Was I in the Wrong?


Well-Known Member
2 weeks ago I met a guy at a mutual friend's birthday party. We seemed to click and chatted for a while and at the end of the night, he took my number. Over the next few days,we regularly communicated(mainly via text) and agreed to meet on a Wednesday after work.

We went to an up scale bar (his suggestion) and we had a great evening and connected well. he paid the entrance fee and for my drinks which were non-alcoholic as I'm not a big drinker and neither is he-he ordered water for himself. At the end of the evening, we shared a kiss before going home. We decided that we'd meet up 3 days later on the Saturday.

Fast-forward to Saturday. He texted me and suggested a meal at a fast food place equivalent to something like Taco Bell. It wasn't somewhere that I was especially keen on, but I was happy to go along because I wanted to see him. He paid for both our meals and we decided to go to the cinema afterwards.

At the cinema, he didn't have enough cash on him so I chipped in with what I had on me which amounted to almost half the cost. He then suggested that we head to a local bar. At the bar, he ordered water and I ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail. I asked him why he was ordering water for himself and he told me that when he goes out with his friends, he always gets water. I found this rather odd but he paid for my drink and soon after we left the bar and parted ways.

Throughout our date I noticed that the vibes were somewhat awkward compared with our previous date on the Wednesday. The connection wasn't the same and overall neither of us really had a good time. When I got home, I had no phone call or message from him. The following morning, I sent him a text thanking him for the evening. I've heard nothing from him since and this was a week ago (last Saturday).

I've since spoke to our mutual friend who pledged to do some subtle digging to find out what was up with him. My friend managed to get some info out of him. Apparently, he was ticked off that I didn't offer to pay my share on the dates and he ordered water at the bar as some sort of 'test' to see what I would do :perplexed. He said he really liked me but wasn't looking for someone with a 'princess complex' who expected to be paid for.

The thing is most guys, I've been out with were more than happy to pay for the first few dates even though I usually offer to contribute. I didn't offer to pay with this guy because in the last few months, my financial situation hasn't been great. I was laid off a few months back and only landed a new job last month-I haven't even received my first pay check yet.

During our dates, I let him know in our convos, that I only just landed a new job after looking for a while. This guy is far from poor-he made no secret of the fact that he had a great well paying job and according to my friend, he's actually from a wealthy background which was apparent from our interactions.

I think I may hear from him again as my friend advised him to call me but in all honesty, I'm not sure what to make of all this. I barely know the guy and I wasn't prepared for this type of issue to crop up so early on. It seems rather petty to me. What do you guys think?
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2 weeks ago I met a guy at a mutual friend's birthday party. We seemed to click and chatted for a while and at the end of the night, he took my number. Over the next few days,we regularly communicated(mainly via text) and agreed to meet on a Wednesday after work.

We went to an up scale bar (his suggestion) and we had a great evening and connected well. he paid the entrance fee and for my drinks which were non-alcoholic as I'm not a big drinker and neither is he-he ordered water for himself. At the end of the evening, we shared a kiss before going home. We decided that we'd meet up 3 days later on the Saturday.

Fast-forward to Saturday. He texted me and suggested a meal at a fast food place equivalent to something like Taco Bell. It wasn't somewhere that I was especially keen on, but I was happy to go along because I wanted to see him. He paid for both our meals and we decided to go to the cinema afterwards.

At the cinema, he didn't have enough cash on him so I chipped in with what I had on me which amounted to almost half the cost. He then suggested that we head to a local bar. At the bar, he ordered water and I ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail. I asked him why he was ordering water for himself and he told me that when he goes out with his mates, he always gets water. I found this rather odd but he paid for my drink and soon after we left the bar and parted ways.

Throughout our date I noticed that the vibes were somewhat awkward compared with our previous date on the Wednesday. The connection wasn't the same and overall neither of us really had a good time. When I got home, I had no phone call or message from him. The following morning, I sent him a text thanking him for the evening. I've heard nothing from him since and this was a week ago (last Saturday).

I've since spoke to our mutual friend who pledged to do some subtle digging to find out what was up with him. My friend managed to get some info out of him. Apparently, he was ticked off that I didn't offer to pay my share on the dates. Apparently, he ordered water at the bar as some sort of 'test' to see what I would do:perplexed. He said he really liked me but wasn't looking for someone with a 'princess complex' who expected to be paid for.

The thing is most guys, I've been out with were more than happy to pay for the first few dates even though I usually offer to contribute. I didn't offer to pay with this guy because in the last few months, my financial situation hasn't been great. I was laid off a few months back and only landed a new job last month-I haven't even received my first pay check yet.

During our dates, I let him know in our convos, that I only just landed a new job after looking for a while. This guy is far from poor-he made no secret of the fact that he had a great well paying job and according to my friend, he's actually from a wealthy background which was apparent from our interactions.

I think I may hear from him again as my friend advised him to call me but in all honesty, I'm not sure what to make of all this. I barely know the guy and I wasn't prepared for this type of issue to crop up so early on. It seems rather petty to me. What do you guys think?

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Confused. How was he short on funds at the movie theater, but he had money to pay for the drink at the bar?
Confused. How was he short on funds at the movie theater, but he had money to pay for the drink at the bar?

He went to the ATM machine twice-before we went to eat and after the movie.

According to my friend, he said he was more than willing to pay as money wasn't an issue for him-he was merely annoyed that I didn't offer.
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He went to the ATM machine twice-before we went to eat and after the movie.

According to my friend, he said he was more than willing to pay as money wasn't an issue for him-he was merely annoyed that I didn't offer.

Too soon for the games and bulls**t. Keep it moving.
So he expects you to offer to chip in on the first couple dates even though he's doing well financially. :perplexed And his ordering water was a test to see if you would do the same or order something you actually would like? What kind of man (I use that term loosely) takes a woman out for drinks but doesn't expect her to actually buy a real drink and/or wants her to pay her own way? Ugh!! RUN do not walk from this pathetic, cheapskate.
So he expects you to offer to chip in on the first couple dates even though he's doing well financially. :perplexed And his ordering water was a test to see if you would do the same or order something you actually would like? What kind of man (I use that term loosely) takes a woman out for drinks but doesn't expect her to actually buy a real drink and/or wants her to pay her own way? Ugh!! RUN do not walk from this pathetic, cheapskate.

It's crazy how often I'm seeing this whole paying for dates thing be an issue.

And who the hell is he to be "testing" somebody? Ugh...:nono:
Is that supposed to be a test to be sure you aren't a golddigger? He cant be serious.

Uggh. I do not like games. Did he want you to do the fake purse and check reach?
Keep.it.moving....no real man with good values would have this thought process. I wholeheartedly believe that one of the primary ways a man shows his interest/loyalty/etc is how he spends his money on you. Not saying it has to be a lot of money or whatever, but if he wants you time/attention/affection, a real man knows how to do gain it. He has some type of complex and is not sincere and I wouldn't have time for it.
No. Instead of him trying the right way to figure out what kind of woman you are he decided to do stupid tests. Why would a woman offer to pay on initial dates with a new guy?

Sent from the corner pay phone
What the hell with the water test? What kind of nonsense? How do guys even come up with this stuff.

I swear if they put this much effort into getting to know us, there would be no need for these "Tests"

and you weren't wrong
He sounds lame. His cheapness aside, instead of the dumb tests he was better off employing some simple communication skills and bringing up his personal preferences. Thus both of you would've known what the deal was and no unnecessary time would've been wasted nor wires crossed. I wouldn't go further than this if I were in your shoes.
He should be trying to win you over, not whining over a few dollars.

IMO, the man should pay, if you're dating. If you're in a relationship, then I don't see a problem with splitting things. If some guy thinks that's being a "princess," then oh, well. Not compatible.
He sounds like an idiot, especially since you did chip in at the movie theater. A true "princess" would've been like," Welp, I guess we're not seeing a movie today."
Having a man pay for dates doesn't make you a princess, and the fact that he thinks of it that way is a red flag. Move on.
If having a man pay on the first date makes you a princess, so be it. I hate men who are tight with their money for no reason. OP, please keep it moving. A man should be a provider, and proud of it. He is playing childish games. Don't waste your time.

If I were you, I would not answer if he contacts you again.
OT, stop asking to contribute to pay the bill when you go on dates. Let them take care of it :drunk:
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If having a man pay on the first date makes you a princess, so be it. I hate men who are tight with their money for no reason. OP, please keep it moving. A man should be a provider, and proud of it. He is playing childish games. Don't waste your time.

If I were you, I would not answer if he contacts you again.
OT, stop asking to contribute to pay the bill when you go on dates. Let them take care of it :drunk:

I am #TeamPrincess and proud of it! Lol
How old is this idiot?

Count your lucky stars that this loser let his true face show so soon. I'm the last person that would be called a princess type, and even I know that a guy who thinks this way has major issues. By failing his "test", you saved yourself a whole lot of drama. Girl, don't even look back.
Ugh, do not contact him and don't respond if he tries to contact you. What an a**hat. I wonder what his idea of wealthy is since he's sincerely concerned about a 5$ drink.
He is stupid. And no, you're not wrong. Who cares if he's from a wealthy family...yada yada...don't explain yourself or your finances to anyone because of some petty mess test. Leave that boy alone.
Thanks ladies for your responses. I definitely felt that I was not wrongful here but one of my bffs was telling me that she would have at least offered to pay and maybe bought snacks at the theatre. She said that I was acting entitled to be spoilt :ohwell:, so I wanted to gather more opinions on this matter.BTW this guy is 31 years old.
I'm one of those who thinks it is ok for a woman to make the first move and sees nothing wrong with her paying for a few dates, but even I'm with you on this one.

A couple of free dinners and drink makes you spoiled? He is tripping. And why have you offer to pay for the sake of offering? Just so he can have the chance to say he has it? Color me confused.
That was his best behavior, it only gets worse from there. Run, don't walk.What happened to the concept of men "courting" women?

Unless you want to be the man in the relationship,run.