Violated his cell phone

how you gonna go to church with another woman's man--wtf---tryna be a religious hoe--aint that bout a bleep--ewwwwwww
church doors should close right in their bleeping face as they approach...

That floozy is real serious about hers isn't she? I am so annoyed by this!!! How are you going to make a mockery of God and bring another woman's man to His house? Is she going to sing, "I am a friend of God" when she's there? Next level ho :rolleyes:
That floozy is real serious about hers isn't she? I am so annoyed by this!!! How are you going to make a mockery of God and bring another woman's man to His house? Is she going to sing, "I am a friend of God" when she's there? Next level ho :rolleyes:

That's what I'm saying. She is bringing hoedom to the next level. That's crazy.
I disagree that every time someone goes through someone's stuff it is because the former is insecure. The first time I saw the email account of my ex, I read an email that knocked me to my core. Up until that point, I trusted that fool with all my heart. Trust manifested itself to the point that I had trusted him with my (former) bank account information and access, along with other personal information. So when his account was up on the screen and I clicked that first email to read what I read.....

If I had not found anything, my trust for him would have been no more or less that what it was before I looked.

I felt the same way -- that if he were to have seen my email account back then, it would have been nothing to me. Simply because I had built a life with that person and had nothing to hide.

If some friend were to click on my emails, then I would agree because I did not build/was not building a life with my friend. I was not sharing stuff with my friend but with my man.

In my opinion you were wrong and you were also right. Here's why.

In general, it's wrong to go through someone's personal things without their permission (sorry, them leaving something around you is not a grant of permission to go through it). That's a violation of trust because a relationship is built upon you trusting each other's word.
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The bolded speaks volumes- He is sleeping with this person(I say person because you dont know if it is a man or woman)

This male, (notice I did not say man) is playing games with you. Not only do you not need to be with this male- You Cant Afford To Be With Him.... Aids is running rampant. Please leave this male alone- the life you save could be your own!!!!!
HA! Missed opportunity! You shoudla texted the sister and cousin while u had a chance! Soon as he busted out with the "thats my fam" I woulda said well ur fam is NASTY! You humping ur sister! He a liar. Period. Take it as a lesson learned!

If you cant tell I have texted a few "cousins" back only to find out 1 guy was engaged and one guy had 2 other "girlfriends." :yep:Bump what you heard, youre nto stupid, go with ur gut. He tryna play games!

ITA with the bolded. You did the right thing with leaving him. I do agree with NY Legal though...I hate when someone goes through my phone, with a passion. You did, however, get confirmation for what you were looking for so I guess the end justified the means. That man may have been committing incest or sleeping with a man or both, "...hurting you" wth?
"Yeah, I went through your what? " "Do something!" :)

Who cares about him being mad you went through his phone. He's just mad he got caught and you found out he has no intention on cutting this chick off. Men always get angry for getting caught not the act.

He should be angry at himself, simple, knew he had a girl(you) and if it was me(dude) I would erase every text she(other woman) sent once they were read.

People snoop especially women and if I was a cheater, I wouldn't leave any trace of it around. THink about like this, had you not snooped, you would have invested more feelings and time and he would have continued to have both of you. Judging from this chick, she has no problem sharing him, which in itself is so sick!

I get so angry when I hear of women like this chick! For the life of me, I don't understand why these women are happy ane willing to date an attached man. She is so stupid and women wonder why men are dogs. They help train them to be dogs. He thinks he is the **** because he has a girl willing to give up the P, knowing he has a woman! I see why so many woman kick ass over these situations! There are so many trifling women who love trifling men. These two deserve each other! Any woman who thinks it's cool to mess with an attached man in any way, needs to get some act right and stop ho-ing themselves out!
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i really don't think a cousin or sister would call him "sweetheart". also, it's so very common for men whose women have found out they're cheating by checking phones, email etc without permission get mad about an "invasion of privacy". i will say though that going through your man's stuff without any permission is technically snooping. however, when they are found out for cheating, that is the bigger issue at hand. when you deceive someone continually, you kind of lose your right to get mad. the "betrayal" (snooping) here is on a totally lesser scale than when you're stepping out.

with that said though, i definitely do not condone checking through someone's personal records etc. this should only be done when a woman believes her man is cheating and wants confirmation before she ends things. i believe it should be the last resort if her man will not admit it. better yet, if she's suspects anything, she really should leave first. i don't think snooping just to snoop is right. that's plain nosy. i think you were being nosy and were confronted with something that was shady. either way, if he was being unfaithful then it's better you found out in this way than for him to continue with a lie.

if you are convinced he was doing something wrong then i would not pay any mind to his feelings in this instance.
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Yeah you were wrong for going through his phone but you found out what you needed to know...I went through this guys phone who I used to deal with (accidently I'll explain another time) and found out stuff I didnt want to know but needed to know. Its sad that the women knew about you and still continued.
Hell no you where not wrong. As usual he is making a bigger issue out of what he feels you did wrong than what he was doing wrong.
Better you find out now than later.

I disagree that every time someone goes through someone's stuff it is because the former is insecure. The first time I saw the email account of my ex, I read an email that knocked me to my core. Up until that point, I trusted that fool with all my heart. Trust manifested itself to the point that I had trusted him with my (former) bank account information and access, along with other personal information. So when his account was up on the screen and I clicked that first email to read what I read.....

If I had not found anything, my trust for him would have been no more or less that what it was before I looked.

I felt the same way -- that if he were to have seen my email account back then, it would have been nothing to me. Simply because I had built a life with that person and had nothing to hide.

If some friend were to click on my emails, then I would agree because I did not build/was not building a life with my friend. I was not sharing stuff with my friend but with my man.

Thank you, I agree. But in addition, I feel a couple should have no secrets from each other. He can go through my phone and I would not be mad because I have nothing to hide. I feel bad for doing it, but I keep thinking what if I didn't look, I would be getting ready to marry someone who I thought I could trust. Yes, we were talking about marriage and everything.
If we wasn't hiding anything, you going through his phone shouldn't have been a big deal to him...I've done it, and have no apologies for doing it, I caught him cheating, and spoke to the other don't feel bad

Thank you, and that baby in your picture is so precious :)