~~~waist Length Dreams~~~ Challenge 2018

Hey everyone
I have been MIA for who knows how long
BUT I still lurk and have been watching everyone's progress thus far
Taking tidbits of info here and there (unbeknownst)
I have had goals of reach my waist for about year now
BUT unfortunately I did not hit my goal at 4 years.
I've been sitting and sulking and wondering what I did wrong
After getting my hair straightened for my birthday I lost myself
And I mean from 2 birthday ago!
I got comfortable with heat, and wearing it out.
My scarf hasn't been on my head like it needs to be.
Deep conditioning is almost non existent.
And I was moisturizing but ehhh not regularly nor consistently. Only AFTER I noticed my hair was getting dry
Anywho, I can only blame myself
I haven't even been on my forums or youtube (which are great motivators)
so I've been hair slacking all around ! (to say in the least)

Anywho, I've compiled my hair regimens from the past, and composed
an extensive detailed hair regimen that I'm determined to stick to.
I'm tired of not making waist length, I know its possible
So le sigh, time to get with it...

Here is a recent pic my wife took.


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Hey Ladies here is an update on my Regimen. Wash 1-1 1/2 weeks Derm Organics or Aztec Garlic Shampoo . DC with Aztec Deep conditioner or DC mix plus oils. Leave in Shea Moisture, eden body works curl defining crème and Shea butter mix. Air Dry in Braids. Wear wigs or updo. I will post new pics, haven't straightened hair in a while and have not stretched to show length.
Will post pics this weekend.
I am currently 10 months post relaxer!
  • Prepoo'd overnight with AVJ spritz.
  • DC'd under a heat cap for an hour with Honey's Handmade Bentonite & Sea Clay Conditioning Mask.
  • Used CC's Natural Sugar Scalp Scrub, CW'd with Honey's Handmade Pumpkin & Safflower Apple Butter, Reconstructed with K. Moore Growth & Repair, 80% R/O of ACV & SM Black Soap Balancing Conditioner
  • LCOB'd with L = Ion Reparative Solutions; C = Cozy Moments Banana Coconut; O = Embrace The Natural You Trinity Glaze on length; B = Hairitage Hydration Horsetail on scalp & Kyra's Shea Hydrate & Refresh on ends.
Your hair is beautiful! And you are almost there

ughh this hair journey is truly, a journey.
Ups, downs, always an adventure.
I found that when I'm not lurking on the site, or obsessing over hair, I let my hair fall to the wayside.
I just don't want to be the person that is obsessed with their hair, and everything hair and natural.
But I'm sure I should come to terms with that person being me.

So might as well give an update since goodness knows whens the last time I did.
Eh from January until June, I can honestly say I was not taking care of my hair
nor was I really holding it down like that before
I have been getting heat happy, hands in hair happy, and just all around "feeling myself"
ever since I realized my hair was kinda sorta long. So I've been "enjoying" it more or less
but not really doing what I need to be doing
So I had to completely re evaluate myself and my routine
my products and my practices
and have now completely reverted to my old hair care ways
which got me to where I am now

June 30 I deep conditioned my hair over night with a mixture of ; Shea Moisture Deep Conditioner, Aloe Vera Water, olive oil.
I had just recently taken out some box braids, no hair added. I twisted each section.
July 1 I put the left over mixture in my hair before hopping in the shower.
In the shower I rinsed my hair with ACV+Water+3 drops of protein.
After rinsing the ACV out, I added my hot oil.
Hot oil consists of coconut, olive oil, shea, and cocoa butter, melted on the stove.
I left the oil in as I cleaned my body and then washed out.
All the while my hair was still in twists :)
Wrapped my hair up in an old shirt
I took each twist, and one by one, unraveled it slowly starting at the ends
Lightly finger detanlge, then use 2 wide tooth combs (Hercules Sagemann)
Then I add my Liquid Gold (Shea, cocoa, mango, aloe vera butter melted)
Two strand twist the section, and then bantu knot it.
I did this all over my head and then left my scarf on
It takes 2 nights for my hair to dry.
July 3, bantu knots are down hair is OD moisturized and in 2 strand twists

I'll do it again in two weeks.
I think I finally found a gel that speaks to my heart! I'm going to use 4 more times, but it's wash and go season. My Eco styler is #1, but my hair is soooo thick it takes forever to dry. This new gel I scrapped my pennies together for works with every single leave in conditioner I own including the generic one. It goes one like water too.

I say all this to say it's time for a trim and this one rapunzel patch at my nape has hit BSL. Drinking more water and actually getting more greens, yuck, in my diet along with this scalp spray are working. This pic is like a month old and I can't remember if I uploaded it sorry if it's a double. The of the top of my head is new growth over 2 and 1/2 months and it's not breakage.


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  • Pre-poo'd under the heat cap for 30 minutes with Bath & Body Works Rainkissed Leaves.
  • Added HH Pumpkin & Safflower Apple Butter and CW'd.
  • 80% R/O with SM African Black Soap.
  • LSOC with L = Ion Repair Solution; S = Curly Keeper Total Control; O = Keravada Green Tea on scalp & Embrace The Natural You Trinity Glaze on length; C = TGIN Butter Cream.
Okay Ladies, I am on my way. I have posted my length checks on my short hair shirt from Left to Right Jan/March/June 2016. I did do a trim in May of about an inch to 1 1/2so I guess my hair grows about 1/2 per month. Started off at line 10 and now just making to line 13. Line 13 meets MBL mark for me, have to get a new shirt for long hair. I think I can make it to WL by Dec!:dance7:


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Your hair grows fast @Benuontherise

I guess so, didn't realize that until now because I am actually tracking my progress and was not wearing hair straight. I was a bit paranoid that I had a lot of breakage due to seeking all the hair when I combed my hair. But I also only comb my hair like once a week so I was overreacting. I have been taking either Biotin pills or Hair/skin/nails vitamins, cheap ones from Family Dollar...not sure if that helped since I wasn't always consistent. We will see if that is my normal growth rate of I just went through a growth spirt this spring.
My hair is in desperate need of TLC. 3 times in a row I washed with a sulphate poo because I was too lazy to make my baking soda poo. Then I went too weeks without washing and the product buildup was ridiculous. I need to DC and go back to my baking soda poo and ACV rinse.
My hair is in desperate need of TLC. 3 times in a row I washed with a sulphate poo because I was too lazy to make my baking soda poo. Then I went too weeks without washing and the product buildup was ridiculous. I need to DC and go back to my baking soda poo and ACV rinse.

Yea, I feel you the needing TLC. I have been to lazy to DC...haven't DC in about a month :badgirl:...smh. We can get it together!lol I feel like I am more likely to dc if I do it on dry hair then shampoo cuz that way I get it out the way. Plus I wash my hair in shower and I think that makes it easier for me.
Ok. I got off my lazy butt and did my dry DC last night. AO white camellia plus grapeseed oil. Today I will make my baking soda poo and wash.

I can't decide if I should condition with Kenra moisturizing conditioner or one of my protein conditioners. I really wish I hadn't gotten lazy and used that sulfate poo. And for 3 washes in a row. smh.
    • Pre-poo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & EVCO.
    • DC'd under heat cap for an hour with Blue Roze Cocoa Coffee Rhassoul Mask.
    • Shampoo'd with TJ Tea Trea, CW'd with Honey's Handmade Pumpkin & Safflower Apple Butter, Reconstructed with K. Moore Growth Repair, 80% R/O with ACV mix & SM Black Soap Balancing Conditioner.
    • LCOB'd with L = Ion Repair Solutions, C = Oyin Hair Dew, O = Embrace The Natural You Trinity Glaze, B = Hairitage Hydration Horsetail on scalp & Kyra's Shea Hydrate & Refresher on ends.
    • Will use Siamese Twists Vanilla Curly Crème to twist.
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Ok. I got off my lazy butt and did my dry DC last night. AO white camellia plus grapeseed oil. Today I will make my baking soda poo and wash.

I can't decide if I should condition with Kenra moisturizing conditioner or one of my protein conditioners. I really wish I hadn't gotten lazy and used that sulfate poo. And for 3 washes in a row. smh.

I use to use Baking soda poo before but then I just stopped, no real reason why because I use to like how my hair felt after. I am I recently bought some liquid black soap mixed when coco butter (normally I use it as hand soap for past 6 months or so), I intend to mix it with tea tree castille soap to shampoo and see how I like that. If not will use at body and make up brush cleaner. I heard Kenra Products are good, I promised I will use up what I have before buying more...memoirs of a product junkie!lol
    • Pre-poo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & EVCO.
    • DC'd under heat cap for an hour with Blue Roze Cocoa Coffee Rhassoul Mask.
    • Shampoo'd with TJ Tea Trea, CW'd with Honey's Handmade Pumpkin & Safflower Apple Butter, Reconstructed with K. Moore Growth Repair, 80% R/O with ACV mix & SM Black Soap Balancing Conditioner.
    • LCOB'd with L = Ion Repair Solutions, C = Oyin Hair Dew, O = Embrace The Natural You Trinity Glaze, B = Hairitage Hydration Horsetail on scalp & Kyra's Shea Hydrate & Refresher on ends.
    • Will use Siamese Twists Vanilla Curly Crème to twist.

Hey how do you Like the K.Moore growth repair? I took a look at that before.
I started taking photos last summer in an attempt to keep a real log on my progress. I decided naked/freshly shampooed hair would be best since I rarely wear my hair straightened or stretched.

Here is last summer vs this summer. This is the most growth I have seen since going natural and I really have this thread and the Komaza hair analysis to thank.


Can't wait to see what next summer brings!
Me too!! Nice growth, your hair is so healthy, thick, long and beautiful :) Mine grows like that too (the sides faster then the back). I figured out how to make it look not noticeable. Either I blend it in or I wear the longer parts on front.
I started taking photos last summer in an attempt to keep a real log on my progress. I decided naked/freshly shampooed hair would be best since I rarely wear my hair straightened or stretched.

Here is last summer vs this summer. This is the most growth I have seen since going natural and I really have this thread and the Komaza hair analysis to thank.


Can't wait to see what next summer brings!

@ResultsMayVary, great idea to chronicle your growth. I like the wet pic idea as well! Your hair is beautiful and you've gotten great growth. I just recently did the Komaza analysis as well. Really hoping that by following their suggestions I will to full MBL length by YE. Our hair looks similar when wet. What hair texture are you? What regimen and products did they suggest for you?
I started taking photos last summer in an attempt to keep a real log on my progress. I decided naked/freshly shampooed hair would be best since I rarely wear my hair straightened or stretched.

Here is last summer vs this summer. This is the most growth I have seen since going natural and I really have this thread and the Komaza hair analysis to thank.


Can't wait to see what next summer brings!

Nice growth and you look smaller to me as well.
  • Pre-poo'd my twists for 30 minutes under the heat cap with Neutrogena Clean Normalizing Conditioner & CW'd it out.
  • 80% R/O of SM Black Soap Balancing Conditioner.
  • LCO'd with L = Ion Repair Solutions, C = Oyin Hair Dew & O = Embrace The Natural You Trinity Glaze on length & Keravada Green Tea on scalp.
@ResultsMayVary, great idea to chronicle your growth. I like the wet pic idea as well! Your hair is beautiful and you've gotten great growth. I just recently did the Komaza analysis as well. Really hoping that by following their suggestions I will to full MBL length by YE. Our hair looks similar when wet. What hair texture are you? What regimen and products did they suggest for you?

Thanks! My texture reminds me of soft yet thick cotton...
Komaza showed me that my hair was over-moisturized from daily co washing and that I needed to increase protein treatments due to hair's high porosity. I used their protein strengthening treatment bi weekly religiously for six months (I now use it once a month). They also recommended the coconut leave in for damaged hair because it also has protein. To satisfy my need daily water/moisture I replaced daily co-washing with daily rinses and follow up with a leave in (alternating between a protein or moisturizing) and heavy sealer. Overall it's pretty simple now
Thanks! My texture reminds me of soft yet thick cotton...
Komaza showed me that my hair was over-moisturized from daily co washing and that I needed to increase protein treatments due to hair's high porosity. I used their protein strengthening treatment bi weekly religiously for six months (I now use it once a month). They also recommended the coconut leave in for damaged hair because it also has protein. To satisfy my need daily water/moisture I replaced daily co-washing with daily rinses and follow up with a leave in (alternating between a protein or moisturizing) and heavy sealer. Overall it's pretty simple now
What types if heavy sealers do you use?