Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1


Well-Known Member
So here's the 2012 challenge for us ladies with hair and weight goals to achieve :grin: I've set a Q1 challenge, to break the goals up and make them more do-able (thanks for the suggestion Grownupnai. Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time...

  1. To join, just thank this post and I'll add you to the challenge list :yep:
  2. Fill in the form below, deleting the tips in blue once you get the gist - have a real good think when you're setting your goals. Setting well thought goals will really help to motivate you to be a success in 2012.
  3. Feel free to post your hair and weight tips or make suggestions - if you've found something that works, please share, you may be able to help someone who is struggling or on a plateau.
  4. Remember to update regularly, good or bad
  5. All good threads have PICS, so feel free to post yours if you like
  6. Have fun and be a success in 2012!
What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]
How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI]

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]

**I will be back to post my details shortly**
**Also looking for a co-chair for this thread - PM me if you're interested**

Black Ambrosia
Black Ambrosia
Curly Lee
Dee Raven
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OK, here's my starting post.... I'll add a hair pic later

What's your main motivation: I had gained approx 22lbs since 2008, my BMI was approaching 25, which is overweight, but being short (5'1") and fine boned I carried a LOT of body fat which worried me I found it difficult to shop for clothes that looked good. I joined the 2011 challenge and have lost 13lbs so far :grin: I have around 7lbs (ish) to go, I'm super pleased I've come this far, but still have lots of clothes in my wardrobe that still don't fit well. I have fine hair, which I'd love to look thicker and want to be full APL.
How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly, however I will chime in with tips etc as I feel.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 117lbs BMI: 22.2
Current hair length: CBL (I'm brushing APL in places - I'll post a pic I took today when I get home)
Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I expect to lose the 7 lbs in Q1 My goal after this will be to maintain this new weight, and tone my arms legs and waistline.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: I expect to be a full APL at end of Q1 and to have improved moisture and condition.
Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: 108lbs
Full Year 2012 hair goal: Brushing BSL :grin:
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Reduce my waist measurement by 1.5 inches, reduce each thigh by 1 inch. Have a thicker ponytail and thicker more resilient feel to my hair strands.
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will eat a low fat (no more than 30-35g fat daily and and high fibre (at least 30g daily) diet and will walk 5 x per week. I update my online food and exercise diary at least 4 days per week (I find this hard work!).

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Consistent moisture and sealing, lower manipulation and heat.
What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I use a site called www.weightlossresources.co.uk, to fill in my food diary and exercise and track my progress; I also have a weight loss buddy on this site and weigh in with her online.
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Hey ebsalita, I would love to join being that I am growing long hair and trying to lose weight. I will post my hair pic next week when I take my twists out.

What's your main motivation: MY main motivation is to get my sexy back and to be able to dress my age and get away with it. I have been trying to lose weight for a few months now and I need to stay consistent.

How often will you update your progress in this thread?I will update my weight weekly. Hair I will update in a few months because I will be in twists which are easy for me to apply growth aides and are no hassle while exercising.

Current weight 185

Current hair length: Bsl or mbl, I will do a length check next week.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I expect to lose 40 lbs. I want to lose 3.5 lbs a week.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal:depending on where I am now, I expect to be full mbl or waist length.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I see myself with muscles all over. mainly in my chest, arms, back, and thighs. weight around 140-145

Full Year 2012 hair goal: I am hoping/visualizing high so full mbl. I can't imagine myself with waist length hair. It would still be unbelievable.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I expect to be able to pierce my belly again and get hip dermals. To fit into the millions of clothes that I have with tags still on them that are smaller sizes.:ohwell:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will continue exercising. I will change my diet to high calcium, high protein, low calorie, coconut oil. I made a food sheet and I can only eat what is on the sheet.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Continue wearing twists and using growth aids, Megatek, sulfur, folicure, msm, vitamins- mega hair, b complex, biotin, chlorella, protein mix.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I will use my food sheet. I may start taking energy supplements that I have in the cabinet.
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Brilliant you sound so motivated, dancinstallion... You've already done great growing your hair, too. Looking forward to your updates - and the idea about the food sheet sounds great for those weeks when I'm finding it difficult to stay on track. I don't know whether I could do it all the time though, lol!

I didn't know what a hip dermal was - I had to google, lol. I learn something new everyday :blush:
ebsalita [B said:
Whats your main motivation: [/B]Health-wise, I am training to become a doctor and as a doctor utilizing mainly diet, exercise, supplements, etc I want to "walk the walk, talk the talk." Also, diabetes and cancer run in my family and I want to reduce the risks while becoming a healthier person. I have already made a lot of changes physically and mentally and want to keep on being consistent for the new year

Current weight: Fluctuate between 187-190 Body fat percentage approx 32%

Current hair length:Brushing Shoulder length (longest layer), other layers, neck length.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I expect to lose 15 pounds of fat and build 6 pounds of muscle.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: I expect to brush APL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Somewhere between 145-160 depending on how much muscle I build (since muscle weighs heavier than fat) OR 20-24% body fat.

**I do not go by BMI since I strength train and BMI charts do not consider muscle mass.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Brushing BSL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: To obtain the following measurements: 36-27-40. (basically just need to work on my waist). To be able to run a 5k and continue to increase weights on: bench press, squat and deadlifts. I also want to work on increasing overall hair thickness since my strands are very fine.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
40/30/30 Plan utilizing only complex carbs (steel cut oats, brown rice and vegetables as my carbohydrates). Plan out 4-6 meals daily. Count calories.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Mega-tek, weekly protein and DC treatments, JBCO, Sulfur oil (maybe). Attempt to protective style for 3 months. Continue my supplements; multi, MSM, biotin, chlorella and whey protein

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? Continue to read and update on http://bodybuilding.com maintain using my gym membership

I'm in! I will use this challenge to supplement the Mega-tek challenge and BSL 2012 challenge.
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What's your main motivation: Over the past couple years, I had lost about 25 lbs. Then I started a new job, and I have gained 6 back. Sooo, I want to get back to 110. I also want to get to TL. I've never had my hair that long, so there's always a little bit of doubt and apprehension about reaching a length that's brand new.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly for weight seems good. Quarterly for hair.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 116

Current hair length: HL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 3-6 lbs

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: 1 inch

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: 6 - 10 lbs

Full Year 2012 hair goal: TBL which is about 2 - 3 inches away.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I would like to start eating healthier and work a little bit on toning.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Stop overeating, and eating out. Yoga 2 - 3x weekly. Being really good about my vitamin intake.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I'm just going to be using the scale. I will weigh in daily. I've already started weighing myself daily so I can get a sense of how my weight naturally fluctuates.
What's your main motivation: I’m my own motivation. I’ve been overweight for quite a while, and I’m tired of it. I REFUSE to spend my twenties as an overweight girl. When I step into the club, I want to STEP for real. As for hair, it’s more about just taking care of my crown and glory. I used to when I was a kid, then I stopped for some reason.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? As much as possible . Sooo let’s say bi-weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 209. I’m actually pretty proud of this number right now. 17 down, 40 to go~!

Current hair length: Grazing APL (I guess?)

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 15. I plan on actually exercising to speed the process along.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: APL. My goal month is actually April, but march is close enough.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Between 160 and 170.

Full Year 2012 hair goal:grazing BSL, if I don’t have any setbacks.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Size 10. That’s all I want. To be able to walk into any store and not worry about them not having my size—that’s my goal.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?: I’m going to continue to watch what I eat and really stay conscious of it. Exercise 3x a week, and stay consistent. My motivation levels really suffer in that department. There IS a pair of jeans that I loved when I was in high school that I want to fit back into. I don’t know the size since the tag fell off long ago, but they’re tight and make my butt look fabulous. I want those back.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I’m going to keep up with my dusting and make sure my ends stay healthy, because my problem isn’t growing. It’s retaining.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? Myfitnesspal is going to track my weight loss. I don’t count calories since it makes me neurotic about what I put in my face, and I don’t have time for that. But I do like having that little ticker that tracks my lbs lost. I also have a weight loss journal that I’ve been keeping since July. I write everything I’m feeling for the week or every time I lose a lbs or more.
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I want to join!

What's your main motivation:
I just don't want to be big anymore. My body is the only thing about me that I feel insecure about, and since it's something that I can fix, I'm gonna fix it. Also, diabetes and hypertension run in my family and if I could avoid them, that would be awesome.

I also really want to learn to pole dance someday. I know that I won't have the confidence to sign up for a class or to even do it until I've lost most of the weight, so that's another thing that is motivating me.
Also, I want to bungee jump. And I love rollercoasters and have a fear that I won't be able to ride them anymore.
Basically, everything fat people can't do, I want to do. :look:

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]
Probably weekly, or even twice a week.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI] 212 lbs, down from 236.

Current hair length: Full APL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: By March 2012, I'm planning to be 192 lbs.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: BSL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: At least 50 pounds, so at least 162.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: MBL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
My main hair goal besides length is thickness. Long thin hair was never supposed to be a part of the game.

For my body, my legs are fine, but my upper body needs serious help. Especially my back. By summer, I'd love to have slimmer and more toned arms, shoulders, and back so I can wear tank tops.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
I'm going to continue with intermittent fasting and not drinking anything with calories in it. Sticking to water and the occasional diet soda along with my eating window has really helped me stay under my daily calorie limits, while still letting me eat real food and even some junk with my friends every now and again.
I do need to become more consistent with exercise. My problem is that I'm lazy...IF is good for lazy people because it actually capitalizes on laziness. I'd rather drink water all day than rouse myself to go cook or buy food. Exercise is another story.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
I'm gonna continue bunning, trimming, DCing, and sealing my ends. I will cut back on my stretch times though....go back to 16 - 18 weeks instead of 6 months+.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? For food, I use allrecipes and my fitness pal to make sure that I stay under my calories for the day. I also use fooducate for grocery shopping to help me buy the right things.

For exercise, I use Zumba for cardio and Venus Index for toning and strength.
I don't like VI as much as I hoped I would, but it's a simple system, can be done in my little room, and I paid for it, so I'm using it. :look:
And for pretty much everything, the fitness forum here is excellent. :yep:

Starting picture:
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AryaStarr258 - at the bolded; you sound like one determined woman. You sound ready to light up da club :yep:

What's your main motivation: I’m my own motivation. I’ve been overweight for quite a while, and I’m tired of it. I REFUSE to spend my twenties as an overweight girl. When I step into the club, I want to STEP for real. As for hair, it’s more about just taking care of my crown and glory. I used to when I was a kid, then I stopped for some reason.
:welcome: Chaosbutterfly great to have you. You've got some strong motivators there. (Your siggy is toooo funny btw). Pole dancing and bungy jumping -brilliant that you've got stuff you've never tried before and really want to do! :yep:
What's your main motivation: I want to ride my bike up a hill effortlessly. I want to wear smaller clothes.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Every sunday

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 5'11
205lbs BMI 28.6

Current hair length: 3-4 inches on the sides and about 7 1/2 inches in the middle. I have a recent photo album in my profile.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: :edit: 185lbs BMI 25.8 That's 20lbs in over 3 months. i can definitely manage this.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: 5 1/2-6 1/2 inches on my sides and back. and continue to trim the middle of my hair

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal:160lb BMI 22.3
I have never been this small. My first goal was 150. I'm editing this goal because I know that after the first 20lbs I lose between now and March the rest will come off much slower. I really want to maintain a healthy paced weight loss

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Shoulder Length

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Bike up the hills and over the bridges effortlessly.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will eat less calories anywhere from 1200-1500 a day. No processed foods. Eating only clean foods.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I have to start working out again. Until I get around to getting my but to the gym(next week). I would like to try a vegetable/veg soup fast for a few days every now and then to get back into healthy eating habits.
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:welcome: Grownupnai. Cool to have you on board - I love the clarity of your goals. I can just picture you powering your way uphill on a bicycle sometime in 2012 :yep:
:welcome: @Mane_Attraxion you're added to the list too. I notice we have the same fine hair :ohwell: what is the 40/30/30 plan - I've never come across it? Am I right in assuming this is a plan aimed at cutting fat while you work to build muscle?

Also :welcome3: to the following new challengers:

AryaStarr258, @Black Ambrosia, @HappilyLiberal, @ms.blue

40% carbs and 30% fat & protein.
Strength training utilizes carbs so I need them for the energy but they will consist of only complex/whole grains

:ohwell: I am really trying to find a way to thicken up my strands and I am hoping JBCO and Mega-tek will help as well as reducing heat usage
[/LIST]What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]
I just want to go back down and tone up plus i just want to fit in my clothes right

How often will you update your progress in this thread?
[Daily, weekly?]


Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):[/B] [Enter your current weight and/or BMI

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]

(01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal:
Need to get to 158

Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]

A little past shoulder Length

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]

Making it to 150 and well toned

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]


Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]


What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]


What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]


What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]

What's your main motivation:

Lose weight, get my body functioning normally, and have a great head of hair to go with a hot body.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]

At least once a week

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI]

Current hair length: APL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 30 lbs or 2 pant sizes down

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: Working towards full APL, but most importantly increase of thickness

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I would like to be down 75-100lbs, but I dont really weight myself, so maybe I think I would like to be in a size 14 by Dec

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Hopefully Full BSL

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]

-Add in regular juice fasting, reduce/eliminate grains and sugars, consistent exercise

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?

- Use of Nioxin hair vitamin, following ayurvedic regimen for at least 6 months, scalp oiling and massage

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]

-Daily journal for accountability
What's your main motivation: Moving to Georgia
How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):
Current hair length: BSB

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: -35lbs

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: MBL with layers in the crown but blount ends

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: -68lbs total

Full Year 2012 hair goal: WL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Be able to do the Warrior Dash in New Orleans in Oct 2012 and not finish last!
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
Continue 109-120oz H2O, working out and watching what I eat.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Clipping ends more, more dc, more protective styling

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? My dr. and my hair dresser!
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Count me in! :grin:

What's your main motivation: I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin, even when I had lost over 100 pounds – now, I’m living in a new country and I have reunions coming up and I’m determined to look better than I did years ago. My hair is almost BSL and it’s healthy. I want to continue growing it until TBL and continue to wear it curly – I love massive hair!
How often will you update your progress in this thread? I will do a weekly weight update and a hair update at least every 3-4 months.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): Last time I weighed I was 180.2. I started the year off over 200 pounds, so I’m really happy. I haven’t been this low in years.

Current hair length: About 1.5 inches away from BSL.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I WILL lose at least 24 pounds in the first quarter. I want to be no more than 155 by my birthday in mid-April, which is totally doable.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: My hair grows between 0.25-0.33” per month, so I’m going to really up my game and I plan on getting a whole 0.5” for each month. I want to reach BSL by my birthday.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: By December 2012 I will have reached my body goal – I want to be a toned and shapely size 4. I have exactly 12 months to make it happen and I will. That would equate to almost 2.4 months to lose a dress size. I know I can do it!

Full Year 2012 hair goal: By the end of the year I expect to be full BSB nearing WL.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I really want to drop 4-5 dress sizes and tone up. I especially want my arms and thighs to decrease dramatically. With my hair I’m focusing on retaining growth and focusing on thickness and a healthy scalp.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will make a commitment to going to the gym (I’ve already paid for a year membership) a minimum of 4 times a week. I will continue using my Lose it! app, drinking the egg WL shake for breakfast, salads with a can of tuna for lunch, and primarily having WW meals/soups for dinner – this is what has helped me lose 2 pounds per week, so I’m going to keep it up. I will also continue to walk at least 30 minutes every day.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I will continue taking my vitamins (fish oil, nioxin, msm, biotin, epo, saw palmetto, and B-vitamins), drinking the WL egg shake, DCing 2x a week, and mostly wearing my hair in braid-outs (I moisturize and seal my hair at night, braid it, put each braid in a roller, and then wrap with a silk scarf – it takes about 5-8 minutes tops).
I will start applying a sulphur/aloe mix to my scalp nightly as well. I saw success with this method and I think it kept my scalp from itching. I will also use a vibrating brush (from the 99 cent store years ago!) after the scalp application for maximum absorption.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I’ll be using Lose it! to track my progress and a scale to measure. I also have brain new pants I’ve bought in the next 2 sizes down that I will try on until they fit. I also have a pair of shorts in a size 4 that I will hang in my room and I will start trying on at the end of the 3 quarter. I will also document my feelings and thoughts in a journal app on my phone.
What's your main motivation: I have been overweight since I was 28. I use to be a size 8/10. Two years ago, I lost 40 pounds and I gained it back and then some (like most people). I'm joining this challenge, because I'm currently back on track on my weight loss, eating healthy and having healthy, long, thick hair. I always wanted long hair, because I enjoy wearing buns and ponytails. Plus I have a big head, so I need ALL THE HAIR I can get to cover it up.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? I will update weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): I'm currently 213.

Current hair length: Grazing APL.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I plan to lose 20 pounds or more by the end of March 2012, as my first goal. I really want to be UNDER 200 pounds by the end of March.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: The end of March will be my 3-year natural anniversary. Hopefully, with the eating right and exercising, that I can have a growth spurt of grazing BSL. More importantly, I want my hair to continue to thicken up and be healthy.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I want to lose 73 pounds. And I believe it's possible by July/August. I'm not really particularly concerned with "dress" size. I just want to remove the fat from my body.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: I don't know why. But I feel my hair will be WL by the end of 2012. :look:

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I would like to have the elusive thigh gap. My thighs and arms are big and I want them to slim all the way down and be more muscular. My goals above are pretty much the same.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will reduced my sugar/fat intake. Eat more healthy/natural foods. After this week (busy with holiday) exercise at a minimum of 3 times per week. I will gradually up this as I gain more endurance. I have 4 pairs of jeans that don't fit. I would like to be swimming in those jeans.I want to be able to do more activities in comfort like tennis, bowl, ski, bike riding, canoeing, etc.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Moisturize and seal daily. Use the necessary tools to prevent breakage, splits, etc. Style my hair the night before (save time in the morning).

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I will use My Fitness Pal, it seems to be pretty accurate.
What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?] For health reasons I am a diabetic and to be fit
How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?] weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI] I currently weigh 220pds

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length] Amost BSL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic] I am going to be at 180pds by June 2012

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic] Full BSL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?] 160pds

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?] WL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc] I just want to be healthier and more toned with more hair.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific] No fast foods and no meals after 7pm
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ] To reduce the use of heating tools and moisturize more.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread] I joined a gym and I will use a diary
I think I'd like to join this one (I could certainly use the motivation). I'll be back later with my stats. Okay, here goes...

What's your main motivation: I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and I don't like it. 2011 was full of setbacks (both weight and hair wise), and I need...no, HAVE to get back to being a healthier, happier me (with fly hair).:look:

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Scale and/or nonscale victory updates will be weekly. My hair updates will be in June and December.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 201.6/BMI 46 :look:

Current hair length: I'm in BSL/MBL limbo.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: Realistically: 10 lbs. What I'd like: 20 lb.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: Full MBL (not just a few strands :look:)

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I'd love to see 60 lbs. gone. But I'd be pleased with 50 lbs. gone.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Realistically, full WL. Unrealistically, HL.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Be able to fit back into my size 6-8 clothes, be fitter and more able to play Just Dance 3 with DD without keeling over after 2 songs. :look: I'd also like to reduce my overall waist/thigh/arm measurements, as well as, reduce the risk of high blood pressure/diabetes (which runs rampant in my family). Finally, I would love to have thicker, fuller, healthy, luscious hair. I want to be able to let my hair and hips swang.:grin:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will incorporate more fresh fruits and veggies, as well as, lean meats like poultry and fish. I also want to up my probiotics to twice a day, and make sure I get my healhy oils in. I will also *gasp* incorporate some form of exercise.:eek2:

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I will be protective styling, doing a weekly DC, dusting when needed, moisturizing and sealing with oils, oil rinses/hot oil treatments, drinking plenty of water, and using up all of the vitamins I've purchased before they expire.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? WeightWatchers eTools, The 17 Day Diet Book (great resource), Sparkpeople, etc.
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What's your main motivation: I want to lose weight because I feel 100 times better at my normal weight and size. The first year of law school and the summer did a number on me and i'm ready to bounce my body back to where it should be and has been. I also know that with more deliberate eating, I can make healthier food choices. I need to practice this.
As for hair, i'm currently at BSL and would like to get to WL by 2013. I don't think the growth aid thing is for me so by cleaning up my diet, the better hair growth rate will come.

How often will you update your progress in this thread?

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 161lbs (lawdamercy)

Current hair length: BSL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 135 lbs by end of March

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: MBL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I see myself staying at around 125-130 throughout the year.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: I would like to see myself approaching WL by the end of the year. I don't need to be exactly there by hovering above it somewhere

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: be consistent w/what I do throughout the year. this includes eating, exercising and hair care routines

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?

I will incorporate one green drink a day into my diet, eat way cleaner (more veggies). i'm going to try a low to no carb diet but not exactly atkins. i'm going to do a no dairy, no meat, no bread/pasta diet. and for Lent, I will be vegan so that will help me learn to make better choices all around. I will also fast one day a week. This sounds like it will be a lot but in practice, I will keep everything very simple. And of course, exercise.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I will continue to wash 1x/month or co-wash weekly followed by steaming 1x/week. Every Sunday, I will put twists in my hair and will moisturize with Qhemet's Burdock Root and will seal with either Castor, coconut oil or EVOO. I may start using NJoy's sulfur mix recipe on my scalp but i'm not sure yet.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I have spark people and i'm tempted to go back to that. I also have Calorie Count. I may look into my fitness pal.
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How often will you update your progress in this thread? PROBABLY DAILY SINCE I'M ON HERE ALL THE TIME :lol: WEEKLY FOR SURE

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): I THINK I'M AROUND 136LBS

Current hair length: CBL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 125LBS AND A FLATTER TUMMY

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: APL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: AROUND 125LBS WITH TONED ABS AND LEGS

Full Year 2012 hair goal: RIGHT AROUND BSL, IF NOT BSL ALREADY

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: THICKER HAIR, BETTER ENDS. AND REALLY PHYSICALLY FIT

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? DRINK LOTS OF WATER, DEVELOP A FITNESS/EXERCISE ROUTINE, EAT HEALTHIER


What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? FIND A PARTNER, PILATES AND INSANITY DVDS REGULARLY, LHCF, FIND A NUTRITION PLAN

I'm excited to start this challenge! Thanks for making such a well-rounded thread!
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Count me in!

I spent 20 minutes working on a thoughtful response to all your questions and for some reason when i hit submit LHCF had signed me out and not saved the text. I'm annoyed.

will come back later to repost.