Guess what he did now.

Op, I know what it feels like to want to leave someone who you think you're in love with but it's something that you have to do. He already showed you that he doesn't really want you, so just move on. Try to do things that will distract you like going to the movies, hanging out with friends, finding a new hobbie, etc. Trust me when I say that he's not worrying about you like how you are about him. He'll just keep giving you just the right amount of attention (especially when he senses that you're about to cut him off) so that he can stay on your mind.

Also, don't try to get with another guy just so you can take your mind off of him. I've done this before and even though it helped me to get my mind off of the first guy, all I did was transfer my feelings onto the next one. You have to learn how to be happy without a boyfriend or you're just going to run into the same problem with someone else. Good luck op.
OP, don't be upset with yourself for having a difficult time moving on from this relationship. When we love someone, it takes time. Leaving someone who isn't right for you is not suppose to be easy when there is love involved. It helps to acknowlege that this is not a love match.

I think you need to step back from everything for a few days. No facebook, no twitter, no email, no cell phone use, no talking about him to anyone unless it's one close friend/family member when you feel the walls are closing in on you. Go for a long walk, spend time with family/friends, take a yoga class, etc. Anything that will be a distraction. Best of Luck to you.
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So how am I childish because my heart is broken? What are you talking about? I'm not the one playing these mind tricks and games with him. It's grown women way older than me who participate in far worse foolery. Don't be rude. If anything be empathetic and try to give advice. I'd appreciate it. If you can't then it would be best to not even respond.

But you are acting as childish as him, but in a different way.
I ended it with a guy yesterday who pulled that ish. We were only dating so it wasn't serious. I'd been planning to end it anyway and he wasn't taking the hint. But when he called me on a number he knew I wouldn't recognize after he gave me his other 2 numbers:ohwell: I'd had it. I don't play that.