^^^ yes! And women are purchasing meals and more, along with giving sex...getting little to nothing in terms of investment from the man
Somebody posted an IG video a couple of yrs ago of a dude with dreads letting women have it about this very topic.
ETA - I had to go find it
nsfw language
@biznesswmn, thanks for the link. I listened to this man and I have a few thoughts.
1. In summary, this is how men feel - "What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."
2. He speaks about women like they are objects - comparing the way a man feels about a house and a car to the way he feels about a woman. That bothers me.
3. "You see your girl being easy..." - And if you point it out, they accuse you of slut-shaming
or tell you that celibacy is oppressive.
4. I understand and appreciate his advice, I thought it was good.
However, is he in these streets telling his brethren to treat women like people? If not, this is just another version of misogyny - the one that acts like all men are born trash and it's up to a woman to make a man want to be better. Those are lies that only benefit men, IMHO. A good man will respect you no matter what. And men don't change because of a woman's behaviour - the lousy ones just modify their actions until they get what they want. That's what I think at least.
Like this Jozen fellow - he'll probably act right with the next woman, then his true nature will come out again. Meh, good luck to him.
ETA: It just sounded a lot like yet another man telling women what to do, as if men don't have a part to play. I hope he speaks this way to his homeboys.