Using Pheromones To Attract Men

Yes i remember that! :lol: Is there one out there for men? I haven't read this thread to see the other responses.

Not sure, but I bought DH a fragrance called Odeur 53. He said it didn't smell like much to him, but it drives me wild. It's a sneaky scent. Hard to describe, but 'sex' comes to mind :lol: Seriously, it's a clean plus something else smell. Like sex on a beach just after a shower while lying on a sheet that was dried out in the sun. He's not allowed to wear it at will :lol:
I know yall remember a certain member here who talked about dabbing her "juices" on her neck and wrist as the ultimate pheremone fragrance :lol: .. that woman was fascinating...
Just a quick FYI there are people on here who do not use deodorant but they take chlorophyll supplements as a "natural deodorizer" as long as your hygiene is on point it is not obligatory to use deodorant.

I don't take the supplement, but I don't use deodorant either. It's not worth the rumors of breast cancer, irregular gland functions, irratation, discoloration of skin, or the chalky feeling for me. As long as I eat a semi-clean whole foods diet, my light perspiration doesn't smell nor is there any yellow coloring on my clothes. I actually sweat less after I stopped wearing deordorant. And trust me that I ask my family or bff to tell me if I am musty at any time. Hasn't happen yet.
But I make sure I take daily showers, twice a day if I work out.

Back on topic, I stopped wearing it and I swear I get more flirts with guys, even when I'm out with DH. I know there is a difference because guys (3 so far in 7 mos.) would literally be sitting next to me in at a bar in a restaurant, interrupt my conversation with DH or wait until we stopped talking to ask if I wanted a drink refill. It doesn't help that DH doesn't look like my type physically lol. So they must think I was sitting there alone and needed to be saved from this man.

On another note, female cats love to give me hugs...
I'm going to try this and see what happens. I just moved to an area, where there definitely ain't nobody checking for me... I'll report back

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I have never heard of this but I'm wondering if there is some truth to this. Before I owned a car I walked about 15 mins to the train station every morning and I kid you not every day I would get hit on while at the station or on the train. I must have had some kind of scent to me due to the sweat and whatever perfume I was wearing. Yes 15 minute walk would work up a little sweat for me, lol. Are there any regular perfumes that have this stuff?
Basically, (in the sexual aspect,) animals use it to attract mates. They say that's why you should at least leave a little hair down there because it traps your "scent in" and makes it more appealing to males. lol.

I even heard of women dabbing some of their uh...BELOW THE BELT secretions on their neck and wrist to attract men! :blush: That's a bit much for me. Humans are classified as animals so I believe the pheromone aspect works for us too. HEAPS of studies do show we are more sexually attractive to men during our ovulation cycle, probably the pheromones we release and the men picking it up and desiring to mate. :look:

Here's the thread!!! I just love LHCF!!
I have a strong scent and sweat really easily even in the wintertime and guys look every which way at me to try and talk to me. I think the idea of using pheromones sounds intriguing but like someone else said I wouldn't use them to attract someone new maybe seduce someone who has already showed interest maybe but that's it. Also, I think people should be aware that people may react negatively to them esp. women.
this is sooo interesting! i love reading about this stuff...

i went to the forum posted above, and found a thread about what pheromones can't and cannot do....

here it is-reposted.

What pheromones can do and what they cant Updated

A lot of people come in to the forum and read all the wonderful stories about peoples experiences with pheromone products. New people end up trying them out with high expectations and usually as they get to know the product those expectations are met to some extent and sometimes not because there expectations were to high

But I think its best for people to have a realistic view on what exactly they can and can not do. I get a lot of PM's from people asking me why "they couldn't get there cheating husband to respond to pheromones" or why "the girl picked my best friend over me even though I have the pheromones on".

The answer is simple, pheromones don't change anything, they enhance whats already there. They make socialization easier. If there is attraction they can enhance that. If there is interest it can push that to attraction ect ect.

Now don't get me wrong, I love each and every PM I get and I try to answer everyone the best I can. But I always feel bad when people expect so much more then is possible with just pheromones. It also ticks me off a little when those high expectations cause them to give up on pheromones because they are missing out on what they can really do for them which is a lot.

So, this is what.............................................. ............................

If your in a good relationship, pheromones can enhance that. They can arouse and bring about more intimacy. They can help to open up communications and add some excitement and fun. Yes they can even make sex more frequent and hot.

If your in a bad relationship that is riddled with other serious problems or obstacles pheromones may arouse or comfort but they cant change that problem or the other persons feelings. Keep in mind, you may be able to arouse that person with pheromones but there was attraction there to begin with or they wouldn't have been with you. Arousal will not change a persons mind even if they act on that arousal.

.................................................. .......

When out wearing pheromones in public, you will get reactions that range from subtle to the occasional strong hit. You will get more attention. But girls wont lose all inhibitions and begin stalking you or groping your leg. Men wont slay dragons or leave there spouse to claim you. The pheromones will just add ease ,comfort, interest and arousal. Along with this you need to take into consideration the other things that cause attraction. Visualization, compatibility, availability ect.

Pheromones can make you more attractive but they cant change a persons tastes, Suppose a person prefers blond hair or tall people, pheromones wont change their preference and if that preference is strong enough they may ignore the feelings the pheromones cause them to feel. If the preference isn't that strong it can give you a edge and a opportunity to win them over despite the preference.

They can make you open up and talk but they cant make you compatible.
If you have nothing to talk about or nothing in common all the Instant Openness or Instant Honesty in the world wont change that. Can pheromones make a shy person talk more??? Yes if the shy person has something to say to you and a desire to speak to you.

They can arouse the hot girl/guy across the room but if they are together it cant make one of them available. People have morals (at least some do LOL) you may walk into the room looking hot as hell and smelling like a sex god/goddess but if someone has feelings for another person they wont act on that vibe your sending.

So what can they do for you??? They can attract, arouse, calm, uplift, cause comfort, cause interest, enhance and generally just make socialization a whole lot easier. They are one small part of attraction but they wont do all the work for you.
Some Classic responses from her

I often get the question of why didn't my pheromones work ??? Then I find out where they wore them to

Why didn't my Turn Up The Heat or Copulin mix work in church ? Because people have self control. They are not going to hit on you sexually in church with the old ladies and priest looking on no matter how hot you look.

WHY doesnt my Instant Openness work in school ????
Because talking in class is not smiled upon

I used my copulin or Androstenone mix at work with no response
Work is not the place to be arousing people. There are sexual harassment laws at least here in the USA. People are careful including women of how they act at work or who they become involved with. They will mask there feelings strongly in this environment. Granted my work is a bit different but it was that way before any of us used pheromones.

I wore Instant Shine to a funeral and no one seemed to feel better.
WTF do you expect, LOL

I wore ammo and Instant Shine and my brothers GF was nicer but she still hates me.
pheromones cant change every ones feelings for you. Sure they can help her to be nicer perhaps but they cant make her like you.
Some Classic responses from her

I often get the question of why didn't my pheromones work ??? Then I find out where they wore them to

Why didn't my Turn Up The Heat or Copulin mix work in church ? Because people have self control. They are not going to hit on you sexually in church with the old ladies and priest looking on no matter how hot you look.

WHY doesnt my Instant Openness work in school ????
Because talking in class is not smiled upon

I used my copulin or Androstenone mix at work with no response
Work is not the place to be arousing people. There are sexual harassment laws at least here in the USA. People are careful including women of how they act at work or who they become involved with. They will mask there feelings strongly in this environment. Granted my work is a bit different but it was that way before any of us used pheromones.

I wore Instant Shine to a funeral and no one seemed to feel better.
WTF do you expect, LOL

I wore ammo and Instant Shine and my brothers GF was nicer but she still hates me.
pheromones cant change every ones feelings for you. Sure they can help her to be nicer perhaps but they cant make her like you.

Oh my goodness, po thangs :nono:

Okay so this thread convinced me to whip out a bottle of pheremone perfume spray I got from a friend who hosts "passion parties." And looky here - I'm sitting in a public cafeteria minding my business and a suited up dude rolls up to me to say "hi" and get my number.

Yeah. I'm gonna be wearing this stuff more often :lol:
It would get quite confusing if they get really good at making this stuff and guys all over start wearing it, and you find yourself being strongly attracted to every Tyrone on the corner who you normally wouldn't give the time of day.

But maybe it would also make life easier for women like me who tend to not find many men attractive in a "I want to mate with you" kind of way. Suddenly I would be seeing hot men all around. Might be fun.
It would get quite confusing if they get really good at making this stuff and guys all over start wearing it, and you find yourself being strongly attracted to every Tyrone on the corner who you normally wouldn't give the time of day.

But maybe it would also make life easier for women like me who tend to not find many men attractive in a "I want to mate with you" kind of way. Suddenly I would be seeing hot men all around. Might be fun.

I plan to wear it on dates :yep:
I have some that I purchased at a toy/adult party, but I have not used it. I want to test it now. I have no problem turning men down:lol:
okay so riddle me this....what happens if u snag u have to wear the pheromones all the time???:ohwell:
and what if you stopped wearing them? will the guy lose interest in you since your "scent" is gone???:look:
I suppose that you could wear the pheramone to make it easier to attract men. How far you get with them would be up to you two as individuals. Its sort of like when guys have that one line that at least makes a woman pay attention.
I also heard that VS Very Sexy parfum has pheromones in it. I don't know if its true,but men seem to LOVE that scent. I remember when I still wore it,and a male coworker asked me not to use the lotion anymore at work(normally I didn't,but I couldn't find anything else that day :lol:),because he didn't like the way he was responding to it. He said "dude,you CANNOT wear that in here anymore." I laughed so hard!! :lachen:
I also heard that VS Very Sexy parfum has pheromones in it. I don't know if its true,but men seem to LOVE that scent. I remember when I still wore it,and a male coworker asked me not to use the lotion anymore at work(normally I didn't,but I couldn't find anything else that day :lol:),because he didn't like the way he was responding to it. He said "dude,you CANNOT wear that in here anymore." I laughed so hard!! :lachen:

:lol::lol: How hilarious! I may have to check out that VS scent...