on vacatoin all last week from work, I decided to drink daily instead of get healthy. But the past is in the past, not gonna beat myself over it. Cousin's wedding is this weekend so I know I wont do anything productive, but I most surely will get back on track on monday.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):136
Current hair length:SBL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:130
Short-term hair goal:APL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:122 ish
Long-term hair goal:BSL or MBL if lucky
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:Flat tummy, tone arms (no bat wings), tone legs (thighs not rubbing together)

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I stopped eating bread for Lent and have not picked it back up. No more coffee loaded with sugar at the office. Working out after work: power walking, kettleworx and zumba
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?Continue my current routine, finally growing and more important retaining

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once to twice a week.

Let's Go!!!
I've been walking at least a mile everyday to the farthest bus stop but I decided to start walking all the way to work, which is about 2.5 miles. Yesterday, I walked a little over 2. I'm super duper sore today but I think that is because I had to walk up some crucial metro stairs that decided not to operate when I got there. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I'm going to give myself plenty of time to walk the 2.5 - about an hour and a half because a lot of it is uphill - but I will see about how long it takes to get there today. I'm just walking to work for now because I usually get off pretty late and take the bus that drops me right in front of my apt, but as summer progresses, I'll be able to walk to and from and that would be my goal of walking 5 miles per day. :)
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 139.4
Current hair length: SL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 135
Short-term hair goal: Full SL/CL length
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 125
Long-term hair goal: HL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Be able to do 10 push ups, flat tummy, toned thighs

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
: Try to cut back on sweets. Get into the habit of exercising at least twice a week.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?: Take more time to shampoo and detangle properly; using light protein conditioners more often

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
: Not sure
Hwy ladies!!! I'm back from Spain :) Went to the gym today. I did 1hr of boxing followed by 1h15 of combined weight training & cardio. Keep it up y'all!!!