Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q2


Transition Over
Hi ladies! :wave:
Welcome to Q2 of the 2012 Weight Loss and Hair Growth Challenge!
Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time! (If you already entered, you don't have to fill out the form again LOL)

1. To join, just thank this post and I'll add you to the challenge list
2. Fill in the form below, deleting the tips in blue once you get the gist - have a real good think when you're setting your goals. Setting well thought goals will really help to motivate you to be a success in 2012.
3. Feel free to post your hair and weight tips or make suggestions - if you've found something that works, please share, you may be able to help someone who is struggling or on a plateau.
4. Remember to update regularly, good or bad
5. All good threads have PICS, so feel free to post yours if you like
6. Have fun and be a success in 2012!

What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI]

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]

Black Ambrosia
Black Ambrosia
Curly Lee
Dee Raven

Quarter 1 Thread
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I am FINALLY losing weight! I had to change what I was doing...a few times.

I had to start back working out EVERY day....instead of 3 times a week. I no longer eat at night (after 7pm or 8pm)...unless it's some nuts or vegetables, and that's only if i'm hungry. I eat regular food now, but smaller amounts.

As for my hair, I keep it simple...and it's still working.
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I may not have reached my quarter 1 goals, but I'm still pleased with what I have accomplished! Despite falling off the wagon, I made 2 main changes and without going to the gym I managed to get down to 81 kilos or 178.2 pounds! I haven't been in the 170s for over 3 years! My hair is growing slowly, but steadily as well!

I should make ful BSL by the end of the summer and I'm setting my goal to get to 165 by the end of May. I have a festival I'm managing with a large screening on the 31st, so I want to look my best. With my new found motivation, I will start going back to the gym daily again.

And the 2 changes:
1) 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of fruit for breakfast
2) large portion of veggies at dinner

There is no deviating from these two and its showing!
Thanks for the updated link. I didn't want to miss the party.

So I finally got the courage to get on a scale after being held hostage in the house by my allergies for 3 weeks. This meant hubby did all the grocery shopping, which translates into junk food city around here. I did end up putting weight back on and I was seriously moping about it. But, I'm over it because, as long as my tummy stays flat and my waist continues to shrink, I'm ok with wherever the extra pounds landed.

That said, it could be added muscle weight because I continue to take extra protein and do some basic workouts (nothing serious tho) but, I'm not fooling myself.

I'm expecting my raspberry ketone supplements to come in today. I'm anxious to see how that helps. My weight goal is still 155. I'm hovering around 166 now. I was down to 158. Ah well. Getting back on it.

Oh, and the other thing, I've been drinking lots of water to help me to slim down. But during the 3 weeks when I was struggling with allergies, I just could NOT drink water. I'm just now getting back to that now (as the pollen count is starting to head back up. :ohwell:)

Ah well. I'm on it! :yep:
What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]

This has been a very long battle. My highest weight in the past 3 years was 230. I lost 20lbs by accident over the course of two years living in Berlin.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):
I started back at it a week and a half ago after joining the challenge in January. After NYE I gained 5lbs which put me at 205. So here are my stats

HW:205 (actually 208)

Current hair length: Neck Length and growing. SL by Dec31st.

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I want to hit my overall goal of 175 and see what I think when I get there.

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: More deep conditioning treatments. My hair has grown and thickened considerably since January. Not as much length as i like but much better quality wise.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: At least 175lbs and much lower body fat percentage

Full Year 2012 hair goal: SL and thicker

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I've been a vegetarian all my life pretty much, but I was definitely a junk food vegetarian in my teens. I use to love french fries and other refined foods, but my weight has mostly come from overeating. I'm a food addict and I've been trying to just find my balance.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? More DC's

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?New Sneakers in order to start a jogging routine.

Pics will come soon.
It would be great if folks could add there starting weights so we see how far they've come from the first quarter. It's nice to see progress, or where you need support.
I'm excited about quarter 2, I vow to myself and you all to be more present this quarter:bighug:. Some positive changes I made body wise last quarter include: taking my multivitamins daily (split up into morning & evening), drinking at least 40 oz of water a day (without anything in it), and making better food choices.

New things I will implement this quarter: strength training 3x's a week (kettlebells), cardio 5x's a week (jumping rope for 15-30 min depending on how I feel), increasing my water intake to 64 oz a day (in the form of tea or some flavor additive if I'm being real), incorporating natural shakes in order to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables and as snacks.

Hair: So far so good, I was at full APL in the back but then I got a blunt cut because of my love of straight ends which took me an inch from full APL. My regimen is working for me so I will stick to it. I also started incorporating in cowashes since it's so hot outside, we'll see how that goes. I'm currently trying to drastically reduce my stash so I need to get creative with the products I have cause I will not be purchasing anything for a while (I hope). It's a;ways a struggle figuring out where the line is between low enough manipulation to maximize length retention while maintaining manageability.
I didn't really update during the last quarter but I want to try to join again this quarter.

What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]

Longer hair and lower weight will give me even more confidence. It's really that simple. I want my hair and body to look really nice and I'm willing to work hard for it.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]

Not sure yet

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI]

current bmi : 21.5

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]

between SL and APL closer to APL

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]

bmi goal 19.6 about 10 pound loss

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]

full BSL without scraggly ends , every time I've reached BSL it's been with bad ends and I've had to cut it

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]

Maintaining my weight loss I hope.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]

hopefully MBL, or even waist

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]

body- 24 inch waist measurement ; lower thigh measurements (slimmer thighs)
hair-thicker, fuller ends,

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]

Be more consistent with non-cardio workouts , toning workouts such as Callanetics
gradually increase my long run once a week to 1.5 hours to melt off that fat
be consistent with the Callanetics waist whittler exercise (everyday)

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]

Deep condition with heat at least once weekly.
Consistency with moisturizing ends.
Incorporate search and destroy trimming weekly.
Learning how to bun properly to protect my ends.
Learning more ayurvedic techniques besides just henna
Henna more often for stronger, shiny hair

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]
For running, run keeper and Ismooth run
I will also be using the Nike training club app for exercise
Myfitnesspal occassionally
Thanks for joining up ladies!

It would be great if folks could add there starting weights so we see how far they've come from the first quarter. It's nice to see progress, or where you need support.

I started my weight loss journey at 236 lbs, and when I joined the challenge, I was 212 lbs.
My goal for the end of quarter one was 192, but I'm currently at 200.6, so I clearly didn't make it lol. But I know why...I didn't work out the way I should have until the last two weeks of the challenge. In the two weeks that I actually exercised consistently and ate right, I dropped four pounds, so yep...exercise was the missing ingredient.

So for this quarter, I will continue to consistently exercise, using an interval training program and throwing in a few Insanity workouts for variety and to keep my body guessing. I will also be doing strength-training and pilates to improve my strength and muscle tone.
I will also continue to improve my nutrition. The aim is to cut back on salt and refined sugar, and to increase my intake of vegetables and fruits. I only eat whole grain carbs, but I think I will make an effort to cut back on those as well and to eat more protein instead.
Finally, I am going to start eating coconut oil...I hear it's good for burning belly fat, and I really need help in that department.

With these changes, I'm hoping to do much better this quarter and be 182 lbs by the time it ends.

Hair-wise, I don't know what's going on with my hair. :rofl:
For the most part, I've been ignoring it, and paying more attention to school and fitness. I will take more time with it this weekend, so I can take a length check picture and see what's going on up there.
I'm back at it! I was super successful, and am down 15lbs since starting this weightloss/hair journey. (I forgot to write in the 1st quarter one, but I will soon!)

Current weight: 166

Current hair length: ?? Been weaved up for a while.

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 16lbs (150lb total)

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: stay in PSes for 8 week stretches. I made the first one during quarter one!!

Full Year 2012 weight loss: 150, toned. That's 16lbs away and just add some muscle.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: My goal is to stay in Pses all year... i won't know what length it will be until May 28, 2013 butttt if I can show some consistency and stay in my PSes til December I'll be happy!

Changes for body: MyFitness pal to watch food intake, make better food choices,

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Protective style with weave for 8 week stretches. Shampoo/condition every 2 weeks, moisturize

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? MyFitnessPal and DontBreaktheChain.com

Part 2, lehgo!
Here is my before pic at about 210 or 215 or 220? I think. It was taken in May of 2011. I hadn't really weighed myself for two years until November-ish. I think


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What's your main motivation: I was overweight as a teenager, and have been struggling ever since. I know how to lose and gain weight, but not stay at a healthy size. I've been as small as a size zero and as big as a size 12.

I had been doing really well for about four years, but then I went back to school and my dad took my dog so I'd be able to focus. Being back in school coupled with not having my dog as a built in workout tool really took it's toll. I've gained about 20 pounds, give or take, since August. Law school is very tough, and we all eat when we can, not when we should. Taking off this weight is going to be tough, but being this size is really depressing and is stressing me out even more than school right now.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]
I will update whenever possible. I'm in my last weeks of school for the semester, and then it's finals mode until the first week of May. After that, I'm going home to celebrate my birthday with my friends. So until then, my updates may be sporadic. After that I hope to update more frequently.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): Fluctuating between 146 and 150, depending on what time of day/water weight, etc.

Current hair length: Between APL and BSB.

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I'm going all in and saying 20 pounds, the amount of weight I've put on.

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: Um, still between APL and BSB, but closer to BSB.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Hopefully at a toned BMI of 22 (that's around 127 lbs. for me).

Full Year 2012 hair goal: My end of the year hair goal is BSB with my shortest layers at APL.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I would love visible abs. Even when I was a size zero, I didn't have that.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I just bought a bike. I've realized that as I get deeper into my 20's, I have to add exercise to take off weight. When I was younger, simple changes in my diet resulted in weight loss. That's not the case anymore. I'm trying to get on my bike for 45 minutes every night. I'm also using GNC Lean Shakes and taking Cellucor HD, a thermogenic.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I'm happy with my hair progress. Since moving south, my hair has been a lot easier to maintain. I will continue to wash or cowash 4-7x weekly, DC and protein treat as needed.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I have a calorie tracker on my phone, and I also keep a written diary. My BF and I are on the weightloss journey together, and he is very supportive and determined, so he's been keeping me on track.
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Oh yeah... I'm supposed to be here... :look:

These last 10-12 pounds are insistent on staying and I need to be more diligent if I want to reach my summer goal.
What's your main motivation: I just want to look fierce *rawr*

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly for weight loss/fitness, monthly for hair

Current weight: 125 lbs, 30% BF :ohwell:

Current hair length: APL-ish...can't really tell because of all this newgrowth.

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 110-115, ~26% BF

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: work on retention, health & thickness

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal:
I don't have a specific goal weight, but a specific goal body and fitness level which I am working towards. I feel I'd reach it around 23 %BF

Full Year 2012 hair goal:
BSL :pray:

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
  • Get rid of this stomach pouch :lol:
  • Get running speed down to a 6/7-minute mile
  • Run a half-marathon in Sept.
  • Healthier and thicker hair that shines
  • Style hair alot more often

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
  • Cut back on simple carbs, stop eating out
  • Weight training for muscle hypertrophy to increase muscle mass
  • Running more often & pushing myself a lot more
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
  • Be more consistent with regimen (DC weekly, moisturize and seal daily, scalp oils, cowashing)
  • Start using JBCO and MT more often (on scalp and in DCs)
  • Be more consistent with my supplements (multivitamin & shake with spirulina and chlorella)

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?
  • The miAdidas app for running...it helps me keep track of my speeds and distances which is amazing.
  • Bodybuilding.com for exercises and etc
  • LHCF...the Weekly Training Threads keep me motivated!!
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Here is my before pic at about 210 or 215 or 220? I think. It was taken in May of 2011. I hadn't really weighed myself for two years until November-ish. I think

Woahh how tall are you?
You didn't look heavy at all!
I'm so jealous...on my body, you can every single pound and even a few that aren't even there. :lachen:
What's your main motivation: I feel I have let myself go after a bad break up. I am getting ready to move to a new city and I want a fresh start! I also want to become healthy and fit and make it a lifestyle change. I have never really tried to grow my hair out, I just wanted it healthy. I now want to see how far it can grow and still be healthy.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? I will try to update daily.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 156

Current hair length: brushing shoulder length

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 130

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: Shoulder blade length

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: between 125-130

Full Year 2012 hair goal: APL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I want to be back in size 6-8;hourglass figure

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will cut out sweets, pasta, rice etc, drink more water, no sodas.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I willl come up with a regimen and be consistent with it. Wash and deep condition once a week. No direct heat.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I will be using Myfitnesspal, 10 min Tranier System, P90X, and following Tosca Reno's the Eat Clean Diet.
What's your main motivation: I want to wear a bikini and not be self conscious about it. I want a flat stomach since I've never had one. :lol:

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly for weight loss/fitness, monthly for hair.

Current weight: 147lbs BMI: 25.3 BF: 27.7%

Current hair length: Natural BSL

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: Lose 8lbs / BMI: <25.0 (So I'm not classified as 'overweight')

Q2 (01 April -31 June 2012) hair goal: Working on length retention, thick and health ends, and hopefully, grazing MBL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I'd like to lose 10-12lbs and maintain that. Hopefully the less weight I have on my joints, the easier it will be for me to walk longer distances.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: I'm working hard to be full MBL and possibly grazing WSL in December.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
  • Flatten the tummy :lol:
  • Walk 3 miles without pain, resting, or using my cane :blush:
  • Get back to Venus Index workouts
  • Healthier, thicker hair
  • Tighten up my legs and get definition

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
  • Cut back on simple carbs
  • Weight training
  • Walking more often despite meds

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
  • Continue following my regimen
  • Using my sulfur oil and castor oil often
  • Babying my ends often
  • Staying positive

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?
  • The Biggest Loser BLUE BEAUTIES!
  • Venus Index profiles
  • The Weekly Training Threads
  • One pair of jeans that used to be baggy on me barely stretches over my thighs and can't go past my booty. I want to fit them again. :spinning:
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What's your main motivation: I don't want to hide behind a beach coverup this Summer

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 157 lbs

Current hair length:
Almost APL...again

Q2 (01 April -30 June 2012) weight loss/BMI goal:
145 lbs

Q2 (01 April -30 June 2012) hair goal:
Full APL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Maintain 130 lbs

Full Year 2012 hair goal:
Below my shoulder blades

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
Tone triceps, tummy and thighs

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?

  • at least 30 min of low-impact cardio daily
  • 7-8 cups of water daily
  • eat more fruit and vegetables
  • limit sweet/salty snacks
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?

  • stop being lazy
  • moisturize hair and seal ends nightly
  • pre-poo w/evco every week
  • weekly shampoos, tea rinses, and deep conditioning
What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?
Track food and exercise on MyFitnessPal (app/web)

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I'm already in but been slacking in hair and body so let me update my goal
By June 30,2012
I want to be near BSL my damaged spots improved
I want my goal weight to be 180
  • Leslie Sansone - 2 Mile Walk
  • 3x10 Modified Push Ups
  • 3x10 Overhead Press
  • 3x10 Shoulder Press
  • 3x10 Dumbell Row
Help me!

Pre period cravings are driving me nuts. I'm craving falafel and french fries. I didn't give in. Yesterday I ate peanut butter and apple and ate a giant salad with romaine, lentils, red onion and sesame/miso dressing(no fat) after my 8pm food cut off time. Better than caving in. I will beat this. Any of you suffer from intense pre-period hunger?

I hope I lose weigh this week. I feel so bloated and heavy :nono:
[USER=81465]grownupnai[/USER] said:
Help me!

Pre period cravings are driving me nuts. I'm craving falafel and french fries. I didn't give in. Yesterday I ate peanut butter and apple and ate a giant salad with romaine, lentils, red onion and sesame/miso dressing(no fat) after my 8pm food cut off time. Better than caving in. I will beat this. Any of you suffer from intense pre-period hunger?

I hope I lose weigh this week. I feel so bloated and heavy :nono:

My pre period cramps are ridiculous. I crave anything sweet. I'm talking about milkshakes, candy bars, anything :). I am working on healthy alternatives but it is hard for a lady

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I'm more of a salt lover. I love savory things and my sense of smell and taste seems to highten around this time of month. Ohh, I will also stare down a bar of dark chocolate with almonds or hazlenuts, but I've been keeping control. Last night was just especially hard :ohwell: so far today has been better. No food after 8pm!!!
My pre period cramps are ridiculous. I crave anything sweet. I'm talking about milkshakes, candy bars, anything :). I am working on healthy alternatives but it is hard for a lady

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What about a smoothie(without sugar)? If you buy frozen fruit it's usually already ripe and sweet. Frozen rasberries, banana and low fat yogurt go nice together. The frozen berries also give it a bit of a slushy texture. I use to always add cinnamon and vanilla extract :lick: .
[USER=81465 said:
grownupnai[/USER];15708403]What about a smoothie(without sugar)? If you buy frozen fruit it's usually already ripe and sweet. Frozen rasberries, banana and low fat yogurt go nice together. The frozen berries also give it a bit of a slushy texture. I use to always add cinnamon and vanilla extract :lick: .

That totally works when I am at home with all my supplies (blender ball, frozen fruit, Vanilla protein meal replacement shake) but 5-6 days out of the week I am in another city going to school. I rent a home and don't have the convenience of home:( I am trying to find affordable (college student budget:look:) smoothie places in the area where I stay.
winona, it may actually be more cost-effective to find a personal blender for your rental. At least I find that the smoothie places tend to be on the pricier side especially if they're using real fruit instead of fruit juices or pre-made purees, and if you want to have smoothies often, the prices can add up.
I'm such a midnight snack monster
I like being up at night and I like eating at night.

As for my hair, I'm not too good at maintaining my hair in between washes. I just moisturized and sealed though.

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I'm such a midnight snack monster
I like being up at night and I like eating at night.

As for my hair, I'm not too good at maintaining my hair in between washes. I just moisturized and sealed though.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Please get out of my head.
It's like once the clock strikes midnight, all I can think about are cakes and cookies and other snacks. During the day, those things don't cross my mind, but something about night makes me ravenous for that junk.

The only solutions I've found are:
A. Don't buy them.
B. Buy a single serving so when it's gone, it's gone.
C. Buy a big serving, but keep it in a cabinet, high up all the way in the back so it's a hassle to get to it.
D. Buy lots of low-cal high fiber snacks (veggies, nuts, fruits, etc.) and make them easily accessible. If I'm gonna stuff my face, let it be with salad. :lol:
Hey ladies...how is everyone doing in this challenge?!!

Weight loss has been good for me...I'm getting all my workouts in but I need to start eating more often. Sometimes I can go an entire day without eating and not even notice :nono:

Hair care has been an absolute disaster. I've been so lazy to moisturize or wash my hair for a while and I really need to get a touch-up before my hair starts asking for a divorce though I'm thinking about transitioning :look:

I'm going to step my game up starting today.
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